Battles Sought and Guarded
Twentieth Day of the Second Month 294 AC
Although you could truthfully point out that the better part of the ninth legion waited the battle out in reserve, you suspect the truth alone will not serve here. Thus, after pointing out that it will be better for the people of Sallosh to remain safely in the Deep, you invite him to accompany the campaign that he may speak to his people of what he sees as honestly as you do with him. "This is no Sellsword's war of city against city, no noble's spat where the worst one might face is injury or death. These are the sins of yesteryear come to haunt us all after their perpetrators have been driven from these lands."
"It is the war against my people's enemy..." Vargo grimaces, the expression seeming almost painful upon the lines of his face. "My people's legacy. To let men of the Three Daughters, of Braavos, Volantis, and the Deep fight it for us would be a lessening of our place in the realm."
Your place you mean, you think but do not say, biting back a sigh. It would do little good to point out that there are Sarnori legionaries, just as there are for every city of the realm and some beyond it. What the man before you wants is what he wanted when he built a caravan in Saath, hoping to drive into the plains, to carve out a place for his people, to reclaim by force of arms a realm lost. Though he now has these things here in Sallosh, he cannot rest and see all the troubles swept away by another's hand.
In the silence that follows, you look to the sword at his side. It had been gifted as a symbol, but its edge will cut just the same, and if accounts of his skill do not lie, he would not fair poorly against Ser Willem Darry on the training field at least. "There are some who were on the field today in whose company I think you would do well."
Not least because you trust them to have the good sense to retreat, you refrain from adding.
While Diana is speaking to the Governor of Sallosh about his skills and the arms and armor he bears, some borrowed some gifted, Nuri draw you aside. "Why did you have to foist him on
us? He's not useless, I guess, but I'm not falling over myself over his donkey handling skills from when he was a caravan guard? Why not the deep dwellers?"
You give her a long meaningful look as to why you could not entrust Vargo to the drow assassins, not that you think they would actually kill him, but leave him behind as a distraction while they retreat, that you could well imagine. While Tuin and Morwyn might be slowly learning to value some 'sun-walkers' for skill at arms, for wit and insight, you doubt they would care one way or another about the administrator of a city they saw once in passing on the road to a battle.
"Alright... alright, but I want a proper dragon at least watching us, one of the shadow-kin," the incarnate allows with a huff that is at once familiar and strange.
You see no reason to refuse. The Myrkdreki would doubtless he able to amuse himself.
What next?
[] Speak with Queen Naamaru about the future of her people
-[] Write in
[] Speak with the prisoners from Kasath
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: Regardless of what you choose here the next update will also give you guys and account of what remains of the enemy army (HD for the forge and loot). Not yet edited.