A House Divided
Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC
Atranta had seen the flights of dragons before, even mighty Vermithor some two centuries past, but the keep had not seen such as the Gladius in its skies and its lord knew this as he knew his own name. Walls would not ward off this weapon of the Dragon, nor the hollow promises of the Lannisters and their collared wizards. The last card had been dealt, the game was over and House Vance of Atranta had come out with a losing hand.
Who was he trying to fool? Himself? It was almost an empty hand. They had barely been playing. The most Lord Norbert had managed to do to the Dragon's men had been to hang a couple of smallfolk who were sheltering brigands. At the end of the day, King Viserys, or whatever he styled himself as these days, would understand that the had only done what he could to advance the influence of his house, he was sure of it, or so at least he tried to tell himself, ignoring the whispers of foul rites and blood sacifice as he ordered the men to lower the banner atop the north tower.
It was with a leaden heart that he climbed aboard the strange contraption and hoped to the Seven that he would not have to set eyes on some tattered brigand 'knight' and have to swallow his pride to give him the courtesy.
Many leagues west and a little south of Atranta at Wayfarer's Rest, another lord was considering his options in light of the unnatural shapes hanging in the sky and the uncompromising calls for surrender and placing himself at the judgement of a man he could not trust, if man you could indeed even call what Viserys Targaryen had become. The madness not of King Aerys, but of Prince Aerion made real and manifest upon the world.
Steffon's son Karyl was here, sharing in the fearful moment as was his bride looking fierce and determined as Steffon had ever seen her. His granddaughters yet slept, unknowing of the peril that floated over their heads, for what could they know, counting nine and ten years between the three of them. Yet the decision he would make tonight would dictate their fates as much as it would any other of the House. It could damn them or it could save them, and none but the Seven knew what it would be. "I would pray for mercy, but I think the Father would scoff at a man of my years dithering," he jested. "So better instead to pray for courage from the Warrior."
"We fight then?"Karyl asked, looking every bit the man going to the gallows, and not without cause.
"Fight?" Steffon asked, shaking his head in sadness. "With what? Thrown rocks? Maybe if we had taken the Lannister offer, but now there is no choice but to ride west across the mountains and hope that..."
"Tywin Lannister can fight half the world by pissing in the wind?" the scathing question from his son's young bride was enough to make the room fall into silence.
"Far be it from me to question the honor of House Vypren, my lady, but Vances do not bend their knees to any tyrant with a flaming brand," Steffon bit off. "So it was in the days of our forefathers and so it will be again." Turning to his son, he added, "Perhaps it is best to take your wife away and get the girls ready to ride. We still have some time before the sky ship fires its 'warning', and Septon Arem will try to buy us time afterwards."
Flight into the night was a common enough tactic in times of trial and tribulation, but to the eyes of the false ravens that were abroad that night their attempted escape might as well have been accompanied by banners and trumpets.
How does the Spatha react to the attempted escape by Lord Vance and his family?
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OOC: This will be the last update for today unfortunately. I did not have a productive writing day. Not yet edited.