about the issue of people asking un comfortable questions about the fate House Vance , mindblank only works on mortal level diviners so there would nothing stopping the seven from divining what happened to House Vance and then informing there chosen
Some people with an obvious agenda spreading such stories, which can't be proven or disproven by Divination, sound suspiciously like someone peddling anti-imperial propaganda.
Would night vision upgrades work to counter the make-the-area-dark spells that the Others like to employ?
I was thinking of making a magical searchlight which could be used to counter those kind of spells.
I suppose it could also be a type of flare which could be fired from the launchers instead though.
Not a chance. Utterdark is a 9th level Darkness spell that doesn't play around. The cost of trying to enchant something to see through that would be completely prohibitive. Better to just outright counter it with a Blinding Glory spell.
Siduri's character sheet has been updated with her level up and retraining.

I expanded her spell list significantly, which only makes sense considering that she's a five century old Wizard. Even if she hadn't spent a lot of time doing research or learning spell, just learning one per year could have given her a huge catalog of spells. This also assumes she spends a solid week some time in the coming month to learn some new 7th level spells. There's obviously a focus on Enchantment spells, but not to the exclusion of other useful magic. Her spell loadout is a balance between Enchantment spells, to take advantage of her prowess in the school of magic, and a variety of spells that can be used in situations where her Enchantment magic isn't useful for one reason or another.

This is also a huge gear upgrade, with most of it being crafted in the coming month, though there were several useful pieces which came out of the Armory (Boots of the Wide Earth, Soulfire Bracers, etc.). She's getting the standard Raiment of the Four upgrade all of our casters end up with to allow her to convert prepared spells into Magic Missile, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, and Teleport spells, which is especially helpful for her because she cannot normally cast Evocation spells. An upgrade to her robe will let her sacrifice prepared spells to use Summon Monster spells.
@DragonParadox, how much research time is needed to modify Blinding Glory to no longer blind Evil creatures?

If we can get that, we could just enchant the hulls of the major vessels to create the effect. Though an option to create just a few searchlights would be fun for purely stylistic reasons.
@DragonParadox, how much research time is needed to modify Blinding Glory to no longer blind Evil creatures?

If we can get that, we could just enchant the hulls of the major vessels to create the effect. Though an option to create just a few searchlights would be fun for purely stylistic reasons.
Lya can conduct research on 9th level spells now, so that's helpful. I'm not sure how much assistance she would be able to expect from our other people, though.

In the meantime, a Blinding Glory charm or spell used to counter an Utterdark spell wouldn't actually blind anyone in the overlapping area, since the spell effects would counter one another.
Lya can conduct research on 9th level spells now, so that's helpful. I'm not sure how much assistance she would be able to expect from our other people, though.

In the meantime, a Blinding Glory charm or spell used to counter an Utterdark spell wouldn't actually blind anyone in the overlapping area, since the spell effects would counter one another.
Then I'd say we should focus on timed triggers, so that we can fire such a charm into affected areas.
Then I'd say we should focus on timed triggers, so that we can fire such a charm into affected areas.
Remember we already have the ability to craft magical timed and proximity fuses. 5 IM for a proximity fuse and 10 IM for a timed fuse.

Isn't there an ongoing research project for purely mechanical proximity and timed fuses, though?
Siduri's character sheet has been updated with her level up and retraining.

I expanded her spell list significantly, which only makes sense considering that she's a five century old Wizard. Even if she hadn't spent a lot of time doing research or learning spell, just learning one per year could have given her a huge catalog of spells. This also assumes she spends a solid week some time in the coming month to learn some new 7th level spells. There's obviously a focus on Enchantment spells, but not to the exclusion of other useful magic. Her spell loadout is a balance between Enchantment spells, to take advantage of her prowess in the school of magic, and a variety of spells that can be used in situations where her Enchantment magic isn't useful for one reason or another.

