The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Current tally
Adhoc vote count started by KreenWarrior on Jul 5, 2020 at 9:11 PM, finished with 96 posts and 53 votes.
[X] Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
I don't have super high hopes for the notion, but I wonder if it'd be at all possible to figure out a way to trickle charge the 20 anam up-front cost.

Like, some way to divert excess anam generated in out core to the box, maybe through a charm custom built to do so; I'm not sure if it's a thing you can do, given the "must be cycled into it" requirement, but I don't really have a great grasp on the potential differences between cycling and 'just moving anam into something'.

I'm... pretty freaked out by the conflux of our letter being responded like it was, and the anomalous results that have been coming from the Second; it's setting off all of my "oh no, we've stumbled into Things Man Should Not Know territory" alarms.

(Couldn't father dearest have spared like, a moment longer to write literally anything in addition to announcing the deployment of Nuclear family members?)
I'm getting the impression that whatever Father has to say about it:
-Must not be communicated in a way that can be intercepted.
-One of the following:
--Father himself either cannot speak of it at all, but our aunt can for some reason. This may relate to her extreme eccentricity.
--Father is too preoccupied to do so with his preparations for breakthrough and this isn't important on the same scale but IS actually important enough for a high ranking clan member to take time off on short notice to convey this message.
He was sworn to silence. I imagine he wouldn't be able to say anything in something as insecure as a letter.
[X] Dance at the Midnight Crossroads

I'm getting the impression that whatever Father has to say about it:
-Must not be communicated in a way that can be intercepted.
-One of the following:
--Father himself either cannot speak of it at all, but our aunt can for some reason. This may relate to her extreme eccentricity.
--Father is too preoccupied to do so with his preparations for breakthrough and this isn't important on the same scale but IS actually important enough for a high ranking clan member to take time off on short notice to convey this message.
I didn't mean he should have wrote at length about the whole time Anam thing, rather that he could have written about anything else in the letter; like, a "it's good to hear you're progress is going well, etc etc etc... Your aunt is coming to visit" would, if anything, have been less suspicious than what was sent, the fact that the reply reads so direly just tells anyone who read the letter we sent that its got something incredibly concerning in it.
I hope the reason the Aunt is nuts is because she over dosed on Time anam and it ruined her perception of everything, would make for a great 'Oh, I dun goofed' moment.
This one is definitely wrapped up. Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Jul 6, 2020 at 1:42 PM, finished with 109 posts and 61 votes.
How would we feel about following Jin into the caverns and if we find him attempting the Soldier's Step at a wonder we wake him up from his meditation after breaking his threshold, but not containing enough anam to form his core or we drained the wonder dry by cycling into the HD, or we wake him up by noisily practicing HD while we cycle into it?

Edit: Better plan, we follow Jin into the caverns find where his wonder is and tell the Disciples who cycle at the Tears where it is so it will always be drained.
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Vitriolic Retort (Jeweled Gauntlet)
Archer Charm 3 (Force 12/Pain 4/ Acid 2)
Trigger Cost: 3 Anam.
This charm fires a missile of acid propelled by force anam at a high velocity. This counts as a 18d10s7 Archer Technique. If this attack seizes or maintains tempo, the victim subtracts 1 success from their next 1d4 combat rolls.

Just checked the character sheet, I'm not sure when this was updated, but our gauntlet now applies the debuff when we maintain tempo as well as when we seize it, which makes it quite a bit better. Nice bonus for the duel.
There is a very easy way to charge up the box over time. Anam pool is recharged at a point per 12 hours right now. Crafting takes a long time per burst. So just dump a few points into the box when you know your not going to need it. Granted its less effective the more items like this you have to charge, but Kong Zhi isn't spending that anam as is. A basic 25 point natural wonder can charge it up and pay for the activation fee after all.

Also its a big old foot locker sized box. Your not going to be using that on the fly at this point in time. Its more the kind of thing that you use when expecting combat ahead of time. This was built on the idea of best charms you can make for a duel in a few weeks after all. This thing is showy before its used... though it'd be more of a crowd pleaser if the summon didn't have that hard to focus on thing going for it. Well that and it'd be hell to deal with during night encounters.
I wonder how many people saw Kong Zhi running around like mad to infuse his box. He was openly carrying that bulky item from his home, to the Eternity, then to the Armory and back after all. I wonder how much intelligence Jin got from that. Not like the effect would be obvious just from seeing a box...
There is a very easy way to charge up the box over time. Anam pool is recharged at a point per 12 hours right now. Crafting takes a long time per burst. So just dump a few points into the box when you know your not going to need it. Granted its less effective the more items like this you have to charge, but Kong Zhi isn't spending that anam as is. A basic 25 point natural wonder can charge it up and pay for the activation fee after all.

Also its a big old foot locker sized box. Your not going to be using that on the fly at this point in time. Its more the kind of thing that you use when expecting combat ahead of time. This was built on the idea of best charms you can make for a duel in a few weeks after all. This thing is showy before its used... though it'd be more of a crowd pleaser if the summon didn't have that hard to focus on thing going for it. Well that and it'd be hell to deal with during night encounters.
Pretty sure that doesn't work because, in the past, we've needed to dedicate actions to charging things - otherwise we could infuse charms 2 anam a day from our core and not need to cycle into them.