It's a bad deal that gambles on the passivity of an actor that only has your hopeful interpretation of his reticence to back your assumption on it
It's genuinely an awful idea and reeks of bad rationalization
Yes?I think the big problem is that most if us think that we have earned to give one big sucker punch before the fight actually starts due to lq being undetected and playing atillery observer. You seem to think that the enemy cyan can react to any attack, including the attack of guan zhi, without being bothered by surprise. That seems to be the big divide? Is that about right?
Because that's the whole.point of supernatural perception and defensive techniques in the first place
Unless you're stealth you dont get an unanswerable first strike
And even then
Ling Qi got to react to the Shishigui Dancer when it got the drop on her
The benefit is that the enemy doesn't get to.spool up and fight at peak effectiveness. Not that they just stand there gaping like a deer in the headlights
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