... hmm ...

Cultivator Quest using Pathfinder in a High Magic Empire

... 🤔 ...
I recently read Forge of Destiny (and instantly regretted dropping it in the past, it's actually great) and throughout the entire quest & sequel I grew increasingly convinced that you could replace "Cultivation" with "class levels" and most of the worldbuilding would be unchanged.
And even more traditional Cultivation stuff works as long as you accept the Epic Level Handbook from 3.5 (which is stupidly OP).
Any competent group of evil overlords would compensate their servants well and treat the general population with dignity and care.

Far less expensive than putting down rebellions and warding off assassinations. Especially in a setting that produces more than enough ideological enemies.
I recently read Forge of Destiny (and instantly regretted dropping it in the past, it's actually great) and throughout the entire quest & sequel I grew increasingly convinced that you could replace "Cultivation" with "class levels" and most of the worldbuilding would be unchanged.
And even more traditional Cultivation stuff works as long as you accept the Epic Level Handbook from 3.5 (which is stupidly OP).
I never quite got FoD when I tried to read it, since all of it felt like a fanfic of a show I didn't watch. Mind, after Beware of Chicken, it might be worthwhile to give it a try again.

My idea would be not to use the Epic Level Handbook, but to basically make a Gestalt-character on the fly. Instead of taking a full class, you can advance in multiple classes step by step, and pick which benefits of the level-up you want each time. So when you cultivate Paladin to lvl 2, you can either get his BAB and HP, the save increases, Divine Grace, or Lay on Hands. Likewise, if you cultivate Sorcerer to 3, you can either the BAB and HP, the saves, the +1 Spellcaster Level or the Bloodline Ability of that level.

Unsurprisingly, some choices are pretty much no-brainers, but I still feel it would be interesting to build a character this way. Last but not least because you kinda need some martial classes in there to farm HP and Saves, instead of just taking Fullcaster levels all the time.
So do you guys have any general ideas for Trade Taxation or Public Works? Among existing characters I mean, so I'll know how many new characters I have to generate.
We have quite a few people who would make convincing tax collectors to reluctant citizens, but none that I would burden with having to organise the taxation of two continents.
That seems closer to a punishment than anything else.
Trade could be Menel, it's not like SSE is a major narrative force these days, of the sort that needs a face to interact with. Public Works... I swear I had someone interested in architecture, but I can't for the life of me recall who... maybe it was just a Viserys or Lya skill I am recalling.
The Azer might make a good pick for that role.

There are a number of people who would make a good pick for Trade. Though I guess it depends on how you want to deal with Trade with other polities as much as it does trade between different parts of the Imperium.
He did seem to have the necessary skills and temperament for it.
... hmm ...

Cultivator Quest using Pathfinder in a High Magic Empire

... 🤔 ...

Speaking of Cultivation/Xianxia and Pathfinder/D&D!

I've recently found myself some very, very interesting FanFic from SB that uses those two settings.

Dead Tired

In which a lich is tired of all the crap going on.

It's about an Ancient Lych that has awoken from his long and deep slumber and only to find his world has turned into a Cultivation-setting whilst he's asleep.

The caveat being that this Ancient Lych is a very level headed person that causes said changes after he did a One-man Deicide in the name of SCIENCE!!!

The guy heavily reminds me of Qyburn. If only Qyburn went to Lichdom instead of Psionic Chirurgeon.

Check it out. It's like a reverse Overlord.

Here's the synopsis:
A young man stumbles into a deep, lost cavern, he seeks power and prestige, the ability to become someone, anyone, worthy of praise.

When he finds an ancient crypt festooned in jewels and precious things he thinks himself the luckiest man alive.

And then the lich in that crypt wakes up and kills him.

