I think we should also lead Arsanil, to the extent that one can 'lead' a Calandorian Dragon Prince simply because otherwise I don't think he is good about taking advice from dwarfs.
Hm, on the other hand, they're apparently willing to modify or bulk up a landship just to be able to carry his dragon... Maybe they're willing or able to work with him?
I really wish we could have the opportunity to talk with Asarnil (and the Knightly Orders, for that matter) before deciding first...
... I think we may want to take command over the Wizards
only. The Knights are here for the call of glory, to fight that ancient foe of the Empire, Chaos. On the other hand, maybe they'd be cool with somebody handling talking to the Dwarfs -- especially as Mathilde is a Dwarf friend
and knows their language... and is basically the reason they're there. And Asarnil is... I dunno.
Actually. If we assume command over him...
can we back it up? Or are we going to be making it clear that we're representing Asarnil rather than his exact superior because he's an Elf with a freaking Dragon...
... Also, Borek is the one paying him. Not Mathilde. Hrhm.
[X] Lead only the Wizards
Preliminary vote for this one, for now.