It might be taken as given that sleeping and leaving around byblows, then taking the time to educate and patronize Genie-blooded mages is a means around the taboo to get a small amount of wishcraft in use by people with blood-ties dissuading its misuse.

@DragonParadox hasn't touched much upon Genie cultural practices in the Peerless Empire or Armun Kelisk, but what little he has is that at the top-level, the Genies can be (un)surprisingly pragmatic.
That's a possibility, but I think that even a pragmatic culture will have some blind spots that it doesn't work well with. I think that even trying to get around that particular taboo would trigger a reaction, though it could be weak enough that people still risk it.

Even if it is a thing that people do, it's clearly quiet or we would have seen something in their territory. It just means that we need to be evasive on our background instead of making up something that doesn't make sense given our know abilities.

Not that we want to do too much explaining, but it means that we have to be careful if we try to pass off anything to them based on our background because we could accidentally expose ourselves as being disguised. We almost did something like that in the first chapter of the auction with casual conversation, a minor oddity like that in front of the devils could get them on our tail even more than they already are.
[X] "The offer is appreciated, Lord Iradious, but I must admit to having little gift for magics of Divination or Enchantment. If it would aid in the interrogation, however, I can attempt to lay a powerful curse upon the prisoner, one which will render her much less able to resist further efforts to learn her secrets?"
-[X] If Iradious agrees, we will cast Bestow Greater Curse on the Handmaiden Devil to inflict a -8 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks
On a related note, I've been looking into travel stuff to see if there is a way to get some teleport utility back. It's mostly out of curiosity about DnD travel magic, so if it's something that we're not supposed to work our way around I'll drop it, it in the meantime I have some stuff.

Outside of Door of Decay, long range non-conjuration teleport style spells are thin on the ground. Mostly it's just the shadow movement ones, which I think we've used a number of at one point or another. Shadow Jaunt and especially Shadow Step are both listed as illusion spells and in the case of shadow step at least explicitly travel along a trail of shadow stuff instead of popping into the astral plane.

Now the range there is pretty bad, but with enlarge spell we can boost it to around 600ft in one jump, which is a CL 5 dimension door or so. That's not perfect, but in an urban environment being able to jump out of the city block you're in is incredibly valuable.

If we got an item of command word shadow step at the minimum caster level we'd be able to use it for rapidly moving around the city without being directly traced, or at least breaking away from pursuit as needed. Not sure if it's worth it at 9000 IM, but it's worth a thought.

Such a thing might actually be more valuable on the grey market than as a direct tool, depending on how common the spell is.

A more interesting question is if any of this means that Shadow Walk works here. It talks about the material plane a lot, but also allows for the user to cross the shadow plane to touch other spheres of creation, which could imply that it'd function here in some capacity. We've only used this once that I recall because of the exit side inaccuracy , but if we really need to get a move on it's better than nothing.

On a less related note, these are fun and might be useful inquisitorial tools on the prime material. Not useful here, but I found them looking for divergent teleport items and they're pretty cheap for the duration and number of targets for the tree stride effect.
On a related note, I've been looking into travel stuff to see if there is a way to get some teleport utility back. It's mostly out of curiosity about DnD travel magic, so if it's something that we're not supposed to work our way around I'll drop it, it in the meantime I have some stuff.

Outside of Door of Decay, long range non-conjuration teleport style spells are thin on the ground. Mostly it's just the shadow movement ones, which I think we've used a number of at one point or another. Shadow Jaunt and especially Shadow Step are both listed as illusion spells and in the case of shadow step at least explicitly travel along a trail of shadow stuff instead of popping into the astral plane.

Now the range there is pretty bad, but with enlarge spell we can boost it to around 600ft in one jump, which is a CL 5 dimension door or so. That's not perfect, but in an urban environment being able to jump out of the city block you're in is incredibly valuable.

If we got an item of command word shadow step at the minimum caster level we'd be able to use it for rapidly moving around the city without being directly traced, or at least breaking away from pursuit as needed. Not sure if it's worth it at 9000 IM, but it's worth a thought.

Such a thing might actually be more valuable on the grey market than as a direct tool, depending on how common the spell is.

A more interesting question is if any of this means that Shadow Walk works here. It talks about the material plane a lot, but also allows for the user to cross the shadow plane to touch other spheres of creation, which could imply that it'd function here in some capacity. We've only used this once that I recall because of the exit side inaccuracy , but if we really need to get a move on it's better than nothing.

On a less related note, these are fun and might be useful inquisitorial tools on the prime material. Not useful here, but I found them looking for divergent teleport items and they're pretty cheap for the duration and number of targets for the tree stride effect.
Master Earth would be perfect...