This is also a huge gear upgrade, with most of it being crafted in the coming month, though there were several useful pieces which came out of the Armory (Boots of the Wide Earth, Soulfire Bracers, etc.). She's getting the standard Raiment of the Four upgrade all of our casters end up with to allow her to convert prepared spells into Magic Missile, Fireball, Freedom of Movement, and Teleport spells, which is especially helpful for her because she cannot normally cast Evocation spells. An upgrade to her robe will let her sacrifice prepared spells to use Summon Monster spells.
She could use a Tattoo Guardian.
@DragonParadox, do we know how Siduri reached her current age without any visible means of life-extension?
Is that normal for Tieflings? Does she have access to someone to regularly Reincarnate her into a Tiefling body? Does she have some sort of horrible devil's bargain she'd like an out from?
Or does she just regularly buy a scroll of Steal Life?
@DragonParadox, do we know how Siduri reached her current age without any visible means of life-extension?
Is that normal for Tieflings? Does she have access to someone to regularly Reincarnate her into a Tiefling body? Does she have some sort of horrible devil's bargain she'd like an out from?
Or does she just regularly buy a scroll of Steal Life?
She seems more Devil than most Tieflings, being born in Hell, having a half-Devil as parent and all that (bit like Azema).

She'd propably count as a Half-Fiend if not for mechanical reasons like more levels being better for her than the template.
@DragonParadox, do we know how Siduri reached her current age without any visible means of life-extension?
Is that normal for Tieflings? Does she have access to someone to regularly Reincarnate her into a Tiefling body? Does she have some sort of horrible devil's bargain she'd like an out from?
Or does she just regularly buy a scroll of Steal Life?

It is within the norms for tieflings close to their infernal ancestry.
She could use a Tattoo Guardian.
That'll be a 6th month project at the earliest. All of Lya's crafting capacity is dedicated to the Teleportation Chamber this month.
A set of goggles that give you line of sight nightvision would be amazing.
The absolute best Darkvision range I know of is someone using the Dragonsight spell, and that only gets you 200 feet of range for a 20th level caster.
@DragonParadox, do we know how Siduri reached her current age without any visible means of life-extension?
Is that normal for Tieflings? Does she have access to someone to regularly Reincarnate her into a Tiefling body?
I figured it was just an aspect of her Infernal heritage.
If you already give her Shadow Magic, might as well add Insidious Magic.
Enchantment and Illusion are by far at their best if nobody knows they are there.
Siduri didn't really have any room in her build for it, but that would be a great one for her if/when she reaches 15th level.

I would have it slotted in for Teana's 15th level feat, but I plan to have her start into the Shadow Adept PRC at 16th level, and it comes with the feat for free. Still might do it, then have her retrain it when she reaches 16th level.
I'd prefer it over Prodigy, I think?
That's kinda fundamental to her character, though, since it's a pretty important feat and one that can only be selected at 1st level. I would retrain Potent Enchantment before I retrained Spellcasting Prodigy. The extra 3 HD affected that it provides becomes less useful at higher levels. Maybe we'll do that when she reaches 14th level?
But we only promised to sate their lust for blood and to humble the Seven, and we've made good progress on those fronts, if not completely succeeded.

Had a bit of a question regarding the second part. Namely...is "doomed to irrelevance" enough of a humbling?

I mean, the Seven had a good run as long as their only competition was the "equally impotent" Godswoods, but this is the Age of Magic now, and what the Seven are doing just isn't enough. Clerics of all faiths are able to go to the Scholarum to share their rituals and advance their power...but the Seven haven't seemed to make any Clerics apart from their Champions. The Well of Eternity, the Sundering of the Court of Stars, the blessings of the Godswoods and R'hllor to the people of Sorcerer's Deep, all are evidence of relationships that visibly benefit both gods and empire...and the Seven weren't part of any of that. Dealing with gods is practically a matter of state at this point...and the Seven can't seem to get into the Room Where It Happens.

Danelle will return from her task to a Westeros whose cities are more likely to have a Godswood in them than a sept, Brienne of Tarth will be begging to join the Legions or the Inquisition in hopes of keeping her faith relevant, and those of the Faith will watch as other religions grow stronger in the gifts they are able to bestow on their followers while the Seven stay silent and miserly. In light of all that, does Viserys really need to bring down the hammer any further?