[X][FEUD] Pitch a Hail Mary and see if they'll listen to you if you try to mediate their disputes.
Prompts a roll, DC 43.
I would need more information but anyone that calls them soviet anything is not good in my books the bolshevism is a failed attempt at communism only allowing tyrants to take the wheel of government and labour from the people, whatever we do I hope we bias it towards traverse city
[X][COMMIES] Guarantee the Commune's independence. Another friendly power on Lake Erie is hardly a bad thing to have.
get friends, also support libertarian socialist/anarchists.
[X][RIVER] Agree to the alliance. The Kingdom isn't a large problem, but it could definitely cause issues for your plans for the Mississippi. You're happy to limit their opportunities for expansion.
support them to bleed the kingdom of legitimacy.
[X][MEDIATE] Oh, but it is. You have no immediate interest in Minnesota but whatever's going on between Bemidji and Manitoulin intrigues you, and you very much
do have a medium-term interest in resolving this conflict to your west
Acting decently, no. What will lose Legitimacy is acting affirmatively and substantively to make material recompense for American and Canadian wrongs to the First Nations (with Legitimacy losses scaling in proportion to how much you claim heritage with either of those nations). Like, just being non-assholes to First Nations people and groups isn't going to lose you anything aside from the approval of assholes; you can be an acceptable government for such peoples to participate in without losing a single point of Legitimacy. It's actually making meaningful sacrifices that impact your majority populations in order to make up for what the First Nations have suffered that makes you discernably less America.
I would like to give states that join two tiers of statehood within the CFC.
either as full member states with a say in government, or as autonomous states/zones that can serve as observers on the commonwealth congress, and benefit from protection but has to pay a slightly higher taxes, this was mostly inspired to how I would like to piece together a post apocalyptic canadian state in light of how minority groups without an effective voice in government get treated.