...except it only works on the Material Plane. :cry2:
On a related note, I've been looking into travel stuff to see if there is a way to get some teleport utility back. It's mostly out of curiosity about DnD travel magic, so if it's something that we're not supposed to work our way around I'll drop it, it in the meantime I have some stuff.

Outside of Door of Decay, long range non-conjuration teleport style spells are thin on the ground. Mostly it's just the shadow movement ones, which I think we've used a number of at one point or another. Shadow Jaunt and especially Shadow Step are both listed as illusion spells and in the case of shadow step at least explicitly travel along a trail of shadow stuff instead of popping into the astral plane.

Now the range there is pretty bad, but with enlarge spell we can boost it to around 600ft in one jump, which is a CL 5 dimension door or so. That's not perfect, but in an urban environment being able to jump out of the city block you're in is incredibly valuable.

If we got an item of command word shadow step at the minimum caster level we'd be able to use it for rapidly moving around the city without being directly traced, or at least breaking away from pursuit as needed. Not sure if it's worth it at 9000 IM, but it's worth a thought.

Such a thing might actually be more valuable on the grey market than as a direct tool, depending on how common the spell is.

A more interesting question is if any of this means that Shadow Walk works here. It talks about the material plane a lot, but also allows for the user to cross the shadow plane to touch other spheres of creation, which could imply that it'd function here in some capacity. We've only used this once that I recall because of the exit side inaccuracy , but if we really need to get a move on it's better than nothing.

On a less related note, these are fun and might be useful inquisitorial tools on the prime material. Not useful here, but I found them looking for divergent teleport items and they're pretty cheap for the duration and number of targets for the tree stride effect.
Unicorn Heart might work, too.
Depending on how invested we want to get up here, the shadow port could be a valuable tool for a small package delivery service. Discreetly moving high value information and objects around in a very difficult to track way would be in high demand in a place like Heaven's Shore.

Even if we couldn't turn a profit it would be a beautiful vector for an information network. Especially if we forged creatures who had Shadow Step as an at will SLA instead of producing items; it'd remove the enchanter time cost and make it difficult to kill an employee to steal the ability.
[X] "The offer is appreciated, Lord Iradious, but I must admit to having little gift for magics of Divination or Enchantment. If it would aid in the interrogation, however, I can attempt to lay a powerful curse upon the prisoner, one which will render her much less able to resist further efforts to learn her secrets?"
-[X] If Iradious agrees, we will cast Bestow Greater Curse on the Handmaiden Devil to inflict a -8 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks
[X] Goldfish
btw hi, I just finished reading this quest up until the lates chapter, took me over a month, worth it.
It only took you over a month?

Impressive... considering in the time it took you to catch up to the last update, @DragonParadox posted anywhere from 62 (at an absolute minimum) to 267 (at a maximum). Or an average of 77.5 to 222.5 updates.

Supposing you finished somewhere in the middle of that estimate, the quest had grown by around 145 updates, which is an average of 80,000~ words.

Coincidentally, if you had decided to take a break for a mere seven days total through that period without reading, that could have been over 90,000~ words instead. If you had taken longer (overall, like say reading a couple hundred updates at a time and doing other things besides reading this quest every day), you probably never would have caught up. :V
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Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 14, 2020 at 4:23 AM, finished with 56 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] "The offer is appreciated, Lord Iradious, but I must admit to having little gift for magics of Divination or Enchantment. If it would aid in the interrogation, however, I can attempt to lay a powerful curse upon the prisoner, one which will render her much less able to resist further efforts to learn her secrets?"
    -[X] If Iradious agrees, we will cast Bestow Greater Curse on the Handmaiden Devil to inflict a -8 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks
    [X] Agree to interrogate the prisoner
    -[X] Use Abdar's Truthtelling and Confess spells as necessary to learn things.
    -[X] We are interested in who it's employer are, whom it serves overall, if it had any allies in this venture, what was it's target, what was it's plan, what it (thought) it knew of the auction attendees, etc.
    [X] "The offer is appreciated, Lord Iradious, but I must admit to having little gift for magics of Divination or Enchantment. If it would aid in the interrogation, however, I can attempt to lay a powerful curse upon the prisoner, one which will render her much less able to resist further efforts to learn her secrets?"
    -[X] If Iradious agrees, we will cast Bestow Greater Curse on the Handmaiden Devil to inflict a -8 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks
Part MMMDLI: Wisdom Tangled and True
Wisdom Tangled and True

Twenty Fifth Day of the First Month 294 AC

Best not to give the devil too much of a hint of your subtler magics, you resolve. So far you have shown him the face of a powerful mage yes, but one as unsubtle as the avalanche in his sorcery and only a touch less so in word and deed. "The offer is appreciated, Lord Iradious, but I must admit to having little gift for magics of Divination or Enchantment. If it would aid in the interrogation, however, I can attempt to lay a powerful curse upon the prisoner, that her mind might crumble like poorly mortared stone?"

