Friendly Spider-Fish Abomination
- Location
- Formerly of the Far Realm
Here's an edited version of the entry, DP.Added the Bearded God to the front page. Adding here too for convenience:
The Bearded God
The Lawgiver, He of the Long Axe, Lord of Iron
Alignment: ???
Domains: Courage, Mysticism, War
Known Supernatural Servitors: ???
The Church: The Bearded Priests of Norvos serve a god whose name is known only to them, though beyond the temple's hallowed grounds they act with what they term straightforward honesty and their foes call 'blunt as an iron cudgel'. The wise man might consider that they have ruled Norvos ever since its founding, regardless of the machinations of its nobles. Beyond the wearing of beards as a distinctive sign of their calling, all the priests of Norvos are required by their faith to bear an axe, ever ready to defend the faithful of the Lord of Iron from those who would wound or yoke them. Once each year, all priests are expected to take part in ceremonial duels against newly-inducted Hearth-Guards, the city's slave soldiers. While they are not expected to win, especially when a priest becomes too old to 'bear the axe with honor' as judged by his peers, they must surrender all signs of authority and power within the church and withdraw into silent meditation and fasting until the end finds them. While some priests find this to be a shameful way to meet their god, instead preferring death in battle, others argue that to live until 'your hand can no longer carry the axe' is the ultimate proof of one's skills as a warrior and protector of the city.
Tenets of the Faith: Above all else the Lawgiver proclaimed upon the world, the virtues of honesty, courage, temperance, and humility in the face of both the divine and one's fellow man who are all made in the image of the god. Austerity is thus a good guard against sins and excesses of the flesh, with the measured lives under the voice of the Three Bells marking the broad bounds of a life of virtue. Truly great sins can only be expunged through pain suffered during the hardships of battle or as self-inflicted trials in times of peace, most often in the form of self-flagellation. While the Faith of the Lord of Iron has no true universal mandate to convert the world, apostasy among his chosen, those saved from the debauchery of Valyria and the fires of the Doom, is harshly punished.
Worshipers by Region: Norvos and its domains.
Infrastructure: Grand temple in Norvos, Major temples in all its vassal cities
BTW, here's a couple spells which might be considered sacred among the Faithful of the Bearded God; Ironbeard, Silverbeard.
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