Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So like Sun Liling doing her perfect accuracy timespace spear? Goes to a Potency contest instead of "She hits"

So yeah, this is the first time we've seen something that can counter the Bloody Princess's opener. Even Meizhen could only endure it by throwing enough obstacles in a way to drain its momentum that her defenses could take the rest.
I mean, the actual counter to dodge negation is just to let it hat and drop a perfect armor tech.

Similarly, the counter to armor negation is a perfect dodge to stop it from hitting you in the first place. Using like to like just makes it a clash.
I think you should yrs if they concur with your definition of these terms. Your posts of Tale and Story ascribe to them a specificity that one finds in technical language, and not in every-day usage, (i.e. "the gravity of the situation" is 'everyday' but "gravity" is a specific thing in the context of 'physics').

You have leaped in a direction that I think might leave you best served by checking to see if the person who used these terms (yrs) is on the same page you are.
in the poetic language of insights, yes I presume a poetic technical language is being used and apply such knowledge.

asking if YRS agrees with my reading is . . . kinda spoilery? I duno. If I asked I'd probably delete my vote. Feels too much like rigging
I think this Insight might let us do some of the acting and mutability arts that our AM insight have been rendering non compatible.

Or maybe it breaks.
As far as I see it, if an insight prohibits something, you cant just unlock it with another. You just get conflict between mutually exclusive perceptions of reality. With bad luck one that breaks your way (not a risk I see for this one, but in general).

[X] No Insight from Ephemeral Nights Memory
[X] No Insight from Ephemeral Nights Memory

I don't think this insight is a trap, but I also don't think it's worth slotting.
So @JowKeen you think it´s a Toolbox insight? Well LQ is described as the Songseeker by the Xuan Brothers and the Nobles of the Emerald Seas consider LQ the Songsmistress of her Generation. It would really help define that part of her, because all of these People found the true LQ trough stories and memories of other People.
You convinced me Jowkeen.

[X] The self is a story, and memory is the teller of tales.

Did we not do effectively Story archaelogy when LQ visited Tonghou with the three Moon aunties?
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in the poetic language of insights, yes I presume a poetic technical language is being used and apply such knowledge.

asking if YRS agrees with my reading is . . . kinda spoilery? I duno. If I asked I'd probably delete my vote. Feels too much like rigging
I think your understanding how yrs has used these is incorrect, which is why I said to check. That which you called tale-teller is what I think yrs means when they use 'story' here.
Your vote is based on language and that-which-we-experience and I think that you should ask if what you took from their words is what they meant. It is not rigging. It is comparing/interrogating the lexicons the two of you use in this context to check that you understand what is meant.

This vote is a choice, and should be made with correct understanding. Not some sort of... adversarial wordplay and dishonest prescriptivism
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Mmm, I don't think this insight is bad, and it is something that I think could be made to synergise well with LQ's build, especially with the music and social and a more Fae way.

That being said, it's just not really grabbing me tbh. I'm just not feeling it.

[x] No Insight from Ephemeral Nights Memory
So @JowKeen you think it´s a Toolbox insight? Well LQ is described as the Songseeker by the Xuan Brothers and the Nobles of the Emerald Seas consider LQ the Songsmistress of her Generation. It would really help define that part of her, because all of these People found the true LQ trough stories and memories of other People.
You convinced me Jowkeen.
The problem I have with @JowKeen's argument is that it's based on some very precise definitions to make it work. If Yrs doesn't share those definitions that he is using his whole argument falls apart. It really feels like the argument is trying to split hairs to get a very specific end result.
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The problem I have with @JowKeen's argument is that it's based on some very precise definitions to make it work. If Yrs doesn't share those definitions that he is using his whole argument falls apart. It really feels like the argument it trying to split hairs to get a very specific end result.

I think it's a deep mistake to confuse Story and Tale for one another.
You are basing your choice upon this, and you do not know that yrs uses these words as you do. I know that I do not! I use 'Story' as you use 'Tale' and I think that yrs might do the same as myself. Check. It is not dishonest or cheating to compare and explore lexicons.
We currently have 3 slots open a E.

E=>D=>C=>B=>A=>S (5 improvements)

Each improvement gives 2 slots.

I doubt we will master 13 arts by Cyan.

Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny) Original - Users' Choice!

