We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

[X] Plan Kudzu
-[X] Go big or go home, right? Let us speak with as many people as we can.
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Connection Domain
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Endurance Domain
Look again, I already have a vote for how fast we are going to spread.
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
[ ] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
-[ ] (Attached Hero)
-[ ] (Available Domains: Connection)
You should make a splash you think, have Dana do some strong preaching, maybe give her a bit of a nudge here and there? Just generally really show the non-existent flag around.
@Alectai how would this interact with keeping the cult underground? Would it conflict with the attempts at infosec, or would the 'flavor' of the action just change, with the important thing being 'speed up whatever the natural cult growth is'?
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry

[X] We are not going to get anywhere by being too secret, we should bring in anyone who will hear us out

This plan has my vote.
@Alectai how would this interact with keeping the cult underground? Would it conflict with the attempts at infosec, or would the 'flavor' of the action just change, with the important thing being 'speed up whatever the natural cult growth is'?
Alectai went to bed, alas, but I think the winning vote for recruitment style approach tints our recruitment action (should we take one) rather than being incompatible with it.
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)

In the immediate term, our primary focus has to be on the Famine, and this plan does indeed put all our resources into it.

I'm not at all sure how the Preaching Action works in conjunction with the choice on how to spread. I'm assuming that it boosts our number of followers in each scenario in accordance to the overall strategic goal we set - if we go covert, it means Dana spends more time hunting down personally trustworthy individuals, if we go loud, it means she preaches our gospel far and wide among the streets.

@Alectai , could you confirm or deny this?

In any case, if I am right, then I'm in favor of keeping our worship underground for the moment - it'll let us build up a trusted core of members that won't screw the pooch, which we can then lean on to keep everyone in check when we do go loud - and having Dana on recruitment will partially make up for the low member count of this strategy.
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)

[X] We are not going to get anywhere by being too secret, we should bring in anyone who will hear us out
[X] We are not going to get anywhere by being too secret, we should bring in anyone who will hear us out.
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry

Edit: Changed Vote
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[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)

[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

rather play the long game and subvert the pillars of society from within before we hammer it down.
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)

[X] We are not going to get anywhere by being too secret, we should bring in anyone who will hear us out
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry

[X] We are not going to get anywhere by being too secret, we should bring in anyone who will hear us out
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

Im only voting for this one and not the middle one to get a core group of competent people.
Would the aggressive expansion option conflict/defeat the point of doing it quite? If it doesn't I like this plan
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)
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[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)
[x] We are not going to get anywhere by being too secret, we should bring in anyone who will hear us out

[x] Plan Feed the Hungry

Voting for this. I think that we want to expand as quickly as will not result in our follows doing things contrary to our values. The more people who carry compassion in their hearts the better the world would be.
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)

[X] We are not going to get anywhere by being too secret, we should bring in anyone who will hear us out

Feed the hungry is probably the best starting move we can make. It looks like we still have the planet's defense force right now, so there is no immediate need for [ ] A Panoply for your Hand (DC 50). [ ] Good Works (DC 50) feels like a filler option to me right now. It would be nice to do, but we can get more faith by fixing the famine and we don't need to buy off the Imperial cults or start a PR campaign right this moment

Moving on to actions I want to take, we have [ ] The Famine Problem (DC 75). This is kind of a no-brainer. The people need food, and we need faith. I think we can work out a deal, eh? Dropping all of our tokens on this should give us decent odds for pulling it off, and a 20% chance of getting a miracle. If this action works, it should synergize nicely with [ ] Aggressive Expansion, as having someone talk about a new goddess just as your famine stops is the kind of thing that makes religions happen.

As for recruitment, I don't see the need for full secrecy. The domain of connections should help temper the worst parts of our growth via the power of empathy, and our cult shouldn't be big enough for our dear taxman to notice before he leaves. Going full kudzu would be nice, but I want to avoid having too much heat at the beginning of the game.
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
-[X] Aggressive Expansion (DC 10+)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
-[X] The Famine Problem (DC 75)
--[X] Hero: Dana Magistrix
--[X] Domains: Endurance, Weaving (-2 Tokens of Favor)

[X] We are not going to get anywhere by being too secret, we should bring in anyone who will hear us out
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas

[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry
[X] We should keep it underground--quiet--pick only the ones who can keep their mouths shut and who we can trust to agree with your ideas
[X] Plan: Feed the Hungry

He had laughed and jeered as his siblings were brought low and shattered. Even if it had not been by His hand, their screams of pain and rage was glorious to Him. How many of their Daemons had suffered the same fate? How many lesser beings were branded pretenders and destroyed. He had worked long and hard from the shadows, doing what He could to destroy those hypocrites, those Gods. And now that they were gone, the Warp, His Chaotic Warp, was free from their false order. Now, He and His nature were finally, truly free!

Except they were not.

IT did more than slay His siblingsrivals, IT released the souls of SlaaneshSheWhoThirstsPrinceofExcess, and the fragments of their gods, but they retreated into the webbed way, disdaining the touch of His warp. Bah. He was glad to see them go. His friend acquaintance would have fun with them, at the least. But then IT went against the brothers. Loud, obnoxious, strong, stupid. They were the only other ones who understood the warp, but even then their nature made them pervert it. Atleast their fighting provided ample entertainment... or it did. Now, they rage and fight and annoy as they did, but not as often. Now they were smaller, and shrunk more and more no matter how much they screamed and fought. Less and less of their lads came back after going back out to fight. IT killed them faster than they could grow, and thus the warp grew emptier. Even those... things, slayers of the old ones began to be silenced. The few sentient daemons whispered of them less and less. The Liar, The Killer, The Exile. Their names were few and far between. Soon, He realized that the warp lay empty, and would continue to become empty and flat and placid, because of IT.


So He picked up his plots, and His minions, and He sought to bring IT low, as it had His siblingsrivals.

He barely survived. He didn't stand a chance. IT broke Him, almost like it had His rivalssiblings. IT thought that IT had driven Him into the deepest pits of the Warp, to rule over an empty and dying kingdom, never to return. IT was almost right. IT did drive Him to the deepest depths of the Warp, IT did break Him, and He did not intend to return. Until it found them, the shards. Billions and billions of shards, of gods not yet made and already dead. Shards of the most corrupted and purest forms of Chaos and warp-stuff. And among them, He found the four. Four shards of the purest essence of his siblings. It was here that He, too, died. Died, and was reborn. Now, He began His work, with a new and different purpose. In the materium, eleven thousand years passed. In the immaterium, eleven infinite more did. In the deepest depths of the warp, so deep that even ITS blinding and burning light could not pierce and spy, He worked. Until His work was done. Four shards, four souls, four gods, four siblings siblings, reborn as He was. So new and young that they lacked names, only titles of their most basic of elements and nature. From his palace and prison and workshop, He gently pushed them out from the depths, to just outside of ITS light. Now, his job was done. For now, at least. Should they prove worthy, and should they grow, and should everything go as it should be, the four will be whole again. And once they are strong enough to stand before ITS gaze and not falter, when they were ready to reclaim the Thrones of Heaven itself, He would rise among them. He would help guide them on the right path, of the true nature of the warp as He now saw it.

But it would not be Malal, the Malicious, the Omega, who would rise to meet them. Malal died in those dark depths of His wounds, with His being and beliefs broken. That would be the work of the Monochrome Heirarch, the Benevolent, the Alpha, to do it. For now, He waited. Soon enough, there would be much work to do.

((Just a little omake or sidestory to make, questionably canon as Malal and 40k is in nature. Can't wait to see how this quest turns out!))
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