If Asmodeus was going to act here, he would have used a stronger hand and someone else's name with similar weight and even greater strength. The Auction had been undergone long enough to get forces in position to do that much. You could freely point this out if challenged.
If Asmodeus was going to act here, he would have used a stronger hand and someone else's name with similar weight and even greater strength. The Auction had been undergone long enough to get forces in position to do that much. You could freely point this out if challenged.
Pretty much. Asmodeus has no reason to send a kidnapper Devil, one specially equipped to snatch the mimic, when he could simply order it seized and it would have happened.
Pretty much. Asmodeus has no reason to send a kidnapper Devil, one specially equipped to snatch the mimic, when he could simply order it seized and it would have happened.
There actually is one reason Viserys could think of, not wanting his name associated with the deed at all. the more devils he sent the more would know that fact and even he can't keep a secret in Hell forever. Secrets are almost as valuable as souls.
Pretty much. Asmodeus has no reason to send a kidnapper Devil, one specially equipped to snatch the mimic, when he could simply order it seized and it would have happened.
Viserys has already deducted that the Mimic must be working for someone powerful.
Assuming Asmodeus wants the book, but does not want to make an enemy of that person or faction for no reason, then this would make some sense.
Though not really, now that I think about it.
He could have bought the book with an agent of his own. Or confiscated it from Mammon's agent after that one bought it.
I just don't believe Old Red would be too cheap to pay for it, if he really wanted it.
There actually is one reason Viserys could think of, not wanting his name associated with the deed at all. the more devils he sent the more would know that fact and even he can't keep a secret in Hell forever. Secrets are almost as valuable as souls.
If that was the case, though, I wouldn't expect the Gylou to know she had even been sent by Asmodeus. It would have been trivially easy for him to arrange the mimicnapping through intermediaries.
If that was the case, though, I wouldn't expect the Gylou to know she had even been sent by Asmodeus. It would have been trivially easy for him to arrange the mimicnapping through intermediaries.
There is a simple test if Asmodeus is really behind this.
Detain the abductor and wait a bit.
If he is behind this, a ranking Devil from the local Garrison should appear shortly to claim her and the Mimic.
After all, now that secrecy is lost, he can use his plentyfull other assets in the area.
[X] Cast Assay Spell Resistance, then target the Gylou with an Amber Sarcophagus spell using Wild Arcana before it can recover from using Celerity.
-[X] If the Devil speaks the truth, we will know soon enough when the authorities of Heaven's Shore inevitably make their presence known. If not, perhaps we will be able purchase the tome without interference before becoming embroiled in whatever background plotting has lead to this confrontation.
-[X] Once the Devil is captured, comment on how the attempt seemed too sloppy to be the work of the Lord of the Ninth or his agents.
To point something out, will our habit of Baleful Polymorph and Amber Sarcophagusing our enemies point out who we are if we use it in our cover identity. There is a servant of Mammon in the room after all, and they definitely know our habits about this. (Bead of Newt Prevention on Mammon).
To point something out, will our habit of Baleful Polymorph and Amber Sarcophagusing our enemies point out who we are if we use it in our cover identity. There is a servant of Mammon in the room after all, and they definitely know our habits about this. (Beadles of Newt Prevention on Mammon).
To point something out, will our habit of Baleful Polymorph and Amber Sarcophagusing our enemies point out who we are if we use it in our cover identity. There is a servant of Mammon in the room after all, and they definitely know our habits about this. (Beadles of Newt Prevention on Mammon).
Who called this happening?
I did~ ...well, after someone else brought up the idea of a heist, to be fair.
I am glad the lack of surprise round on it's part got us to have a chance to stop it.
@Goldfish, would Curse of the Spilt Water not work better here, for discretional purposes at least?
Our enemies have showed up being prepared for the Ambering before, casting Spell Immujity to it - so it is at least a bit tied to us personally by now.
Not talking about mechanics, ofc, there I'm sure you got it covered.
Also, can't we use Timestop ourselves, to ensure it doesn't get to get away? Just dropping a Dimensional Lock (and I think we can cast it while timestopped) would be enough to stop it in it's tracks, iirc.
Curse of Spilt Water (dragon Magazine 334, page 74) Transmutation [Water] Level: Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates. Spell Resistance: Yes
The target of this spell must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be permanently transformed into water equal to its original volume. The water immediately splashes to the ground and spreads as normal water. If a suitable container is within 5 feet of the target, the caster can direct the water to collapse into the container. Any equipment carried by the victumalso transforms into water. While transformed into water, the victum has no consciousness and can take no actions.
If any quantity of the water is recovered, a break enchantment can restore the victim to normal.
However, if the water is allowed to evaporate (a process that requires 1 hour for a creature of Fine size, 1 day for Tiny creature, and 2 days for each cathegory size larger than Tiny) or mixed with a larger body of water, such as a lake or sea, a limited wish,miracle, or wish is required to restore the target to it's original form.
Material component: A rag doll soaked in seawater.
Our enemies have showed up being prepared for the Ambering before, casting Spell Immujity to it - so it is at least a bit tied to us personally by now.
Who called this happening?
I did~ ...well, after someone else brought up the idea of a heist, to be fair.
I am glad the lack of surprise round on it's part got us to have a chance to stop it.
@Goldfish, would Curse of the Spilt Water not work better here, for discretional purposes at least?
Our enemies have showed up being prepared for the Ambering before, casting Spell Immujity to it - so it is at least a bit tied to us personally by now.
Not talking about mechanics, ofc, there I'm sure you got it covered.
Also, can't we use Timestop ourselves, to ensure it doesn't get to get away? Just dropping a Dimensional Lock (and I think we can cast it while timestopped) would be enough to stop it in it's tracks, iirc.
Curse of Spilt Water (dragon Magazine 334, page 74) Transmutation [Water] Level: Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates. Spell Resistance: Yes
The target of this spell must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be permanently transformed into water equal to its original volume. The water immediately splashes to the ground and spreads as normal water. If a suitable container is within 5 feet of the target, the caster can direct the water to collapse into the container. Any equipment carried by the victumalso transforms into water. While transformed into water, the victum has no consciousness and can take no actions.
If any quantity of the water is recovered, a break enchantment can restore the victim to normal.
However, if the water is allowed to evaporate (a process that requires 1 hour for a creature of Fine size, 1 day for Tiny creature, and 2 days for each cathegory size larger than Tiny) or mixed with a larger body of water, such as a lake or sea, a limited wish,miracle, or wish is required to restore the target to it's original form.
Material component: A rag doll soaked in seawater.
Amber Sarcophagus is a safer choice, just in case she really is working for Asmodeus. Using Time Stop right now is giving away a bit more of our capabilities than I'm comfortable with.
The Devil is Stunned for one full round, meaning that we can easily respond in time if she turns out to be Immune to the spell. We have Amazing Initiative+Belt of Battle and Celerity to call on if we need to abuse action economy.
Also, as @Artemis1992 pointed out, Amber Sarcophagus is much more appropriate for a native of the Opaline Vault. It also doesn't allow a saving throw, while the Curse does.