What he's asking for is absolutely impractical even with the ironclad empirical evidence that our acting with subtlety prevented greater harm, and it was clear we weren't acting with untoward motives for having done so because we approached the lawful leader of the city peacefully, and remained to address the authorities during our second infraction due to the need to communicate the danger of the threat to them.
Someone who is so hidebound as to not make exceptions for extenuating circumstance, like not having enough knowledge if the undead ruling the city are sane enough to meet in peace, or secondly preventing everyone from dying to Void interference, is not someone we are going to convince under any circumstances. He's an irrational actor and you have not presented him in any other manner by his actions. Perhaps his motives are actually not meant to be presented in that way, but I fail to see how.
Ah... I see. Definite failure to communicate when I just gave him that one line. One moment while I edit the update.
Thanks for bringing this up BTW, criticism is very important in improving writing.