Y'know, I just had an epiphany.
The Planes are mostly fucked. Scratch that, they're fucked. With no Overgod overseeing everything to make sure everyone fulfil their duties, the Plane Material's disappearance for several century from the Great Wheel, the Void having a foothold over in Mount Celestia, all Good-aligned Planes are overruled by Baator, the Blood War is somehow still ensuing, the Empyreal Lords are gone, most Chromatic Dragon Species are also gone or dominated barring the Red-Chromatic, the utter lack of Metallic Dragons, and the Illithids being alien and powerful as always.
Amidst all of this, there is one place where the denizens are relatively untouched by the gaping maw of Chaos and the influence of Evil.
That is, the Far Realm.
Does anyone have any explanation why this is not the case?