Interlude DCCCLXXXVII: Report on Vialesk
Report on Vialesk

Authors: Hermetia Aerebalys (Ambassador to Vialesk); Azirah the Once Gilded (Erinyes); Colonel Aubert Flowers, Military Attache
Subject: Major Political and Economic Power Blocks of Vialesk, City of Splendid Waves
Information Source: Publicly Available Voting Records of the Conclave's Sphere; Accounts by trading patterns and the Star Admiral of the Splendid Armada

To understand Vialesk one must first divest one's self of any previous notion of what a guild is. In most realms under the sun guilds developed as a means for skilled craftsmen to make common cause before the leaders of the age, be they princes, priests, or sorcerers. The Guilds of Vialesk by contrast have their true beginnings as subversive cells under the Reign of Dragons. They were ordered by profession not out of any notion that the ancient brine dragons were minded to pay attention to the associations of their thralls, but the simple convenience for forging resistance in groups one already had a stake in and reasons for meetings. It is said that Appareimos and Perenantos, the legendary liberators of the city, ordered the leadership of the guilds to be 'by vote of their peers' in an effort to keep tyranny from taking root within them.

After throwing off the yoke of the dragons and gaining ever greater prominence as not only a trading city but politically neutral ground the definition of guild simply continued to expand. There is a Guild of Silt Sifters and a Guild of Glassblowers, a Guild of Healers and even a Guild of Artists, all selected by the membership at large. All citizens in good standing are part of a guild, the voting rights inherited from their parents. For those who are new to the city there are the so called 'Channel Diggers' Guilds' which were once part of the actual expansion of the city, though that has long since stopped, leaving these guilds to be more like geographic fixtures for those without a recognized trade.

Representation within the Guild Council is partitioned by a complex equation including both the number of members and the taxes it pays into the city coffers each financial cycle. The numbers here have been altered multiple times in either direction, favoring the most populous Guilds or the richest, though of course wealth allows one to campaign for a friendly candidate at the helm of other guilds.

Another quirk of the city is that elected officials, those who execute the will of the Guild Council, may not hold personal property. It is instead held in trust by the state and if the state has prospered during their tenure their own fortunes are expanded by like share. If by contrast the state has suffered than so too do their fortunes. As one can imagine there is a flourishing system of legal loopholes to dodge the system, through the use of kith and kin, though when it grows too egregious the populists sweep into power and tighten it up only for it then be worn a way 'like a coral by the currents'.

Having mentioned one of the cycles that govern politics in the City of Splendid Waves let us now consider the major factions:

The Golds
Head of Faction: Guildmaster Neios of the Glassmaker's Guild
Agenda: Representing some of the wealthiest, though not necessarily populous guilds in Vialesk, the Golds are the champions of tradition, stability and an aloofness to the affairs of polities beyond Vialesk's borders. While supporting a strong fleet for defense they are opposed to what they consider 'military adventurism' and 'moral crusading' against the Deep Ones.
History: They were initially opposed to close relations to the Empire, but the sheer profits involved in Astral Currents and the planned Terminus eventually swayed them.

The Blues
Head of Faction: Guildmaster Makiros of the Silt Sifters' Guild
Agenda: The populists of the council, they contain the greatest proportion of 'Channel Diggers' Guilds' of any faction, containing a strong cultural element of traditional triton egalitarianism, they look in askance upon Emperors, though the existence of some representation for the common citizen is enough to garner some support. They are also deeply involved with the more charitable cults like the Temple of the Silver Moon, with many of their more skilled orators and even leaders having been priests of some renown
History: Efforts are being made to both shore up that support and establish the connection between the faction and triton organizations like the Still Waves.

The Greens:
Head of the Faction: Guildmaster Solkas of the Shipwrights' Guild (Brother of Star Admiral Kharban)
Agenda: The Greens are the party of expansion, one might almost call them the party of Empire if the words did not carry such unpleasant connotation in Vialesk. They champion both colonization and external wars against existential threats such as the Deep Ones. Unsurprisingly they have strong support among the military as well as the kelp farmers beyond the wards of Vialesk, which is where they get their signature color.
History: They have so far been relatively neutral on the matter of the Empire since it as a useful trading partner best kept at arm's length. While they are supportive of a renewed war with the Deep Ones some within the faction fear that growing too close could drag Vialesk into the War of Three Spheres from which they see no potential gain.