That's me. I'm the lich. Honestly, I just want to go back to sleep, and there's no one, no 'god emperor,' sect, or uptight martial artist that's going to stop me.
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Meanwhile, I'm just happy me dropping a note of Beware of Chicken was (seemingly) not for naught :V

I'm not quite sold on the regular Xianxia stuff though, even moreso after it.
Slice of Life stories spoil me for the rest of the genre! :O
Meanwhile, I'm just happy me dropping a note of Beware of Chicken was (seemingly) not for naught :V

I'm not quite sold on the regular Xianxia stuff though, even moreso after it.
Slice of Life stories spoil me for the rest of the genre! :O
Good to see the regular abomination of your avatar is back.
Part MMMDCCXLV: An Exchange of Ideas
An Exchange of Ideas

Seventh Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC

Trade has ever been the lifeblood of the realm, since the days when all you truly had to your name was the passage through the straights and pirates who were willing to turn from wolf to shepherd for the merchantmen who dared them. True, you gained almost as much from raiding ever more far flung waters in those days, but as you knew they must, the well of enemies on the high seas has dried up and the trade across the seas had not... at least not yet.

The grim fate of Kayce, so blatantly done, makes you wonder how much longer it will be until the seas are no longer fit for passage, and in that worry you are not alone. From the Sealord to Wyla and Garin, and even to Salladhor Saan, all those who have a skill and an affinity in that matter have shared the worry, in person or by proxy. You know that more than one forethoughtful magister or lord who is already looking to the sky for the passage of goods.

Thus, whoever you name to head the Ministry of Trade has to be more than knowledgeable of the ways and winds of trade at this present hour, they must be adaptable enough to deal with all the changes that may come in trade that spans not just the oceans and roads of this world, but the passage into others besides. Three names come readily to mind, one which you had already considered for the position of Steward, and another whom you have known for years and employed in a related position for almost half that span.

Last though surely not least, there is Sur-Da, a codex archon of Yrael's folk who served a like function in the local government of Mantarys, skilled in dealing with the spirits of distant realms, able to soothe Relath's pride when such was needed, and even able to bring the Masters of Slaver's Bay to the negotiating table, though naught came of the talks for the matter of slavery hung too heavy between the parties. Still, he is not without flaw, being both a reformer in matters of not just the economy, which you would be inclined to support on the balance, but also in social matters, under the banner of 'Greater Voice to the Voices' and other propositions that would give common citizens more of a say in governing at all levels. Further, according to Yrael, like many archons Sul-Da, whose new name in this latter age means 'Light's Lament', still struggles with the Fall of Heaven and at times falls into black moods from which he is hard to rouse, though he always makes up for lost time in the end.

[] Orestor Tynko
+Trade Magnate (Skilled with Finance)
+New Man (A Firm believer in Imperial Economic Policy; Economically Liberal)
+Glad Hander (Makes friends or at least well-disposed acquaintances wherever he goes)
-Fear of the Grave (Is deathly afraid of the Undead and unlikely to work well with them)
-Old Debts (Was once a debtor of the Iron Bank, though the money has been paid there are yet those within it who do not trust him)

[] Menel Goldentooth
+Old Venturer (Skilled in dealing with odd and unusual trade partners)
+Of the Silver Serpent (Preexisting connections with by far the largest trade company in the Imperium)
+Trusted (Has been set on several difficult and dangerous missions and acquitted himself well)
-Foes in Odd Places (Has made quite a few enemies in his time as a Member of the Windward Society and few would be fooled by a new face)
-The Lesser City (Many a Braavosi magnate will see the naming of a Lorathi to the position as an affront)

[] Sul-Da
+Spirit of the Far Spheres (Able to Negotiate skillfully with Extraplanar powers)
+Peace-Maker (Can bring even hostile powers or interests to considering a common goal)
+Even Handed (Will not be seen as favoring any of the large trade interests in the realm)
-Firebrand (Very Economically and Socially Liberal)
-Dark Moods (Like many archons still struggling with the Fall of Heaven)

[] Write in

OOC: Taking these one at a time since it is hard to generate characters. The lordships should go easier since you would not have to interact as much with them.
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[X] Sul-Da

sounds good. I like his diplomancy skill and him not favouring anyone.
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An Exchange of Ideas

Seventh Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC

Trade has ever been the lifeblood of the realm, since the days when all you truly had to your name was the passage through the straights and pirates who were willing to turn from wolf to shepherd for the merchantmen who dared them. True, you gained almost as much from raiding ever more far flung waters in those days, but as you knew they must, the well of enemies on the high seas has dried up and the trade across the seas had not... at least not yet.