The acolyte of Asmodeus watches you carefully for a long moment, trying to read something in your face and manner beyond the words you spoke. Whatever he finds it seems to suit him for he nods graciously enough. "My magic is more than potent enough to pierce this one's mind, but the aid is appreciated, wise one."

Something about the last two words catches your attention. It's not a wholly unknown formula of address for a mage of great power in this realm, usually used for sages and others more concerned with the collection of lore than its use, but it is also uncomfortably close to the Valyrian title 'wisdom' that had grown common throughout your realm when addressing all mages.

"As to that I claim no great measure of wisdom, only enough good sense to see to it that the law is being followed in letter and spirit both," you laugh, hiding sudden wariness behind a smile.

"More than most, surely more than..." he pauses dramatically and strikes the stone behind him with one silk gloved fist, sending a shiver of visible balefire through the wards. It is supposed to signal tighter protections in place for some great secret, but you know enough of ward-crafting and diabolic suspicions not to buy into the notion. The chamber was already as well warded as it could be the moment you crossed the threshold.

No baatezu enchanter would ever scrimp on wards that assure secrecy in an interrogation chamber of all places, leaving it to the latitude of the interrogator how much protection the room requires against prying eyes, but they would certainly build in a bit of misdirection to make those hosted here willingly and unwillingly think that is the case.

"The Lord of Heaven is a fool, but one that cannot be removed lest the city fall into chaos. The sheep will stand for our presence here, bleeding upon the ramparts when darkness comes, but they would not bear to be ruled over by one of us directly, further befouling their precious memory of Light."

"I know little of the politics of this realm," you interject as though half-unwilling to show ignorance but curious just the same. The latter sentiment is even genuine. "What does this have to do with the attempted theft at the auction house? The tome is said to contain some of Lord Ezhekidich's memories of death and rebirth, and surely the past informs the present, but I cannot see how that might lead to removing him entirely. It seems..." you hesitate, not sure how much of a personal opinion you can afford to give here. "Out of proportion to the offense."

"It is not that he would be removed," the devil chuckles mirthlessly. "It is that whoever holds that tome will know just how close he is to joining Baator in full, how little distinction there is below the veneer of celestial rule." From his manner you do not suspect him of lying, but given how lightly he had revealed this you doubt it is the wholly story he drew from the mind of the gylou.

Before you can formulate a reply however Iradious continues. "Tell me stone-born, do you think there was wisdom in trying to keep such information from un-trusted hands, even if he was foolish in the manner he chose to do so?"

What do you reply?

[] Yes, secrets should be kept from those who would react impulsively to them

[] No, it is already too great a weakness, if he cared for those he rules Ezhekidich should have stepped down and allow an archon without his dark secret to ascend to the rule of Heaven's Shore

[] Write in

OOC: This is the last vote in the Fortress, it will define how the lieutenant and perhaps his superior, the Lord General, will think of your persona. After that we are going after that lore.
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Wisdom Tangled and True

Twenty Fifth Day of the First Month 294 AC

Best not to give the devil too much of a hint of your subtler magics, you resolve. Yes, so far you have shown him the face of a powerful mage, but one as unsubtle as the avalanche in his sorcery and only a touch less so in word and deed. "The offer is appreciated, Lord Iradious, but I must admit to having little gift for magics of Divination or Enchantment. If it would aid in the interrogation, however, I can attempt to lay a powerful curse upon the prisoner, that her mind might crumble like poorly mortared stone?"

The acolyte of Asmodeous watches you carefully for a long moment, trying to read something in your face and manner beyond the words you spoke. Whatever he finds, it seems to suit him for he nods graciously enough. "My magic is more than potent enough to pierce this one's mind, but the aid is appreciated, wise one."

Something about the last two words catches your attention. It's not a wholly unknown form of address for a mage of great power in this realm, usually used for sages and others more concerned with the collection of lore than its use, but it is also uncomfortably close to the Valyrian title 'wisdom' that had grown common throughout your realm when addressing all mages.

"As to that, I claim no great measure of wisdom, only enough good sense to see to it that the law is being followed in letter and spirit both," you laugh, hiding sudden wariness behind a smile.

"More than most, surely more than..." he pauses dramatically and strikes the stone behind him with one silk gloved fist sending a shiver of visible balefire through the wards. It is supposed to signal tighter protections in place for some great secret, but you know enough of ward-crafting and diabolic suspicions not to buy into the notion. The chamber was already as well warded as it could be the moment you crossed the threshold.

No baatezu enchanter would ever scrimp on wards that assure secrecy in an interrogation chamber of all places, leaving it to the latitude of the interrogator how much protection the room requires against prying eyes, but they would certainly build in a bit of misdirection to make those hosted here willingly and unwillingly think that is the case.

