Do not forget that Westeros is a land of giant castles, so there may be towers of a larger size. Here's an example of Winterfell which may intentionally be the largest used castle in Westeros, but it's still a good example.Bigger actually, unless you have really, really big towers on your fortress.
Have this handy chart:
No Praetori on board. At least not enough to assault a keep.
Order of things would be the ultimatum for Seaguard the Legion Gating to Pinkmaiden for a loose siege. Once Seagurd has surrendered or been destroyed by the Manticores, they would fly over to Pinkmaiden.[X] Accept Bryce Caron's offer to intercede with his fellow lord so that he will be less intransigent.
[X] Switch Perspective
-[X] Establishing control over the Riverlands
Do not forget that Westeros is a land of giant castles, so there may be towers of a larger size. Here's an example of Winterfell which may intentionally be the largest used castle in Westeros, but it's still a good example.
[X] Accept Bryce Caron's offer to intercede with his fellow lord so that he will be less intransigent.
[X] Switch Perspective
-[X] Establishing control over the Riverlands
As I imagined myself, someone who managed to build a Wall would easily build Winterfell from the video. Well, then the secrets of construction and rune magic spread throughout Westeros. So I always imagined castles to be unimaginably huge.It varies wildly between depictions and I doubt that any of the castles we visited, except for the Eyrie, is the size of one of those mega-castles.
Do not forget that Westeros is a land of giant castles, so there may be towers of a larger size. Here's an example of Winterfell which may intentionally be the largest used castle in Westeros, but it's still a good example.
[X] Accept Bryce Caron's offer to intercede with his fellow lord so that he will be less intransigent.
[X] Switch Perspective
-[X] Establishing control over the Riverlands
Just one wordWe've also got Harrenhal, which quite frankly should collapse under its own weight but somehow doesn't. It's a staple of the setting that westerosi architecture is a bit too big to make sense.
But can Bran the Builder fix it?Most castles are not overtly magical though. Only the ones made by Bran the Builder.
I agree that most castles do not have magic in them and can not boast of huge sizes. But I don't think that ALL the great castles were built by Brandon the Builder. I always imagined that he had disciples, followers, and imitators. And he himself had to learn from someone. I don't believe that one person, even a ten-level myth, can build ALL the famous castles of Westeros.Most castles are not overtly magical though. Only the ones made by Bran the Builder.
He made Winterfell and Storms End.I agree that most castles do not have magic in them and can not boast of huge sizes. But I don't think that ALL the great castles were built by Brandon the Builder. I always imagined that he had disciples, followers, and imitators. And he himself had to learn from someone. I don't believe that one person, even a ten-level myth, can build ALL the famous castles of Westeros.
Which is why Harrenhal makes no sense to me.Most castles are not overtly magical though. Only the ones made by Bran the Builder.
Reminder here that Martin said the wall looked too big in the show and they told him they already had made it smaller.Which is why Harrenhal makes no sense to me.
That thing should have cracked the earth and crushed a piece of the Underdark.
The Eyrie is of Andal make, though it can somewhat compare in megalomania, but let me go on the record to state that the book version is ugly as sin.
The Eyrie is described as seven slim, white towers.![]()
That ain't too bad...I mean even that's not the best looking castle, I suppose.
I think any rendition of the Eyrie is mostly getting across the MASSIVE hypocritical hubris and ego involved with enslaving the indigenous population despite your holy book preaching against exactly that, and having escaped from the empire of rampant slavers, and building a castle in the most excruciatingly difficult and impractical place possible with aforementioned slave labor.