The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

WC won't do anything to buy time - it doesn't stun the enemy. The best time to pop the Dance is the start of the battle, before it realizes we're hostile, since it takes an entire round to activate.
The narrative at the end of the chapter kind of reads like it's already about to attack us. Also, if WC doesn't stun or otherwise disorient - what does it do?
The narrative at the end of the chapter kind of reads like it's already about to attack us. Also, if WC doesn't stun or otherwise disorient - what does it do?

It's reaching towards us, but not strictly as an attack.

WC at its current level effectively does AOE sonic damage with a dice pool of 12d10s7. WC is mainly good here if the animals end up attacking and we need to do AOE damage. Otherwise, VR is pretty much objectively better when targeting only the kukuni, since it has a higher dice pool.
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[X] Plan Keep Away
-[X] Keep our distance, Send the Rakshasa in to keep it off us and use Vitriolic Retort to fire archer attacks.
--[X] Switch to Warhound's Cry if minions enter the fray
--[X] Use Stallion's Enclosed Garden if we come under sensory attack
---[X] Take a Soldier's Requiem if Anam reaches 5 or lower
----[X] Use A Moments Respite if two stress boxes are filled
-----[X] Take An Evening's Rest pill if two stress boxes are filled and A Moments Respite has already been used.
------[X] If Anam reaches 5 or lower and no Soldier's Requiem remain, attempt to retreat.

Updated my plan, added options for healing
WC at its current level effectively does AOE sonic damage.

You know how kids tend to screech like demons when they're pissed off? It's basically that, but instead of being Soul damage and Sanity damage, It's Sonic damage. Bust eardrums, make bloodvessels go pop, make his eyes shake inside their cavities, the usual.
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Thanks to everyone clarifying WC's effects. Edited Cleanse and Purify slightly to account for that mistake.

Also, I'd like to point out that during our charmcrafter duel we've already seen charms having unintended interactions. So far Cleanse and Purify is the only plan that's trying to take advantage of that in the context of this enemy being a big ball of blood vessels. I really do think that this could get a pretty incredible result, especially as we already know that Blood anam can be used for healing and we need something to prevent it from just succing up more HP from its collection of bodies.
Adhoc vote count started by Ihatethissite on Sep 19, 2020 at 12:04 AM, finished with 61 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan Keep Away
    -[X] Keep our distance, Send the Rakshasa in to keep it off us and use Vitriolic Retort to fire archer attacks.
    --[X] Switch to Warhound's Cry if minions enter the fray
    --[X] Use Stallion's Enclosed Garden if we come under sensory attack
    ---[X] Take a Soldier's Requiem if Anam reaches 5 or lower
    ----[X] USe A Moments Respite if two stress boxes are filled
    -----[X] Take An Evening's Rest pill if two stress boxes are filled and A Moments Respite has already been used.
    ------[X] If Anam reaches 5 or lower and no Soldier's Requiem remain, attempt to retreat.
    [X] Plan Avoid Bad Touch Man
    -[X] Keep your distance, you've seen what this thing was doing to that poor goat and you aren't eager to follow in it's footsteps. While keeping distance in mind, use Warhound's Cry and activate the Dance at the Midnight Crossroads to keep your opponent and his potential monstrous aids busy.
    --[X] As soon as you have made distance and summoned the Rakshasa to keep it busy, take out the Vitriolic Retort and fire upon it from a distance.
    -[X] If you notice your opponent using a technique that affects your senses, shield them to the best of your ability using Stallion's Enclosed Garden and resume fighting.
    -[X] Should your anam levels dip below 1/3rd of your overall total, you will consume a Soldier's Requiem pill to replenish your stores and resume fighting.
    -[X] The first injury you take in this battle, should you take any, will be stored away using A Moment's Respite and you will resume fighting.
    -[X] Should you be wounded in excess of half of your overall health, you will take An Evening's Rest.
    --[X] Should you take your healing pill or notice your Rakshasa fading away, you will look for avenues of escape and initiate a fighting retreat.
    -[X] If at any point you notice more of those mutated beasts attempting to get the drop on you, you will hit them and the kukuni with Warhound's Cry and try to break their encirclement to continue fighting from a distance.
    [x] Activate the box immediately then use vitriolic retort from afar and then dodge use hummingbird's dance if it tries to strike at you
    [X] Disable our senses of smell and taste using our new tech, grapple with it and use our knowledge of Craft (Weaving) to bind the blood vessels together.
    [X] Scream at it
    -[x] Use Warhounds Cry Immedietly as it's reaching towards you, jump back and use the box while it's disoriented. Then have the Rakshasha go in Melee while we take pot shots with vitriolic retort. Don't engage in melee ourselves unless we see an opening. Use Warhounds cry again when Rakshasha looks like it's getting overwhelmed. If Rakshasha runs out of time and the Kukuni still looks healthy, run away. Use pills as needed.
    [X] Use your sixth sense to look for the highest concentration of anam and direct anam attacks there. Stay away from melee, using Vitriolic Retort and Warhound's Cry. Open the Box and let the Rakshasa's Hunger guide it. Use pills as needed to supplement your anam pool if you run below 5 anam or healing pills after taking a second stress box.
    [X] Scream at it
    -[x] Use Warhounds Cry Immedietly as it's reaching towards you, jump back and use the box while it's disoriented. Then have the Rakshasha go in Melee while we take pot shots with vitriolic retort. Don't engage in melee ourselves unless we see an opening. Use Warhounds cry again when Rakshasha looks like it's getting overwhelmed.
    [X] Cleanse and Purify
    - [X] Open combat with the Dance. The Rakshasa should prioritize cutting apart the vessels connecting it to the bodies and isolating its central mass.
    - [X] Take shots from range with Vitriolic Retort, aiming for the following targets: 1) wounds opened by the Rakshasa to inject acid into its vessels and hopefully impair its regeneration 2) any bodies connected to it that it appears to be drawing from or preparing to use.
    - [X] Engage with the Spear only as a last resort, while using Warhound's Cry if it starts creating a number of minions.
    - [X] Keep it away from any large piles of blood/gore; it may be able to use those to regenerate or to create combat homunculi.
    - [X] If the Dance ends and the enemy is still up, run. Use Warhound's Cry as necessary to clear the way.
    - [X] Use every pill we have as needed.
    [X] Plan Don't Be Boring
    -[X] This thing is massacring the local wildlife and turning whatever it's equivalent of eyes towards you. It needs to be killed with fire; you don't have fire, but you have shadow and acid and raw hunger. You will immediately activate the box and summon the Rakshsa. Once it is summon, you will damage it with Vitriolic Retort and Warhound's Cry at a distance, while ducking and dodging between the pile of innocent animals turned corpses to avoid its tendrils. While shooting, you will use your sixth sense to try to locate the center of this mass and aim towards that. To stop it from reaching you and to drive it farther from your presence if it comes near, you will use whatever you have: the Blooming Spear of the Auroch, all your pills, and anything else you can think of, and once you are out of anam and on your last legs, regretting that you didn't train your body more, you shall charge it, screaming your anger and displeasure at this thing's very existence every step of your way, because YOU AREN'T BORING.
    [X] Cleanse and Purify
@KinOfTheMountain , By your leave I request that you allow me to display the results of my many (shameful) years of experience with all things shōnen. you can tell it's srs bzns when I break out the macron

