Eyeglasses of True Sight:
While worn these glasses grant a constant True Seeing effect, whoever by some flaw in their making the glasses remain as fragile and easy to remove as glasses tend to be. Whenever the wearer takes 30 or more damage in one round or suffers a critical hit, they must make a DC 15 Reflex save or loose the glasses, after which they take normal falling damage depending on the fallen height (they have 5 HP, Hardness 5).
Just to note, these are intended for an Aboleth's eye-arrangement, so either they have to be reworked a bit or Qyburn has to walk around with a really strange face to wear them.

Also, @Azel the Agile Template is how it got the increased number of actions per round, also with some Temporal Acceleration to drop those delayed spells.
@Goldfish, one last push, please.
We have one tail to tie off. Need your proficiency to alpha-strike whatever he's got there in the time-tunnel.

[] Plan: "Back to the Future"
-[] Go and spring the Omnipath's trap. It is the only active element (you're aware of) you've to eliminate in this scheme.
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Well, we got the squid, now let's see if we can tie up the rest our the loose ends. At least we do not have a chronomancer our for our blood.
Aboleth Chronomancer: "Aha, they weren't expecting my escape plan. Now all I'll have to do is do some research, find out where these jackasses were born, and then I'll-

W8 just a moment.

We didn't even use (the remains of) Tiamat's power in the Well, did we?

...m'kay, might be getting hyped too son, we haven't harvested the Drowny's power yet either.

It might come to sucking it into the Well of Eternity, for all we know, the rephrased oaths make it possible for us to overtake, not gets us an energy field on it's own.
Just to note, these are intended for an Aboleth's eye-arrangement, so either they have to be reworked a bit or Qyburn has to walk around with a really strange face to wear them.
Because his regular face is oh so normal. :V
W8 just a moment.

We didn't even use (the remains of) Tiamat's power in the Well, did we?

...m'kay, might be getting hyped too son, we haven't harvested the Drowny's power yet either.

It might come to sucking it into the Well of Eternity, for all we know, the rephrased oaths make it possible for us to overtake, not gets us an energy field on it's own.
We will get the tasty, tasty energy field when the Ironborn swear to us, thus fulfilling the ancient oath and rededicating everything to the Stillborn God.

On Abberations in the Flesh Forge: We worked on and can create Mimics in Gogossos, which are Abberations too. Likewise, Xor was summoned to Lys as a specimen for experiments.

It's safe to do. Qohor will just be better equipped for Abberation work, since that's what they did for centuries. It also might have neat templates like Eldritch.

On loot: @Goldfish, I'd use the Mindblank item for Qyburn since he is the only one immune to the effects of the Bilestone.
...Whatever, now might not be the best time, but I'll post regardless as I gtg for a while.

Y'all, I need help here. Imperial Deity stuff.
@Azel seems like the go-to, but anyone else with any idea of how Imperial Deity's make-up is supposed to be are welcome too.

I am confused.

1) We got the remains of Anu-Simung's Demiplane.
That circumvents us making one for the Imperial Deity from the ground up, but we still have an RA to repair, re-wire, and make it more secure.
[] Layered Demiplane Research: It is possible to create demiplanes with more than one layer, allowing for layered defenses for the Imperial Dream as well as specialized aspects that would make transmutation of souls more
Question: is that the end-point of the RA-line, or do we want to research further after this one is done, and what to research for, if so?

2) We have researched the Imperial Steel with Meraxes' help. Now we gotta research what we can do to turn it into proper foci for the I!Deity.
[] Forging Paths of the Divine: Imperial Steel, creation of Meraxes, may just end up being far more than just an empowered version of the Valyrian creation. Explore the necessary requirements for the material to carry energy and signals - as it may be the only material viable to create the physical base of the "Imperial Deity".
(Progress: 50 Cost: 200,000 IM)
Question: are we expecting this to be a singular research action to make the foci, or that we'd have to delve into the topic with further ones, to make analogs to Heart Trees/Valyrian Pillars/etc?
I am not fully understanding/remembering year-old RA results, to see how different our plans are, for example, from the way Heart Trees work.