The Purples
Head of Faction: Sergun Guildmaster of the Architects' Guild (Uncle of Gerlos)
Agenda: If the greens are the pragmatic expansionists, then the Purples, named for the color of deep waters, are the idealists of the City of Splendid Waves. They believe that as the beating economic heart of the Endless Ocean Vialesk should take its place as a true hegemon. While most of their plans involve peaceful confederation Purple-Green alliances of the past have been known to propose rather more direct methods of gaining power.
History: They are, or perhaps were, among the most supportive of relations with the Empire, seeing an extra-planar connection to the fabled Garden as a recognition of their city's station.

The current majority is a narrow Gold-Purple alliance. What might happen if the Purples grow abruptly less supportive of relations with the Empire is unknown, though it seems likely that a loss of standing with them will be temporary, given how their politics align with ours.

What do you do about the brewing scandal?

[] Speak to Gerlos' allies to assure them this had been no plot of hers
-[] While trying to get Gerlos' support

[] Lean into the rumors to give herself a better image with the common citizens

[] Wait for this to blow over

[] Write in

OOC: Hopefully the color-coding of political factions is not too boring, it worked for Byzantium and more to the point it's easier to remember.
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We have to start abducting now though, the high-fantasy feeling is starting to seep through to everything except maybe some Westerosi backwater villages.
We could just start a collection. Every generation or so, release another one from the collection of several hundred "average everymen" we've got in our cloak. That'll keep us sufficiently entertained for a several thousand years, give or take.
[X] There Are Multiple Ways of Digging a Trench
-[X] Eventually, from a simple matter of logistics, it would be economically pragmatic to expel the Deep Ones from the Material Plane and open up vast trade lanes to the populous cities across its surface world. And the Imperium could direct more effort toward trade if, ultimately, it was less concerned concerned by threat of extraplanar invaders who are known to be subversive in their attacks, as demonstrated by Viserys' personal thwarting of an agent of theirs in Vialesk months ago.
--[X] Assure the Purples that this is no plot of ours. Their interests align with our own, and it is unfortunate that we are both caught up in such a divisive climate.
-[X] Be more aloof on the matter of Gerlos themselves, the man caught a case of bad optics, but you don't need to give your own opposition in the city more ammunition.
-[X] Note: You expect the prevailing sentiment in the Purples would also be to try letting this blow over, but maybe you can both coordinate efforts against the group that seems to have it out for your common interests? At the end of the day it was they who shed light on this situation in the first place and you have certain... resources, which can be applied. You merely need actionable information to know where to start.
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Report on Vialesk

Authors: Hermetia Aerebalys (Ambassador to Vialesk); Azirah the Once Gilded (Erinyes); Colonel Aubert Flowers, Military Attache
Subject: Major Political and Economic Power Blocks of Vialesk, City of Splendid Waves
Information Source: Publicly Available Voting Records of the Conclave's Sphere; Accounts by trading partners and the Star Admiral of the Splendid Armada

To understand Vialesk, one must first divest one's self of any previous notion of what a guild is. In most realms under the sun, guilds developed as a means for skilled craftsmen to make common cause before the leaders of the age, be they princes, priests, or sorcerers. The Guilds of Vialesk, by contrast, have their true beginnings as subversive cells under the Reign of Dragons. They were ordered by profession not out of any notion that the ancient Brine dragons were minded to pay attention to the associations of their thralls, but the simple convenience for forging resistance in groups one already had a stake in and reasons for meeting. It is said that Appareimos and Perenantos, the legendary liberators of the city, ordered the leadership of the guilds to be 'by vote of their peers' in an effort to keep tyranny from taking root within them.

After throwing off the yoke of the dragons and gaining ever greater prominence as not only a trading city but political neutral ground, the definition of guild simply continued to expand. There is a Guild of Silt Sifters and a Guild of Glassblowers, a Guild of Healers and even a Guild of Artists, all selected by the membership at large. All citizens in good standing are part of a Guild, the voting rights inherited from their parents. For those who are new to the city, there are the so called 'Channel Diggers' Guilds', which were once part of the actual expansion of the city, though that has long since stopped, leaving these guilds to be more like geographic fixtures for those without a recognized trade.

Representation within the Guild Council is partitioned by a complex equation including both the number of members and the taxes it pays into the city coffers each financial cycle. The numbers here have been altered multiple times in either direction, favoring the most populous Guilds or the richest, though of course wealth allows one to campaign for a friendly candidate at the helm of other guilds.

Another quirk of the city is that elected officials, those who execute the will of the Guild Council, may not hold personal property, it is instead held in trust by the state and if the state has prospered during their tenure their own fortunes are expanded by a like share. If the state has instead suffered, then so too do their fortunes. As one can imagine, there is a flourishing system of legal loopholes to dodge the practice through the use of kith and kin, though when it grows too egregious the populists sweep into power and tighten it up only for it then be worn a way 'like a coral by the currents'.