-[X] This thing is massacring the local wildlife and has turned whatever its equivalent of eyes is towards you. It needs to be killed with fire. You don't have fire, but you have shadow, acid, hunger, and all the fire you'll ever need is within the BURNING FLAME OF YOUR HEART!
-[X] You will immediately activate Dance at Moonlight Crossroads and summon the Rakshasa. Once it is summoned, you will damage the Kukuni with your Vitriolic Retort, shouting out declarations of your will and all the friends you're fighting for! You will use Warhound's Cry to get rid of mooks, because this is a fight between Kong and Kukuni!
-[X] You will focus on ducking and dodging between attacks to avoid its tendrils, keeping an eye on the piles of gore to make sure it doesn't land a sneak attack. While shooting, you will use your sixth sense to try to locate the center of spiritual mass and aim for its weakpoint to deal massive damage!giant enemy crab ahead
-[X] To stop it from reaching you and to drive it farther from your presence if it comes near, you will use whatever you have: the Blooming Spear of the Auroch, all your pills, and anything else you can think of, and once you are out of anam and on your last legs, regretting that you didn't train your body more, you shall charge it, crying out against the injustice of this thing's every action. With every labored step, every choking breath, you empower your final strike with memories of your friends, your family, and your beloved creations. And you will be happy—BECAUSE YOU ARE A KONG!

Edit: Damn, now I need to go read Oyasumi Punpun or watch The Tatami Galaxy or something to lower my bloodshōnen levels.
Edit2: If this plan wins I'm going to eat all the hats I own. For the sake of my digestive system and the thread's sanity, please do not vote for this plan.
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So far Cleanse and Purify is the only plan that's trying to take advantage of that in the context of this enemy being a big ball of blood vessels. I really do think that this could get a pretty incredible result
I was thinking the same thing, at least popping one off after the Rakshasha experimentally to see if it'd get outsize results, but sadly I'm virtually certain this is overestimating what Warhound's Cry can do. It's only at phase 1 of 6.
[X] Plan Don't Be Boring
-[X] This thing is massacring the local wildlife and turning whatever it's equivalent of eyes towards you. It needs to be killed with fire; you don't have fire, but you have shadow and acid and raw hunger. You will immediately activate the box and summon the Rakshsa. Once it is summon, you will damage it with Vitriolic Retort and Warhound's Cry at a distance, while ducking and dodging between the pile of innocent animals turned corpses to avoid its tendrils. While shooting, you will use your sixth sense to try to locate the center of this mass and aim towards that. To stop it from reaching you and to drive it farther from your presence if it comes near, you will use whatever you have: the Blooming Spear of the Auroch, all your pills, and anything else you can think of, and once you are out of anam and on your last legs, regretting that you didn't train your body more, you shall charge it, screaming your anger and displeasure at this thing's very existence every step of your way, because YOU AREN'T BORING.

