Totally Not Creating Problems Where None Existed
- Location
- Russia
He may have been bitten by Goldfish, thenAsha Greyjoy doesn't have her own magic as far as I was aware. Are you sure DP didn't misunderstand who you were talking about?

I was pretty clear there:
I dont exactly need the _full_ sheets for Aisha, Riz'Neth, Melisande and Yurten.
The levels are needed just to roughly judge their firepower/survivability ratio for when we'll be assigning them somewhere.
Ah I see:
- Aisha is a lvl 7 Warlock
- Riz'Neth is a level 14 Sorcerer (who punches somewhat above his weight class because he gets and extra set of actions)
- Yrten is a level 13 fighter (he likes to stay with his ship)
- Melisandre is dual caster (mystery and divine magic) with a combined HD of 17 but she does not get into the max spells on either because you slow down spell progress to multi-class.