Perhaps a mix of Patient and Furious? As much as Shu is pissed at the Ge, he needs to win tomorrow's battle before he can contemplate any action against them. And if Ge Dejun is chomping at the bit to do something foolhardy... well, what better way to lure Chu Yan into a sense of complacency?

@Gaz, How's this for a write in?

[] Coldly Furious
-[] You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge.

I will allow it as a write in, sure.
[X] Furious. The Ge will pay for this! You will reveal all to the Prefect, and see that they get punished for their crimes, post haste!

The Ge troops are already willing to turn cloak, all we need to do is remove the leader and the Ge will be powerless to match us, further this will remove an incompetent puppet from the battlefield and make sure we can use those several thousand additional troops properly.
[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge
[X] Furious. The Ge will pay for this! You will reveal all to the Prefect, and see that they get punished for their crimes, post haste!

We can't let them run around whilst we have this information just brought to us. Who knows what they could do on the eve of the battle. We must remove them from power so their deceit doesn't effect the battle.
[X] Saddened. You are depressed and hurt by this betrayal. You thought Maiyu and the Ge as friends, and cannot help but tear up at being used by them.
your dead friend, Ge Maiyu.
I think a typo there. Except, of course, you are tried to sneak something by us ^^

Why do people want Shu to be depressed before a battle? Shu already has a lack of self-confidence as a weakness. Why exemplify it that way?

@Gaz Do I see it right only furious leads to an immediate confrontation? If I want Shu to discretely tell the prefect, I would need a write-in, correct?
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Furious might be emotionally satisfying in the sense that we are doing something but keep in mind that we have limited evidence so far and a lot of what we have is weak, enough to paint an unflattering picture but not enough to end the Ge threat in full. Better to let Jia Xiu and Yu Zhong gather more so that we can excise the Ge family root and branch. That is why I voted for patient, let us gather evidence of their crimes in full between us and Jia Xiu that will allow us to take action in the name of the Han as well as break any ties the other families have to them.

Keep in mind that other families such as the Ling family lost land under Leng Jun, what happens when we can prove that was at the behest of the Ge? That drives a wedge between the Ling and the Ge. The same with the Mu, they had difficulties in trade well if we show such restrictions were due to the Ge then they benefits we have shown is due to us and the Ge become their opponent as well
[X] Furious. The Ge will pay for this! You will reveal all to the Prefect, and see that they get punished for their crimes, post haste!

A n g e r y B i r b N o i s e s
I think a typo there. Except, of course, you are tried to sneak something by us ^^

Why do people want Shu to be depressed before a battle?

@Gaz Do I see it right only furious leads to an immediate confrontation? If I want Shu to discretely tell the prefect, I would need a write-in, correct?

Ha. Fixed. I can never shake off the typo curse.

And yeah, sure, you could make that a write in
I'm angry at what the Ge clan did, but we must focus on the battle first. After that, we'll deal with them.

Turn that anger into concentrated fury.

[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge.
Furious might be emotionally satisfying in the sense that we are doing something but keep in mind that we have limited evidence so far and a lot of what we have is weak, enough to paint an unflattering picture but not enough to end the Ge threat in full. Better to let Jia Xiu and Yu Zhong gather more so that we can excise the Ge family root and branch. That is why I voted for patient, let us gather evidence of their crimes in full between us and Jia Xiu that will allow us to take action in the name of the Han as well as break any ties the other families have to them.

Keep in mind that other families such as the Ling family lost land under Leng Jun, what happens when we can prove that was at the behest of the Ge? That drives a wedge between the Ling and the Ge. The same with the Mu, they had difficulties in trade well if we show such restrictions were due to the Ge then they benefits we have shown is due to us and the Ge become their opponent as well
We don't actually need them though?

The Gentry Army is already ready to switch to being our army at the first opportunity. Even with possible battle loses, after usurping the Ge's command (which would spare us having to deal with an arrogant, angry incompetent in control of about 1/4 of our army) we wouldn't actually need anyone's definitive support due to the size and authority of having a stick larger then even the Prefect.

Even using this as a temporary measure will give us enough time to get more evidence with which to fully win over the Ling and Mu etc, if they don't figure it out themselves, which isn't out of the question, especially as the murder of an official is a serious crime, even if they manage to shift blame from the entire clan, they'll be so weakened few will want to side against the Prefect and the Liang.
[X] Relieved. Everything starts to make sense, it was never you. The Ge were the true enemy hiding behind Leng Jun and manipulating things to the detriment of all. For the good of Xinshen, you will inform the prefect about your suspicions and act with him together for a brighter future for Xinshen.

EDIT: Changed my Vote.
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Allow me to pitch Coldly Furious for a second. Yes, on the surface it seems similar to Patient or Calm, and it doesn't have the same instant gratification of Furious. Shu already dislikes Dejun, but he's willing to work with him as an ally. Coldly Furious will focus on the battle, and with Zhong's information, Shu would now look at Dejun more hostilely, as an ally in name only. With the battle ahead, and the knowledge that Dejun is chomping at the bit to cover himself in glory, and the odds very close to even, this mindset might allow Shu to use Dejun as a distraction.