Having mentioned one of the cycles that govern politics in the City of Splendid Waves, let us now consider the major factions:

The Golds
Head of Faction: Guildmaster Neios of the Glassmaker's Guild
Agenda: Representing some of the wealthiest though not necessarily populous guilds in Vialesk, the Golds are the champions of tradition, stability, and an aloofness to the affairs of polities beyond Vialesk's borders. While supporting a strong fleet for defense, they are opposed to what they consider military adventurism and moral crusading against the Deep Ones.
History: They were initially opposed to close relations to the Empire, but the sheer profits involved in Astral Currents and the Planar Terminus eventually swayed them.

The Blues
Head of Faction: Guildmaster Makiros of the Silt Sifters' Guild
Agenda: The populists of the Council, they contain the greatest proportion of 'Channel Diggers' Guilds' of any faction. Maintaining a strong cultural element of traditional triton egalitarianism, they look in askance upon Emperors, though the existence of some representation for the common citizen is enough to garner some support. They are also deeply involved with the more charitable cults like the Temple of the Silver Moon, with many of their more skilled orators and even leaders having been priests of some renown.
History: Efforts are being made to both shore up that support and establish the connection between the faction and triton organizations like the Still Waves.

The Greens:
Head of the Faction: Guildmaster Solkas of the Shipwrights' Guild (Brother of Star Admiral Kharban)
Agenda: The Greens are the party of expansion. One might almost call them the party of Empire if the words did not carry such unpleasant connotation in Vialesk. They champion both colonization and external wars against existential threats such as the Deep Ones. Unsurprisingly, they have strong support among the military as well as the kelp farmers beyond the wards of Vialesk, which is where they get their signature color.
History: They have thus far been relatively neutral on the matter of the Empire, seeing it as a useful trading partner best kept at arm's length. While they are supportive of a renewed war with the Deep Ones, some within the faction fear that growing too close could drag Vialesk into the War of Three Spheres from which they see no potential gain.

The Purples
Head of Faction: Sergun Guildmaster of the Architects' Guild (Uncle of Gerlos)
Agenda: If the Greens are the pragmatic expansionists, then the Purples, named for the color of foam, are the idealists of the City of Splendid Waves. They believe that as the beating economic heart of the Endless Ocean, Vialesk should take its place as a true hegemon. While most of their plans involve peaceful confederation, Purple-Green alliances of the past have been known to propose rather more direct methods of gaining power.
History: They are, or perhaps were, among the most supportive of relations with the Empire, seeing an extra-planar connection to the fabled Garden as a recognition of their city's station.

The current majority is a narrow Gold-Purple alliance. What might happen if the Purples grow abruptly less supportive of relations with the Empire is unknown, though it seems likely that a loss of standing with them will be temporary, given how their politics align with ours.

What do you do about the brewing scandal?

[] Speak to Gerlos' allies to assure them this had been no plot of hers
-[] While trying to get Gerlos' support

[] Lean into the rumors to give herself a better image with the common citizens

[] Wait for this to blow over

[] Write in

OOC: Hopefully the color-coding of political factions is not too boring, it worked for Byzantium and more to the point it's easier to remember. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.

Very nice writeup. A concise but if shipbuilding that really helps flesh out Vialesk.
@DragonParadox There is a surprisingly distinct lack of spy games in this arc, mostly political intrigue and I'm betting the next note is gonna be some economic boom ripe for exploitation.

It would be funny if the whole arc was mostly trying to decide which golden geese we should be exploiting. In a city obsessed with trade like Vialesk it would make sense if people tried fighting with their wallets more than their cutthroats or burglars, given Dragons were the ones who used to rule here, so everyone's got wards up to their armpits and it just ain't worth the trouble.
We could just start a collection. Every generation or so, release another one from the collection of several hundred "average everymen" we've got in our cloak. That'll keep us sufficiently entertained for a several thousand years, give or take.
That reminds me, I want bottled samples of every animal species in Westeros and Essos. Sothoryos, too. A genetic library ready just in case the Long Night does its worst and manages mass extinction.

But this is a ways off. We can do this in a year or two, maybe just have Bloodraven collect animals for us or something.
@DragonParadox There is a surprisingly distinct lack of spy games in this arc, mostly political intrigue and I'm betting the next note is gonna be some economic boom ripe for exploitation.

It would be funny if the whole arc was mostly trying to decide which golden geese we should be exploiting. In a city obsessed with trade like Vialesk it would make sense if people tried fighting with their wallets more than their cutthroats or burglars, given Dragons were the ones who used to rule here, so everyone's got wards up to their armpits and it just ain't worth the trouble.

