The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] Kumi of Seventh Circle, who is operating some form of construct that is surveying the Heart.

If we ever want to build a replacement for our map charm, seeing how other charms gather information would be pretty useful.
Another charm idea! However, this time it is not something that we can make out of available resources. It... would probably take some very specialty mats to make something like this.

Bell of Silenced Disaster (Bell)
Traveler Charm (??)

Walking a path of Time has been described as unwise, for the traveler and those around them. But there are those who still choose to walk it, and this bell hopes to ease the potential consequences of that decision. Small and made of a strange gold alloy, this bell will toll with an unexpectedly deep sound when it predicts disaster is near. Additionally, the tolling of the bell will silence all music to those who hear it, for reasons only a few know of.

So the idea of this charm is to construct something that can observe the fluctuations of the strange alien anam that seems connected to the Symphony-in-Rags, both in the present and in the future. Should that strange anam become agitated to a proscribed degree, the bell will begin to toll as a warning and as, hopefully, a way to stop people from hearing the Symphony-in-Rags. While it is unlikely to be effective in actually stopping the disaster from occurring, a thrown pebble, at the right time, can be enough to divert the raging course of history to a more palatable outcome.
"in his usual clear and ambivalent manner, "

KZ doing good on phrasing, proud of my boi.

"Perhaps," he answers. "Either way, let us assume that it is true."

top kek, Keep in mind our rival's story was literally "My task had me take out an annoyin' snake that wouldn't leave anyone alone. It never showed up unless it thought I was sleepin', but I got it anyways."

Need an omake from the others' perspective, as each of our choices in the quest is turned into a 5 paragraph monologue with all party's views explained. "Oh Elders, he's about to list all the freaking ingredients..."

"Below that are rows of silk finery, each item of clothing more insubstantial than the last."

There's a xanxia lingerie cabinet. I am amused. Clearly we will need to infiltrate a harem at some point in the future.

"it is brought to the Caretakers. It is brought to us."

We are a Caretaker of the Sect. Excellent.

Between being girl shaped, having a construct mentioned in her entry and having enjoyed our story I can't possibly imagine anyone other than Kumi winning an SV vote, but I'll fling my usual defiance in the face of the inevitable. I really think we could take a page from a laconic NPC, after that embarrassment.

[X] Jetei of the Fifth Circle, who is preparing to leave the Warren to complete a mission.
[X] Kumi of Seventh Circle, who is operating some form of construct that is surveying the Heart.

She actually liked our story. Clearly we must examine this strange alien creature further to determine how that was possible.
Between being girl shaped, having a construct mentioned in her entry and having enjoyed our story I can't possibly imagine anyone other than Kumi winning an SV vote[...]
Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right!

[X] Kumi of Seventh Circle, who is operating some form of construct that is surveying the Heart.

...okay, maybe you're right and correct.
Just one quick note because I want the cut bad blood out before it has a chance to start. A construct is not necessarily a charm. There are other, non charm ways to form them, mostly involving techniques.

Also, here, have a tally!
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Jan 16, 2021 at 2:30 PM, finished with 48 posts and 41 votes.
Ves's recent pronouncement pushes me over to the other side, though I still wouldn't mind too much if Kumi won.

[x] Sima Tun of the Sixth Circle, who is reviewing information on a future target.
[X] Kumi of Seventh Circle, who is operating some form of construct that is surveying the Heart.

Being the lowest ranked, Kumi is likely to end up being more like a peer than a boss/superior, so making sure we know how she operates and can get along with her decently is kinda important.

Also, surveying is really just another word for exploring - so I would not at all mind tagging along and maybe mooching a share of the loot.
[X] Jetei of the Fifth Circle, who is preparing to leave the Warren to complete a mission.

I kind of want to see what kind of mission a Fifth Circle member would take.
[X] Jetei of the Fifth Circle, who is preparing to leave the Warren to complete a mission.