"The Lord of Heaven is a fool, but one that cannot be removed lest the city fall into chaos. The sheep will stand for our presence here, bleeding upon the ramparts when darkness comes, but they would not bear to be ruled over by one of us directly further befouling their precious memory of Light."

"I know little of the politics of this realm," you interject, as though half-unwilling to show ignorance but curious just the same. The latter sentiment is even genuine. "What does this have to do with the attempted theft at the auction. The tome is said to contain some of Lord Ezhekidich memories of death and rebirth, and surely the past informs the present, but I cannot see how that might lead to removing him entirely. It seems..." you hesitate not sure how much of a personal opinion you can afford to give here. "Out of proportion to the offense."

"It is not that he would be removed," the devil chuckles mirthlessly. "It is that whoever holds that tome will know just how close he is to joining Baator in full, how little distinction there is below the veneer of celestial rule." From his manner you do not suspect him of lying, but given how lightly he had revealed this, you doubt it is the whole story he drew from the mind of the gylou.

Before you can formulate a reply, however, Iradious continues "Tell me, stone-born, do you think there was wisdom in trying to keep such information from un-trusted hands, even if he was foolish in the manner he chose to do so?"

What do you reply?

[] Yes, secrets should be kept from those who would react impulsively to them.

[] No, it is already too great a weakness. If he cared for those he rules, Ezhekidich should have stepped down and allowed an archon without his dark secret to ascend to the rule of Heaven's Shore.

[] Write in

OOC: This is the last vote in the fortress, it will define how the lieutenant and perhaps his superior the Lord General will think of your persona. After that we are going after that lore. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
I think this fits for an answer Hassan might give to the question. Straightforward and relatively guileless; "Why steal it when you can simply buy it?"

[X] "From Lord Ezhekidich's perspective, one can see how it might seem wise to keep such damaging information secret. His plan for doing so, however, shows that he allowed his fear of discovery to overcome his ability to reason soundly. Given the resources invested into securing the tome, he could have simply sent a representative to the auction as the Lord of Minauros appears to have done. Even had he been unable to purchase the tome, he would have learned who did. Surely it would have been less troublesome for his agents to secure the tome from the winner of the auction after they left Heaven's Shore, where doing so would be merely distasteful rather than illegal."
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Given the resources invested into securing the tome, he could have simply sent a representative to the auction as the Lord of Minauros appears to have done.
Dunnno, a hired hit-devil is propably cheaper than the book would have been.
After all a lot of money already changed the owner on that auction before we got to the main object.

His discretionary budget is propably not too large.
[X] No, it is already too great a weakness, if he cared for those he rules Ezhekidich should have stepped down and allow an archon without his dark secret to ascend to the rule of Heaven's Shore

Having dark secrets as a ruler is kinda common, but the kind of secret makes it hard to keep eternally. After all it would be better for him too, to step down gracefully, rather than one day fall and be forced to do so.
Dunnno, a hired hit-devil is propably cheaper than the book would have been.
After all a lot of money already changed the owner on that auction before we got to the main object.

His discretionary budget is propably not too large.
A Hit Devil with the specific ability to capture a target and use their Greater Teleport SLA, one willing to claim it's working directly for Asmodeus, can't be easy to find or cheap to hire. It was also willing to risk Teleporting despite the great danger of doing so in Hellven. Not to mention that it was Mind Blank'd and at a minimum had a Time Stop charm and a Celerity charm. It might have also had some method to mitigate the danger of Teleporting in Hellven and something to bypass any anti-Teleportation wards Echyr had placed in the area. None of that would have been cheap, though you're correct that it had to be much less than just purchasing the tome.

This isn't supposed to be a Viserys answer, though. It's an Hassan answer, one that assumes the Lord of Hellven, who had been in that position for thousands of years, would have the necessary resources to buy the book. I'm not trying to make Hassan seem stupid, but instead establishing a certain method to his way of thinking that a Devil would assume is naive and gullible due to his lack of experience with intrigue and deception.
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[X] Goldfish

Hassan is a high level caster from the plane of earth, "Throw money at it" is a good answer for him even if it's not actually the most optimal solution.

Honestly given how twisted the law is in Heaven these days I'd be surprised if he legitimately couldn't find something to charge the oracle devil with if he put his back into it. He could likely have bought the book and either killed the guy outside of town if he fled, or waited a bit and then charged him with whatever he'd dug up if he was dumb enough to stick around.

Sure it'd be corrupt, but so is staging two different robberies and an assassination.
Edit: autocorrect dropped some critical letters.
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Different question, did the Devil Cleric here only talk about sending a patrol to the auction, or did he already do so?
Would be nice to come back and not find out that it came to a fight between the Blessed Guard and a bunch of high-level casters.