I guess this is as good an opportunity for this topic as any: domain-slots we have started with 3 slots and each domain level will add 2 more to that. This will at max level result in 19 domain slots for the entire Green realm. (advanced Insights dont count towards this limit). We have already...

Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny) Original - Users' Choice!

To expand on this, we've currently slotted insights from 5 arts: AM, SCS, FVM, FSS, and TRF. We've also notably not slotted any of CDE's insights, and that covers all arts we've mastered. This leaves us with 4 (current) to 14 remaining slots to account for in the remainder of Green realm (of...

according to the estimates we made during the HDW discussion, we expect about 20 mastered arts, maybe more. this does not yet include any unexpected additions afterall. So overall we should expect more than 13 mastered arts by cyan. (yes, HDW was part of those 20, but even if it were 19 now, that would still be at least 6 arts more than we have slots)
[x] No Insight from Ephemeral Nights Memory

I can see how this insight plays into the Hidden Moon aspects of Ling Qi and, in that sense, it can be useful. I do feel that how it's interpreted depends heavily on Ling Qi, and there may be some risk of domain conflict as a result. If that was the only issue, I would still consider it, but the insight doesn't feel as integral to Ling Qi's character as any of our other insights. This is exemplified by how the art and insight are treated almost like sidenotes in this chapter. It simply doesn't feel right to me to slot this insight now.
Look, people are stories after they die. Not before then.
No. They're stories regardless of whether they're alive or not. They're often even deluded by the Tales they tell themself.

I'm in full agreement with @JowKeen on this point. Self is a story we tell ourselves, built on an ever shifting foundation of memories that lie to us.

[X] No Insight from Ephemeral Nights Memory

Which is why I'm convinced that this is an insight conflict with sincerity. The understanding that we inescapably lie to ourselves constantly isn't going to coexist comfortably with that.
[X] No Insight from Ephemeral Nights Memory

I don't really like the insight. I don't think it will doom us or anything, but I don't like how it connects to LQ.

On a totally unrelated note, I want to interact with that weilu lich/ghost/whatever. It sounds super interesting.
[X] No Insight from Ephemeral Nights Memory

I think we've learned what I want from ENM. I'm a bit more interested into what our other arts will potentially produce.
[X] No Insight from Ephemeral Nights Memory

Without any intervention our self is likely going to be bound up in our relationships with others and the community that results. I feel that, given that baseline, the fact that memory is fairly unreliable and this needs to be compensated for will be irrelevant.
I mean. We did get the "ending vs Ending" conceptual insight out of FSS back in Forge that I was moon-raving about back then lol

this isn't a particularly high quality art, and I don't mind not taking it but I'm very excited for a similar insight.

if we need a higher quality art to get an insight explicit enough for my points to be voted for, that's fine. I hope we find that :DD

I basically want to be able to deduce gossip and tales into approximate True Stories for us to chase down with Grin and free and spread them through Dream. Seek Songs that are long lost. I think this is an insight that could very much help with that, and it's a good "toolbox" insight that defines a link between Story and Self, as well as Tale-Telling and Memory. It lets us connect those things to music and art in interesting ways. After all, does that mean you could create a Story so compelling that it was animate?

is Shenhua able to craft Stories so compelling that they're Artificial Spirits?

I think we'll continue this line of questioning/exploration going forward because we keep bumping up against it. I'm fine with a slow burn. It's a weird way of thinking, and slowly approaching the moon madness is a good way to get more people on board with my Luna-cy, wahahaha xD

It's fine. Not worried about the vote
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I'm in full agreement with @JowKeen on this point. Self is a story we tell ourselves, built on an ever shifting foundation of memories that lie to us.

[X] No Insight from Ephemeral Nights Memory

Which is why I'm convinced that this is an insight conflict with sincerity. The understanding that we inescapably lie to ourselves constantly isn't going to coexist comfortably with that.
We are material beings, a 'person' is an experience that arises from a changing pattern over a period of time (a human person is a pattern of atoms, an AI is a pattern of data). The self belief, the stories and lies and truths we tell all feed back into that, but the foundation is unvarnished reality.

Self is not a story
, it is an "emergent property of material foundations, with experiential feed-back loops", and those feedback loops are the stories. To say that we are 'stories' ignores our foundations.