The grim fate of Kayce, so blatantly done, makes you wonder how much longer it will be until the seas are no longer fit for passage, and in that worry you are not alone. From the Sealord to Wyla and Garin, and even to Salladhor Saan, all those who have a skill and an affinity in that matter have shared the worry, in person or by proxy. You know that more than one forethoughtful magister or lord who is already looking to the sky for the passage of goods.

Thus, whoever you name to head the Ministry of Trade has to be more than knowledgeable of the ways and winds of trade at this present hour, they must be adaptable enough to deal with all the changes that may come in trade that spans not just the oceans and roads of this world, but the passage into others besides. Three names come readily to mind, one which you had already considered for the position of Steward, and another whom you have known for years and employed in a related position for almost half that span.

Last though surely not least, there is Sur-Da, a codex archon of Yrael's folk who served a like function in the local government of Mantarys, skilled in dealing with the spirits of distant realms, able to soothe Relath's pride when such was needed, and even able to bring the Masters of Slaver's Bay to the negotiating table, though naught came of the talks for the matter of slavery hung too heavy between the parties. Still, he is not without flaw, being both a reformer in matters of not just the economy, which you would be inclined to support on the balance, but also in social matters, under the banner of 'Greater Voice to the Voices' and other propositions that would give common citizens more of a say in governing at all levels. Further, according to Yrael, like many archons Sul-Da, whose new name in this latter age means 'Light's Lament', still struggles with the Fall of Heaven and at times falls into black moods from which he is hard to rouse, though he always makes up for lost time in the end.

[] Orestor Tynko
+Trade Magnate (Skilled with Finance)
+New Man (A Firm believer in Imperial Economic Policy; Economically Liberal)
+Glad Hander (Makes friends or at least well-disposed acquaintances wherever he goes)
-Fear of the Grave (Is deathly afraid of the Undead and unlikely to work well with them)
-Old Debts (Was once a debtor of the Iron Bank, though the money has been paid there are yet those within it who do not trust him)

[] Menel Goldentooth
+Old Venturer (Skilled in dealing with odd and unusual trade partners)
+Of the Silver Serpent (Preexisting connections with by far the largest trade company in the Imperium)
+Trusted (Has been set on several difficult and dangerous missions and acquitted himself well)
-Foes in Odd Places (Has made quite a few enemies in his time as a Member of the Windward Society and few would be fooled by a new face)
-The Lesser City (Many a Braavosi magnate will see the naming of a Lorathi to the position as an affront)

[] Sul-Da
+Spirit of the Far Spheres (Able to Negotiate skillfully with Extraplanar powers)
+Peace-Maker (Can bring even hostile powers or interests to considering a common goal)
+Even Handed (Will not be seen as favoring any of the large trade interests in the realm)
-Firebrand (Very Economically and Socially Liberal)
-Dark Moods (Like many archons still struggling with the Fall of Heaven)

[] Write in

OOC: Taking these one at a time since it is hard to generate characters. The lordships should go easier since you would not have to interact as much with them.
Made a few additional edits to the chapter, DP.
[X] Menel Goldentooth

Oresto would probably be a decent for here, too, but Menel has been with us in one capacity or another for years now and he is a good fit for this position.

The Archon has some really tempting character traits, but the periodic depression could be troublesome and I don't want to appoint Any one to such a powerful position if they're going to use it to push for more greater power and influence among the citizenry. We're already light years beyond anything else on Planetos in that regard, no need to push that any further for now, if ever.
@DragonParadox, I couldn't see where the update says who won the last vote?
It isn't even in the previous post. This is going to be confusing to anyone doing a reread, or who doesn't regularly run tallies in the thread between updates...
Those who don't read the discussion deserve the suffering!
*elitism intensifies*