Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.

*hug* Look at the bright side? You didn't have to rip up an entire campaign because a bunch of PCs decided to ignore the obvious plot hook of obviousness in favor of setting the town on fire.
That, or someone defeating the Big Bad on the very first session.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.

I'd accept if only to see the reaction from everyone about Dragon, the best tinker in the world, getting a team that has already exterminated a group of notorious villains (literally) in her payroll.

It would be like if she has a black ops team but publicly. :p
Also, as Missy demonstrated, there are Protectorate capes who view corporate capes as less important or less worthy of respect, even lower than independent capes.
I think that after their recent public coming out by killing a Fallen branch, Taylor's personal reputation as Calamity Witch and the fact that they're associating with Dragontech, there's is very little danger of them getting dismissed as 'just another corpo corporate team'...
And that's just what the public knows. Someone with access to, say, the Director-level files on their team will know that they're considered next-gen Triumvirate tier. Or at least I'm assuming that that'll be written between the lines.

edit: lol, got my Cyberpunk 2077 lingo mixed up in there. In Cyberpunk, Corpo tends to mean 'dangerous', though.
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[X] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.

That, or someone defeating the Big Bad on the very first session.
That's when you turn the dead big bad into either just a body double or the lieutenant of the actual big bad.

...might need some rapid bullshitting(also known as improv) to make that happen tho.
[X] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.

a) Beyond anything else, we need to make Taylor even more Touhou than she already is. Also, HELLZONE GRENADE~!
b) The PHO thread when Dragon reveals that she hired the girl gang that burned the heart out of the Fallen is going to be epic.
[X] Lion's Pelt – Coat yourself in an additional defensive forcefield three times as strong as your Knight Armor for 10 seconds.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Lion's Pelt – Coat yourself in an additional defensive forcefield three times as strong as your Knight Armor for 10 seconds.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.
Burning more rep with the Protectorate isn't much of a worry for me, we already have a sterling rep with Alexandria and Legend. While it would be nice to have good reps with other branches, it's not critical and we have already burnt bridges with the local one.

Plus, it's not like some random suit is asking us to join their dubious megacorp, it's one of our closest friends and allies in the cape community join her personal business. Getting under her aegis will blunt some of the empty suit talk since Dragon is a lot of things to capes but that I wouldn't say that is a big one.

It really does solve a lot of problems with one stroke plus Kayleigh becoming a darling media icon sounds like it would delight her.

[X] Barrage – Upgrade for Rust Shooter. Fire four bullets at one time. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
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That's when you turn the dead big bad into either just a body double or the lieutenant of the actual big bad.

...might need some rapid bullshitting(also known as improv) to make that happen tho.
I was thinking more about something like Friendship is Dragons, where the derailer was bullshitting so good that defeating the Big Bad in the first session made for a better story.

Alternatively something like That Guy Destroys Psionics, because nobody else managed to ever kill the Big Bad thrice in the first session.
[X] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.

That sounds like Macross Missile Massacre. I like Macross Missile Massacre.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
Next episode we'll go after the Leviathan branch of the Fallen, speedsters and cloners. Additional fireballs could be useful.
Additional fireballs are always useful

[X] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
Le sigh. Give me a minute to tear up the preliminary character sheet I made for Theo. I offer you a Breaker/Trump with five different power sets, and you turn it down. *shakes head*
I was one of those who wanted to claim him, but after reading this....
The Nazi cape keeps his eyes locked on yours. You would think him a statue except for the shudders that are running up and down his spine. The longer you watch, the stronger they get, and… You peer closer, and sure enough, you think you can see some kind of thin brown liquid pooling in the corners of his eyes. It looks like sap, which makes you wonder.

Is sap what you get when you make a boy who is made out of wood cry?
I'm kind of glad it didn't win. Keeping someone this scared of us in close proximity would almost be a form of psychological torment, and likely would have caused some issues going forward. Keeping him in Philadelphia runs a similar problem, as the heroes there aren't overly fond of Calamity, so his fears wouldn't be assuaged at all AND there'd be a high chance of us running into him again, likely on dissimilar sides, which would further entrench his trauma.
It would also have the advantage of putting Gestalt somewhere he might not want to immediately run away from. He is not comfortable at all around you, but maybe if he went down to New Orleans he would appreciate having a couple of familiar faces. You just are not sure how much New Orleans wants to play host to a third Nazi.
Putting him in New Orleans is solid. He knows Purity and Crusader from before and he would understand why Purity was willing to swap sides. Purity at least would have a positive opinion of Calamity and could maybe talk Theo around. Add to that the much lower chance that he would encounter us (and we cook him alive for his impudence) should assist in his mental recovery.
Still going to try and work in a social where we visit him and give him a Simurgh feather, see what kind of Breaker state Endbringers material would give him.
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[X] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.

Vampiric Ray for ruining some poor bastards life without killing him.
Guys do we want vampiric Ray? It's cool but, we do not want the TSAB drawing comparisons between us in the book of darkness.
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Of course we want it. If we didn't want it, we wouldn't vote for it.
Think about it from their perspective though, we have a barely controlled lost logia already in our possession and we suddenly gain The ability to dream magic from other mages? That's going to send up red flags everywhere. Heck they already have a history with the device. With this it basically becomes BOD 2.0.
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[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
Think about it from their perspective though, we have a barely controlled lost logia already in our possession and we suddenly gain The ability to dream magic from other mages? That's going to send up red flags everywhere. Heck they already have a history with the device. With this it basically becomes BOD 2.0.
Basically, we've been made a Witch-kabob once already because of a misunderstanding, why risk such again? :V
It's just a mana drain. Mana regenerates. That's a bog standard spell. The Book of Darkness thing was permanent, IIRC.

Also, they already know us. They'll give us the benefit of doubt and wait what we are going to use it for, instead of going all "Exterminate!".
The Book of Darkness thing was permanent, IIRC.
No it was not. Nanoha and Fate where not permanently weekend by that incident. Nanoha was weekend by overtraining and traumatic injury years later. The only roughly similar spell IIRC is starlight breaker which gathers leftover mana from the battlefield not from an opponents Linker Cores.
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[X] Lion's Pelt – Coat yourself in an additional defensive forcefield three times as strong as your Knight Armor for 10 seconds.
[X] Refuse – Thanks, but no thanks. You can't bear losing your independence.