'History will remember the 205 birthday of Marguerite de l'Esclat, a much loved, in many senses, diplomat among the damsels as the greatest gathering of magical focus in the recorded history of the old worldBetween herself and the whole pile of wizards, representing six of the other colleges, this seems like it might be one of the biggest concentrations of spell power in history. So I worry that dividing her attention would end badly even if one of the wizards wasn't potentially a face eating monster from hell , and even if she wasn't walking into a place where magic and the laws of physics might start to behave in new and exciting ways.
I'm my primary reason is: "get some more humans on the council as due to political reasons they are going to be less beholden to the overall leader than all the dwarve leaders are, so it is more likely that we will be able to get them to add their voices to ours when it comes to discussion[1] and voting[2] if needed"
[1]Something hoping about languages
[2] If that's relevant at any point, or even the impression of 'voting', - a visual reminder of numbers if anarchy happens if the main dude goes slayer
A: We only get so many actions, so the more we try to manage the worse we are just due to split attention. The knights are the ones most likely to represent themselves well without friction.
Also, these are two knightly orders who came on this expedition because they love throwing themselves into combat with chaos. Why do people think that "the humans" are going to go more towards Mathilde's side than Borek's side? Your efforts to add more voices may be adding more voices in favor of taking chances Mathilde doesn't want to take and risks she thinks don't need to be risked.
@Phalfpipe was correct.Also, it's actually 7 colleges that are being represented here.
Emphasis mine. Six of the other colleges.
Two things for me. First, it makes us have a weird amount of control. We become in charge of cavalry and magic, but not in charge of everything, which puts us in an awkward coordination spot.
A and B are essencially the same issue and one that Boney calls out in the update so fair enough. Just different priorities I guess. C won't really change how many characters we speak to since only the commanders of the knights have names or faces.[x] Lead the Wizards and Asarnil
A: We only get so many actions, so the more we try to manage the worse we are just due to split attention. The knights are the ones most likely to represent themselves well without friction.
B: Commanding hundreds of people is a different responsibility than commanding a dozen or so elites and may interfere with Mathilde working away from the caravan (scouting, assassinating, the ice witch fetch quest etc.)
C: The Wizards and Asarnil are characters we know or want to keep an eye on, while the knights are largely a blob of units we are less likely to interact with once the expedition is done.
The update specifically notes that they worked well with *Belegar* but that Borek is no Belegar.Anyway, I'm not interested in leading the knights because these are two knightly orders that have already proven themselves in "can be directed by dwarves." I'd rather spend our efforts managing the less-proven factors.
being in charge of all the imperial auxillery forces at once is actually really normal and so is a wizard lord (or a Thane for that matter) commanding an army. Indeed, having a Dwarfen Thane who is also an imperial commanding the imperial auxillery forces is *ideal* by tradition metrics.Two things for me. First, it makes us have a weird amount of control. We become in charge of cavalry and magic, but not in charge of everything, which puts us in an awkward coordination spot.
The other big issue is that I really want both of the human leaders on the Council, to give us additional influence to bear on Borek.
Very very poorly worded on my part. Was trying to imply '(a very minor amount of) additional social pressure' from seeing other people around the table agreeing with Mathilde's positions.You make it sound like decision making will happen by democratic vote but that's not how things will play out. Adding more voices to the discussion table doesn't mean the human forces get more control and probably means the opposite if there are language barrier issues.
Because they are not likely to be suicidal like we worry Borek might become. They want to fight chaos yes, but there's no point wasting lives fighting chaos followers in the wastes for its own sake. From the position of the knight companies... what would suiciding at chaos follower band #352 accomplish if chances are that said band will be destroyed or absorbed in the next year?Also, these are two knightly orders who came on this expedition because they love throwing themselves into combat with chaos. Why do people think that "the humans" are going to go more towards Mathilde's side than Borek's side? Your efforts to add more voices may be adding more voices in favor of taking chances Mathilde doesn't want to take and risks she thinks don't need to be risked.
Very very poorly worded on my part. Was trying to imply '(a very minor amount of) additional social pressure' from seeing other people around the table agreeing with Mathilde's positions.
My read is that outside of a direct hierarchy that a given dwarf is part of, siad given dwarf would be more resistant to this than an IRL human... but resistance is not immunity.
Not him. Literally all the other dwarves on whatever council thingy is formed except for him.I think you have a drastic misread of what motivates Borek if you think Social pressure will matter in the slightest here. This entire expedition wouldn't exist if Borek was even slightly influencable by social pressure given the crucible that is the history of how this expedition came to be I think it's completely pointless to try and go that route with him. Persuasive argument has a chance, carefully stacking the deck and how information is presented to push him to make decisions that are 'sensible' could influence him. Peer pressure will do little to nothing.
That's my read of the situation we have with Borek. Adding another human voice wont help.
Our faction (of not being stupid idiots and trying to hold on to the Karak) is the thing almost anyone would take, so us needing complete control isn't necessary.While having another voice on the council actually weakens our position. If we control half the expidition then Borek has to listen to us and it gives us more legitimancy to challenge his descisions. On the other hand if we only a controll a few specialists then we would face a harder time dictating policy.
It is very likely that effectively directing the knights would require being in different places than effectively directing wizards.
Keep in mind the main group for infantry here are Slayers.