I should note that it's not impossible that the accidental unmasking of the Guildmaster's affair was anything but and planed by the person or persons who was using the moneychanger to found anti-imperial triton groups.
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I should note that it's not impossible that the accidental unmasking of the Guildmaster's affair was anything but and planed by the person or persons who was using the moneychanger to found anti-imperial triton groups.
That technically counts as political intrigue. Social manipulation, basically. As far as we know, anyway. Running a false flag is operating on a large enough scale that you could move a lot of the parts of a plan into place out in the "open", screened by other parties or other activities.
Why this focus on the purples? Wasn't the victim of the setup the boss of the golds?

And it was definitely a setup. The instigator wanted us to either embarrass him or hoped that we would see the money movements, miss the affair, and thus assume he was the one financing actions against us.
Why this focus on the purples? Wasn't the victim of the setup the boss of the golds?

And it was definitely a setup. The instigator wanted us to either embarrass him or hoped that we would see the money movements, miss the affair, and thus assume he was the one financing actions against us.
Any suggestions?
The Blues
Head of Faction: Guildmaster Makiros of the Silt Sifters' Guild
Agenda: The populists of the council, they contain the greatest proportion of 'Channel Diggers' Guilds' of any faction, containing a strong cultural element of traditional triton egalitarianism, they look in askance upon Emperors, though the existence of some representation for the common citizen is enough to garner some support. They are also deeply involved with the more charitable cults like the Temple of the Silver Moon, with many of their more skilled orators and even leaders having been priests of some renown
History: Efforts are being made to both shore up that support and establish the connection between the faction and triton organizations like the Still Waves.
@DragonParadox, don't we get a bonus for providing them with super useful Flesh Forged Beasts to help them with their work? That was how we met them in the first place. I was surprised to see it wasn't noted at all in the report.
[X] There Are Multiple Ways of Digging a Trench
-[X] Eventually, from a simple matter of logistics, it would be economically pragmatic to expel the Deep Ones from the Material Plane and open up vast trade lanes to the populous cities across its surface world. And the Imperium could direct more effort toward trade if, ultimately, it was less concerned concerned by threat of extraplanar invaders who are known to be subversive in their attacks, as demonstrated by Viserys' personal thwarting of an agent of theirs in Vialesk months ago.
--[X] Assure the Purples that this is no plot of ours. Their interests align with our own, and it is unfortunate that we are both caught up in such a divisive climate.
-[X] Be more aloof on the matter of Gerlos themselves, the man caught a case of bad optics, but you don't need to give your own opposition in the city more ammunition.
-[X] Note: You expect the prevailing sentiment in the Purples would also be to try letting this blow over, but maybe you can both coordinate efforts against the group that seems to have it out for your common interests? At the end of the day it was they who shed light on this situation in the first place and you have certain... resources, which can be applied. You merely need actionable information to know where to start.
I'd add fingering reactionary forces in the Golds as the likely culprits of the plot, since it discredits us (for spying) and the purples (the scandal itself).

We should also reach out to the Greens, since they can sway policy for us and might be a viable way to force policy changes though threat of a coup if things require drastic steps.

Would also make it easier to steal some military secrets.
I'd add fingering reactionary forces in the Golds as the likely culprits of the plot, since it discredits us (for spying) and the purples (the scandal itself).

We should also reach out to the Greens, since they can sway policy for us and might be a viable way to force policy changes though threat of a coup if things require drastic steps.

Would also make it easier to steal some military secrets.

[X] There Are Multiple Ways of Digging a Trench
-[X] Eventually, from a simple matter of logistics, it would be economically pragmatic to expel the Deep Ones from the Material Plane and open up vast trade lanes to the populous cities across its surface world. And the Imperium could direct more effort toward trade if, ultimately, it was less concerned concerned by threat of extraplanar invaders who are known to be subversive in their attacks, as demonstrated by Viserys' personal thwarting of an agent of theirs in Vialesk months ago.
--[X] Assure the Purples that this is no plot of ours. Their interests align with our own, and it is unfortunate that we are both caught up in such a divisive climate.
-[X] Be more aloof on the matter of Gerlos themselves, the man caught a case of bad optics, but you don't need to give your own opposition in the city more ammunition.
-[X] Note: You expect the prevailing sentiment in the Purples would also be to try letting this blow over, but maybe you can both coordinate efforts against the group that seems to have it out for your common interests? At the end of the day it was they who shed light on this situation in the first place and you have certain... resources, which can be applied. You merely need actionable information to know where to start.

[X] You will also try attempt to reach out to the Greens, since they can sway policy for us and might be a viable way to force policy changes though threat of a coup if things require drastic steps. Though we won't communicate that idea... right away, anyway. Baby steps.
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