3) We've also learned what makes Heart Trees tick the way they do for OGs and how they connect between each-other making up Green Dream.
...I think.
It's been a while since that one.
[] The Tree Connection: While the Old Gods gave you what they remember about their beginning, the knowledge retained within the first dreams is still vague and hard to grasp for mortal minds. However, by examining the magic imbued in a Heart Tree both in the physical and other planes, you might be able to deepen your understanding of their true nature. It will be slow work though, as you can hardly take a tree apart for dissection. (Progress: 30, Cost: 50,000 IM)

Follow-up pending - when the other 2 are complete
Question: Do we actually have anything left to research on that front?
(The "follow-up pending" was before such turning moments as Drowny being turned into a battery and looting Anu's demiplane)
Do we still have anything worthwhile the effort to gain from looking deeper into the way Heart Trees tick?

4) We've started working on Dreamscaping, as to have a mirroring network of foci (linked to the Imperial Steel ones) running through the Dreamlands, allowing for...
[] Dreamscaping: The realm of dreams is an odd thing, shaped by the minds of mortals and shaping them in return, though some beings such as Yss have shown you that it can be altered in more direct ways. You will need to learn about such shaping before you can hope to leverage the dreamscape for your grand work. (Progress: 20, requires Dany, progress added by other characters is halved)

[] Dreamscaping II: Having created a beacon in the dreamlands now you must consider how one might build a road that will endure the ever-shifting paths of that realm (25 Progress)
[] Dreamshaping Cost Reduction: Shaping the dream is technically possible, it is also ruinously expansive with current methods. That can change with more studies.
(Progress 40 Cost 10,000)

[] Dreamshaping Hardening: There isn't much point is creating dreamlands infrastructure if the denizens can tear it down with ease. Work on hardening the construction.
(Progress 50 Cost 60,000)
Question: allowing for what, exactly?
Aside from allowing the Imperial Deity to be metaphysically intertwined with reality and dreamland-copy of said reality, what's that doing?

Is it going to secure our citizens' souls naturally and offload them into the Demiplane on-death?
Is it going to "pull the Yss" and ward away Dreamlands/Astral predators?

I'm genuinely not sure on what exactly we are doing with every step here.

5) We've got Fey rituals to try and... something-something, have Imperial Deity's worship acts be natural things like bureocracy and army service, something-something...
[] Tying the rituals of Administration into Imperial Deity base
(Progress: 0/30 Progress – TIERED RESEARCH; Tier 1)

-[] Project Distilling Dreams: The Rituals Naria discovered produce divine power but not in any usable form, distill it to something that can be stored and used
(Progress 60 Cost 120,000 IM)
Question: I am straight up not getting what this RA did for us, and how much longer do we have to go until we have our "client-side" Imperial deity base ready.
Just this RA? Any further ones?

6) Starting up the Imperial Deity.
Question: How?
Assuming all else is done, how do we connect it all together?

Also, just to try and understand, the elements of Imperial Deity from what I am getting so far:

[1] 'Client-side' rituals, so that serving in army, doing papers, being law-abiding, etc. - all counts as rites of service, all allows for "Worship"-energy to fill the Imperial Deity up. And makes the souls naturally gravitate to Imperial Dream instead of Limbo.

[2] Material side: Imperial Steel nodes, Imperial Palace as the central one - acr as an analog to Heart Trees(?)

[3] Dreamlands side - congested and wrangled Dream-stuff bound to equivalent Imperial Steel on the material side, stabilizing the Dreamlands and binding the Imperial Deity to it (???)

[4] Demi-plane side: an unassailable fortress-plane, also analogous to Green Dream of the OGs.
-[4.1] We're also planning to set up a system allowing the petitiner-souls to either stay in it, or go to their chosen Imperial Panteon's Deity's afterlife (currently: Yss, Zathir, Old Gods, Ferryman, Storm Father, Earth Mother, R'hllor, The Goddess of the Silver Moon, The Weeping Lady).
(We'll probably hash out with all other, non-Panteon Gods that the followers are free to go to theirs as well. Just leave an escort figure near our plane's gates, and if the soils want to go... we'll let them. Bottom line, it's way easier and a surefire way than grabbing soils out of Limbo.)

