[X] For their defiance in the face of reason, attaint House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest. So suffer fools the fate of traitors, death and dishonor for all time.
-[X] Their keep will be raised to the ground, with only a perfunctory charge of summary execution for treason under martial law announced beforehand.
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[X] capture the escaping nobles
[X] have both lord Vance and his adult sons executed as traitors , there house attained of all lands , rights , privileges and noble states
[X] have their castle emptied and then reduced to a ruin with steam cannons

that should tide over the old god's need for vengeance porn for a while
One branch surrendered and one branch did not. We can certainly execute one branch here and now. No problem but I am not sure it will be enough to tide the desire of blood
One branch surrendered and one branch did not. We can certainly execute one branch here and now. No problem but I am not sure it will be enough to tide the desire of blood
Hard to say if it would have been possible. But we only promised to sate their lust for blood and to humble the Seven, and we've made good progress on those fronts, if not completely succeeded. We can certainly play the long game and feed them both things over time.

After all, we didn't pin down a time frame for that pact, only that we would see it happen.
You know, I wish our flying vessels had giant floodlights, possibly integrated into a tractor beam (or at least a beam of reversed gravity). Nothing says "found you!" like suddenly being lit up by a massive light from above.

This would also come in handy while kidnapping people, of course. What sort of space-capable vessel snatches people without a bright light pulling them into the sky?
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[X] Track them with Three Eyed Ravens and send a message back to SD.
-[X] Deploy a Lindworm with a Greater Bloodclot Mold and 10x Snatching Terrors with Greater Bloodclot Molds to capture them. Have them protected by Mindblank by Nirah so that nobody can later ask questions.
-[X] Declare House Vance of Wayfarers Rest to be traitors against the realm and all their titles forfeit.

Let the Old Gods decide their fate.
You know, I wish out flying vessels had giant floodlights, possibly integrated into a tractor beam (or at least a beam of reversed gravity). Nothing says "found you!" like suddenly being lit up by a massive light from above.

This would also come in handy while kidnapping people, of course. What sort of space-capable vessel snatches people without a bright light pulling them into the sky?
Only if we also mutilate cows and draw patterns in crops.
[X] Azel

Let the OGs have some fun with these fools. I'm sure they've got thousands of years worth of enmity to work out on them...
You know, I wish out flying vessels had giant floodlights, possibly integrated into a tractor beam (or at least a beam of reversed gravity). Nothing says "found you!" like suddenly being lit up by a massive light from above.

This would also come in handy while kidnapping people, of course. What sort of space-capable vessel snatches people without a bright light pulling them into the sky?
Targeting Ray + Enemy Hammer would accomplish that nicely, though it would be a very expensive upgrade.
[X] Azel

Does the Imperium have anything like a searchlight we could equip on our vessels?
I figured they could be useful for night battles.
Searchlights have the big problem that they might highlight the enemy when used properly, but will always highlight you.

I'm more interested in better night vision upgrades.
[X] Track them with Three Eyed Ravens and send a message back to SD.
-[X] Deploy a Lindworm with a Greater Bloodclot Mold and 10x Snatching Terrors with Greater Bloodclot Molds to capture them. Have them protected by Mindblank by Nirah so that nobody can later ask questions.
-[X] Declare House Vance of Wayfarers Rest to be traitors against the realm and all their titles forfeit.

Let the Old Gods decide their fate.

about the issue of people asking un comfortable questions about the fate House Vance , mindblank only works on mortal level diviners so there would nothing stopping the seven from divining what happened to House Vance and then informing there chosen
Searchlights have the big problem that they might highlight the enemy when used properly, but will always highlight you.

I'm more interested in better night vision upgrades.
Would night vision upgrades work to counter the make-the-area-dark spells that the Others like to employ?
I was thinking of making a magical searchlight which could be used to counter those kind of spells.
I suppose it could also be a type of flare which could be fired from the launchers instead though.