If Dejun breaks ranks to lead a YOLO charge against Chu Yan, Chu Yan might consider: "Sure, come to me, I'll destroy you piecemeal." Dejun might clear out some bandit rabble and lure Chu Yan into overconfidence. Between Zhang Xiu and the Azure Lances, our heavy cavalry is our big advantage. The majority of Chu Yan's army is going to be trash infantry, and he'll have less cavalry, with most being lightly armed and armored marauders. We also have quite a few crossbows, and in the battle with Boss Zuo, they did work, practically annihilating the enemy cav on our left flank, then turning their volleys on the infantry. If we mass our crossbows with a revolving volley fire, they can dominate one flank again, or split them to the flanks and have them clear the way for our cavalry charge. When the flank attack commits against the infantry, have a small screening force keep the elite bandit cav off our flank, otherwise they can drive the archers from the field.

Edit: Sorry it derailed into a tactics rant. TL: DR, It puts Shu in the mindset to leave Dejun to his foolishness rather than have to ride to his rescue.
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[] Relieved. Everything starts to make sense, it was never you. The Ge were the true enemy hiding behind Leng Jun and manipulating things to the detriment of all. For the good of Xinshen, you will inform the prefect about your suspicions and act with him together for a brighter future for Xinshen.

@Gaz Is that okay?
[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge.
[x] Paranoid. Just who else has been tricking you and betraying you? How far does all of this go? Who else can't be trusted?

I am absolutely opposed to holding off on any reaction prior to the battle. They've been sabotaging us and also we have received whispers that the Ge have been in close contact with the bandits and slipping them information. Absolutely cannot take the risk of them throwing open the gates or whatever else in accord with some secret alliance.
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Allow me to pitch Coldly Furious for a second. Yes, on the surface it seems similar to Patient or Calm, and it doesn't have the same instant gratification of Furious. Shu already dislikes Dejun, but he's willing to work with him as an ally. Coldly Furious will focus on the battle, and with Zhong's information, Shu would now look at Dejun more hostilely, as an ally in name only. With the battle ahead, and the knowledge that Dejun is chomping at the bit to cover himself in glory, and the odds very close to even, this mindset might allow Shu to use Dejun as a distraction.

If Dejun breaks ranks to lead a YOLO charge against Chu Yan, Chu Yan might consider: "Sure, come to me, I'll destroy you piecemeal." Dejun might clear out some bandit rabble and lure Chu Yan into overconfidence. Between Zhang Xiu and the Azure Lances, our heavy cavalry is our big advantage. The majority of Chu Yan's army is going to be trash infantry, and he'll have less cavalry, with most being lightly armed and armored marauders. We also have quite a few crossbows, and in the battle with Boss Zuo, they did work, practically annihilating the enemy cav on our left flank, then turning their volleys on the infantry. If we mass our crossbows with a revolving volley fire, they can dominate one flank again, or split them to the flanks and have them clear the way for our cavalry charge. When the flank attack commits against the infantry, have a small screening force keep the elite bandit cav off our flank, otherwise they can drive the archers from the field.
The loss of so many troops isn't worth the minuscule benefit of making Chu Yan more cocky. Seeing so many slaughtered would see the Bandits morale rise, due to a seeming initial victory, and our own troops, due to seeing their comrades slaughtered, Morale drop.

And morale is key when you're outnumbered.

Not to mention we will probably want that army to march with us under our banner when we head north. We need all hands on deck to deal with the General of the Earth and his Yellow Turban army. While I have no doubt Shu and Lu Bu can rally troops as they march north, losing thousands of men would still suck when they're needed so heavily.
[X] Relieved. Everything starts to make sense, it was never you. The Ge were the true enemy hiding behind Leng Jun and manipulating things to the detriment of all. For the good of Xinshen, you will inform the prefect about your suspicions and act with him together for a brighter future for Xinshen.

I don't want to have a confrontation with the Ge right now without any input from the prefect. His authority supersedes ours, and we know OOC that Jia Xu is close to finding even more evidence. I think it would lead to far less loss of life and troops, if we coordinate with Zhang. Dropping everything on the table, when we would have to fight and strategize can backfire. with his backing secured, everything would resolve itself better and if he is aware of possible backstabbing actions from Ge Dejun he can plan around it.

Overall I want to inform the other big player of Xinshen and only make an issue out of it now, if we can resolve it quickly with him on our side.
Actually... @Gaz, can we have moratorium? This vote is vital, so I think some discussion will do.

Not to mention, some people have suggested write-in actions. It's worth hearing them.
When we get back, even if we don't vote to expose the Ge now, would it be possible to have a vote on possibly luring Dejun into challenging us to a duel or otherwise humiliating himself?

Us having command of his troops would be better in the short, medium and long term, and we just need him out of the way....
[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge
[X] Coldly Furious. You are furious at being framed and deceived, but you must win tomorrow's battle before you can pursue action against the Ge.

This is where I'm at. Angry and irritated about what happened, but calm and rational about how to enact future retribution.

And retribution we shall have.
I really don't think letting this sit till after the battle is a good thing having them fight with us is just how a bunch of good men are going to die where as if we tell the prefect now and get the punished we should get control of all their troops to use much better then they would have.
[X] Relieved. Everything starts to make sense, it was never you. The Ge were the true enemy hiding behind Leng Jun and manipulating things to the detriment of all. For the good of Xinshen, you will inform the prefect about your suspicions and act with him together for a brighter future for Xinshen.

Changing vote since we should probably allow the Prefect to have some say in what we do
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