[5] Pantheon-side: all of the Gods we are friendly with, agree to:
- have the worshippers souls automatically sent to Imperial Dream (just a formality actually, that'd happen on it's own once it runs), retrieved to theirs at worshipper's desire.
- help defend the Imperial Dream/Deity metaphysically.
- agree to not be asshlles to each-other, some basic Pantheon rules needed there.
Get to:

- not waste effort grabbing worshuppers' souls from Limbo.
- have a steady trickle of energy from Imperial Deity, wih no pesky "change in what Deity is from the worshippers' belief" as it is technically just a fuck-huge battery or [WORSHIP].

Question: Did I miss any part here?
That Crystal of Time Regression is a thing of absolute beauty. Ordinarily, I'd be salivating at the chance to, perhaps, get some of those for ourselves. In quantity, even. But, and it staggers me that I'm saying this, it might be...

...too cheesy. Good Lord, that hurt to say. I need a minute.
...Whatever, now might not be the best time, but I'll post regardless as I gtg for a while.

Y'all, I need help here. Imperial Deity stuff.
@Azel seems like the go-to, but anyone else with any idea of how Imperial Deity's make-up is supposed to be are welcome too.

I am confused.

1) We got the remains of Anu-Simung's Demiplane.
That circumvents us making one for the Imperial Deity from the ground up, but we still have an RA to repair, re-wire, and make it more secure.

Question: is that the end-point of the RA-line, or do we want to research further after this one is done, and what to research for, if so?

2) We have researched the Imperial Steel with Meraxes' help. Now we gotta research what we can do to turn it into proper foci for the I!Deity.

Question: are we expecting this to be a singular research action to make the foci, or that we'd have to delve into the topic with further ones, to make analogs to Heart Trees/Valyrian Pillars/etc?
I am not fully understanding/remembering year-old RA results, to see how different our plans are, for example, from the way Heart Trees work.

3) We've also learned what makes Heart Trees tick the way they do for OGs and how they connect between each-other making up Green Dream.
...I think.
It's been a while since that one.
Question: Do we actually have anything left to research on that front?
(The "follow-up pending" was before such turning moments as Drowny being turned into a battery and looting Anu's demiplane)
Do we still have anything worthwhile the effort to gain from looking deeper into the way Heart Trees tick?

4) We've started working on Dreamscaping, as to have a mirroring network of foci (linked to the Imperial Steel ones) running through the Dreamlands, allowing for...

Question: allowing for what, exactly?
Aside from allowing the Imperial Deity to be metaphysically intertwined with reality and dreamland-copy of said reality, what's that doing?

Is it going to secure our citizens' souls naturally and offload them into the Demiplane on-death?
Is it going to "pull the Yss" and ward away Dreamlands/Astral predators?

I'm genuinely not sure on what exactly we are doing with every step here.

5) We've got Fey rituals to try and... something-something, have Imperial Deity's worship acts be natural things like bureocracy and army service, something-something...

Question: I am straight up not getting what this RA did for us, and how much longer do we have to go until we have our "client-side" Imperial deity base ready.
Just this RA? Any further ones?

6) Starting up the Imperial Deity.
Question: How?
Assuming all else is done, how do we connect it all together?

Also, just to try and understand, the elements of Imperial Deity from what I am getting so far:

[1] 'Client-side' rituals, so that serving in army, doing papers, being law-abiding, etc. - all counts as rites of service, all allows for "Worship"-energy to fill the Imperial Deity up. And makes the souls naturally gravitate to Imperial Dream instead of Limbo.

[2] Material side: Imperial Steel nodes, Imperial Palace as the central one - acr as an analog to Heart Trees(?)