Plan Don't Be Boring, encourged us to keep a distance and look for a weak point. It emphasizes the fact that we are going to strike this thing down.
@KinOfTheMountain , By your leave I request that you allow me to display the results of my many (shameful) years of experience with all things shōnen. you can tell it's srs bzns when I break out the macron

-[X] This thing is massacring the local wildlife and has turned whatever its equivalent of eyes is towards you. It needs to be killed with fire. You don't have fire, but you have shadow, acid, hunger, and all the fire you'll ever need is within the BURNING FLAME OF YOUR HEART!
-[X] You will immediately activate Dance at Moonlight Crossroads and summon the Rakshasa. Once it is summoned, you will damage the Kukuni with your Vitriolic Retort, shouting out declarations of your will and all the friends you're fighting for! You will use Warhound's Cry to get rid of mooks, because this is a fight between Kong and Kukuni!
-[X] You will focus on ducking and dodging between attacks to avoid its tendrils, keeping an eye on the piles of gore to make sure it doesn't land a sneak attack. While shooting, you will use your sixth sense to try to locate the center of spiritual mass and aim for its weakpoint to deal massive damage!giant enemy crab ahead
-[X] To stop it from reaching you and to drive it farther from your presence if it comes near, you will use whatever you have: the Blooming Spear of the Auroch, all your pills, and anything else you can think of, and once you are out of anam and on your last legs, regretting that you didn't train your body more, you shall charge it, crying out against the injustice of this thing's every action. With every labored step, every choking breath, you empower your final strike with memories of your friends, your family, and your beloved creations. And you will be happy—BECAUSE YOU ARE A KONG!

Edit: Damn, now I need to go read Oyasumi Punpun or watch The Tatami Galaxy or something to lower my bloodshōnen levels.
Edit2: If this plan wins I'm going to eat all the hats I own. For the sake of my digestive system and the thread's sanity, please do not vote for this plan. are very aware, that with your second edit I'm basically wrestling with my Schadenfreude addiction, right?

I'm a logical person, so I won't do it.

...but try to not temp everyone like that.
@firestorm440 I just read over your revised plan; it looks excellent. It's almost exactly my current vote at this point, however, which is already winning - it might be better to integrate any necessary points into that plan instead.
Last edited: are very aware, that with your second edit I'm basically wrestling with my Schadenfreude addiction, right?

I'm a logical person, so I won't do it.

...but try to not temp everyone like that.
My master plan all along. I really will eat all the hats that I own. I am in the middle of sharpening my kitchen shears as we speak. I'll post photos.
I have a feeling that Warhounds Cry might have a bonus effect against the Kukuni.
What makes you say that?

Also as to the WC vs VR commentary, I still think we should open with the screech. Not only because it's fun, but seeing if it affects the various Blood-Anam /regular old blood colored bodies all over the floor could only help.
What makes you say that?

Also as to the WC vs VR commentary, I still think we should open with the screech. Not only because it's fun, but seeing if it affects the various Blood-Anam /regular old blood colored bodies all over the floor could only help.

Just guessing but it's made out of blood basically, a sonic attack might do extra damage and burst some veins or something.
My master plan all along. I really will eat all the hats that I own. I am in the middle of sharpening my kitchen shears as we speak. I'll post photos.

...lord almighty, why is it so hard to ignore that little voice in the back of my head? It's saying something along the lines of "omnomnom" "karma, pls" "a fedora tastes like cigar smoke, and a cowboy hat tasted like a well done steak" and so on and so forth.

I have a feeling that Warhounds Cry might have a bonus effect against the Kukuni.

Strong vibrations can play absolute merry hell with liquids, if they're contained inside something, and blood vessels, for how bendy they are, don't handle sudden changes all that well. Maybe it's gonna be real rattled by the technique, then it's gonna have a bloody bone to pick with us, as surely its blood is gonna be dancing with the wish to turn us into the XianXia version of The Scream.
I have a feeling that Warhounds Cry might have a bonus effect against the Kukuni.

I don't see why it would to be honest.

Also as to the WC vs VR commentary, I still think we should open with the screech. Not only because it's fun, but seeing if it affects the various Blood-Anam /regular old blood colored bodies all over the floor could only help.
The reason I want to stick with VR, is because of it's debuff.

This charm fires a missile of acid propelled by force anam at a high velocity. This counts as a 18d10s7 Archer Technique. If this attack seizes or maintains tempo, the victim subtracts 1 success from their next 1d4 combat rolls.

Meaning if we start with VR while we have the Rakshasa's help, we can Start dealing damage AND stacking debuffs on it at the same time.