Different question, did the Devil Cleric here only talk about sending a patrol to the auction, or did he already do so?
Would be nice to come back and not find out that it came to a fight between the Blessed Guard and a bunch of high-level casters.
the thing is that I'm an obsessive idiot and thanks to the quarantine I had a lot more free time than I tend to, so the only thing I've been reading for about a month and a half has been this quest. on average I read 5-8.5 forum pages a day (on the reader mode). my brain feels like it's melting.It only took you over a month?
Impressive... considering in the time it took you to catch up to the last update, @DragonParadox posted anywhere from 62 (at an absolute minimum) to 267 (at a maximum). Or an average of 77.5 to 222.5 updates.
Supposing you finished somewhere in the middle of that estimate, the quest had grown by around 145 updates, which is an average of 80,000~ words.
Coincidentally, if you had decided to take a break for a mere seven days total through that period without reading, that could have been over 90,000~ words instead. If you had taken longer (overall, like say reading a couple hundred updates at a time and doing other things besides reading this quest every day), you probably never would have caught up.![]()
Interesting. I wonder why the tease with Wisdom. It is not like we gave anything about ourselves. Even if we are a fake persona jumping straight to Viserys or a Valyrian is a bit much
[X] No, it is already too great a weakness, if he cared for those he rules Ezhekidich should have stepped down and allow an archon without his dark secret to ascend to the rule of Heaven's Shore
I think @Tomcost is correct. The Commandant here is searching for the spirit of the answer, not the formulae that helps one accomplish their goal.
Philosophically, if you are what you say you are, to the point that indisputably your supporters would abandon you in droves because there is almost nothing to distinguish your rule and that of a Devil, you are too far gone for them and are actively deceiving them. It's more than a little white lie to give comfort or not hurt someone's feelings, you are actively poisoning the well your entire community drinks from while declaring the waters to be pure.
If it's so dark a secret that a supposed paragon of virtue would so quickly be compared to a general of Hell, you don't have any right to be calling yourself on the side of angels. It has more meaning than someone who is lawful or someone who is good. You are an example that other people can look up to. This holds more value to his supporters than his ability to rule or his capacity for moral reasoning.
Only an egotist would try to twist their reasoning for doing otherwise and try to sound like they are doing the right thing, despite the fact that they no longer believe in what it means to be an angel. Not the regular "I am an absolute ruler" kind either, I mean the type who wields power not for others but for themselves. I imagine if he had sat down and told his inner circle (presuming it contains people who believe in his act wholesale) the truth and offered to step down, that alone would have clarified his worthiness for rule. Anyone willing to sacrifice power for others' peace of mind probably couldn't be anything but what they appear to be.
Pragmatically speaking, the utility you can provide as a Steel-winged adviser to your replacement isn't actually much different than your capacity to give the people what they believe they want while Gold-winged.
The thing is that nobody makes it to that level of power without secrets. They don't even have to be horrible ones necessarily, seen here in how close Ezhekidich was to becoming a devil instead of a celestial. If you have to be so completely perfect that nothing anyone can dig up about you could cause you harm to lead then no one really could. There are limits to that, but where a devil or genie would place them is dramatically different than where a human would.[X] No, it is already too great a weakness, if he cared for those he rules Ezhekidich should have stepped down and allow an archon without his dark secret to ascend to the rule of Heaven's Shore
@Goldfish , the question is not whether Hassan thinks that the Lightbulb should have used another method or no. The question is whether he should have allowed the situation to become as delicate as this.
And the answers are basically two: yes, you can have a terrible secret and keep the power if you try hard enough, or no, you can't, so you should step down.
The secret is not that he almost became a devil once.The thing is that nobody makes it to that level of power without secrets. They don't even have to be horrible ones necessarily, seen here in how close Ezhekidich was to becoming a devil instead of a celestial. If you have to be so completely perfect that nothing anyone can dig up about you could cause you harm to lead then no one really could. There are limits to that, but where a devil or genie would place them is dramatically different than where a human would.
In a broad sense so long as your secret doesn't interfere with your job, or induce you to abuse your position in some way, then the ethics of it are arguable so long as the secret itself isn't horribly objectionable.
We do not alter history and burn books to appear as Viserys the Perfect.I feel like we are hypocrite'ing the shit out of ourselves with these answers, fake identity or jot.
@BronzeTongue , it is not the question he is asking."Tell me stone-born, do you think there was wisdom in trying to keep such information from un-trusted hands, even if he was foolish in the manner he chose to do so?"
I revel in the opportunity to be a hypocrite.I feel like we are hypocrite'ing the shit out of ourselves with these answers, fake identity or jot.
We're not arguing for perfection being the necessity in this case, we are saying that not only can you not lie forever, but if the lie is obscuring your likeness to a diabolical iron-fisted ruler, the extent to which you would have to go to pursue this lie is unconscionable towards the needs of your people.The thing is that nobody makes it to that level of power without secrets. They don't even have to be horrible ones necessarily, seen here in how close Ezhekidich was to becoming a devil instead of a celestial. If you have to be so completely perfect that nothing anyone can dig up about you could cause you harm to lead then no one really could. There are limits to that, but where a devil or genie would place them is dramatically different than where a human would.
At this point, likely a gesture of the Commandant's favor... keeping in mind the fact that he is apparently suspicious of our origins as an Oread from the Peerless Empire. And seems to strongly favor the idea we're from the Imperium.@DragonParadox , what is the reward for Hassan for delivering the prisoner?
I mean, that's the part we are playing as. The Greedy earth-born