[3] Dreamlands side - congested and wrangled Dream-stuff bound to equivalent Imperial Steel on the material side, stabilizing the Dreamlands and binding the Imperial Deity to it (???)

[4] Demi-plane side: an unassailable fortress-plane, also analogous to Green Dream of the OGs.
-[4.1] We're also planning to set up a system allowing the petitiner-souls to either stay in it, or go to their chosen Imperial Panteon's Deity's afterlife (currently: Yss, Zathir, Old Gods, Ferryman, Storm Father, Earth Mother, R'hllor, The Goddess of the Silver Moon, The Weeping Lady).
(We'll probably hash out with all other, non-Panteon Gods that the followers are free to go to theirs as well. Just leave an escort figure near our plane's gates, and if the soils want to go... we'll let them. Bottom line, it's way easier and a surefire way than grabbing soils out of Limbo.)

[5] Pantheon-side: all of the Gods we are friendly with, agree to:
- have the worshippers souls automatically sent to Imperial Dream (just a formality actually, that'd happen on it's own once it runs), retrieved to theirs at worshipper's desire.
- help defend the Imperial Dream/Deity metaphysically.
- agree to not be asshlles to each-other, some basic Pantheon rules needed there.
Get to:

- not waste effort grabbing worshuppers' souls from Limbo.
- have a steady trickle of energy from Imperial Deity, wih no pesky "change in what Deity is from the worshippers' belief" as it is technically just a fuck-huge battery or [WORSHIP].

Question: Did I miss any part here?
I'll look over this later.
[X] Plan: "Back to the Future"
[X] The time runs short, calming the Ironborn and conducting the ritual that had your 'past' selves Divine the Aboleth and fail, takes to finish barely longer than a dozen minutes after it fleeing the battle.
-[X] Prepare to go back into the time-stream... and spring the Omnipath's trap, if any is still there.
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I was hoping for a bit more of an explanation of how exactly we time-traveled this time.

IIRC we went back the first time by "riding" the effects of a massive ritual which rippled through time by going down deep into the earth where the ritual was nested - and the deeper we went, the closer we got to the ritual itself both in space and in time. Then we passed through the Drowned God's almost-underworld, did our own ritual shenanigans to fuck with the Deep One ritual, and then emerged back on the surface in the time of the ritual and not in our time.
  • Unrelated question: did we go "up" (from our perspective) to reach the surface Material Plane Iron Islands? Or did we go even deeper into the Drowned God's almost-underworld and then reach the Prime Material Plane again?
I'd assumed that this was because we'd passed through the almost-underworld and done our own ritual bullshit and had managed our own navigation of the magic bullshit.

But how did we pop back a few hours/days into the past for this latest ambush? Did we just go for a very short jaunt beneath the ground to go slightly back through time? Did we somehow detect, manipulate and/or navigate the threads of this massive ritual again?
I presume that this last question is correct - but maybe we could have some in-story indication of how we did it? Did we use spells that let us see magic directly and then manipulate the ritual ourselves with our ritual lore? Did we use context clues and/or any visible ritual setups to figure out how this ritual was working? Did we use some sort of spell?
That Crystal of Time Regression is a thing of absolute beauty. Ordinarily, I'd be salivating at the chance to, perhaps, get some of those for ourselves. In quantity, even. But, and it staggers me that I'm saying this, it might be...

...too cheesy. Good Lord, that hurt to say. I need a minute.

Jokes aside, there should be limits to the cheese. No one likes a munchkin after all.

Now optimization is a different matter, no one minds becoming a more efficient killing machine, it's when a body becomes a prick about it that issues start cropping up.

Jokes aside, there should be limits to the cheese. No one likes a munchkin after all.

Now optimization is a different matter, no one minds becoming a more efficient killing machine, it's when a body becomes a prick about it that issues start cropping up.
True that. Overt over-the-top munchkinry gets under my skin in a big way. I could see our party possessing, like, one of these. Useful as a disaster repellent. But in quantity? Might as well call it a Crystal of Save-Scumming and have done.