Boiling it down, my concern is basically that building narrative momentum with Zhengui consistently gets muddled by the framing of votes. I hate contrasting things with Hanyi because it can come off like I'm arguing for less Hanyi or complaining about her, but really she's the golden example of things done right with a spirit.
So here's the stuff she's got going for her, narratively. There's all the overlap between her cultivation and Ling Qi's. She had a full post-Zeqing-separation arc laser focused all on her own shit(plus Yu Nuan, but not in a way that was actually obtrusive). She seamlessly wormed her way into the dealings with Bao Qian which were until then primarily focused on Zhengui. There's been multiple off-screen commitments to her inclusion in activities, like dancing with Sixiang and getting pointers on composition for her work for Bao Qian. And now in this update she's apparently going off to further refine her own issues in quiet independence, with decent odds she comes back with power-ups.
When you look at Zhengui, we don't see that same
ease of narrative progression. There's a lot of false starts and potholes that force the narrative to slam on the breaks, and sometimes even change direction. Like, let's look at what's been going on with him ever since he woke up in the Inner Sect:
-awakening is sidelined by (valid) Hanyi and broader family drama
-basically leave him behind in bandit fight
-chose a zhengui-centric route in the second military exercise | run around without him as more optimal choice instead
-didn't pick the teamwork option with Shen Hu which would have mirrored aspects of fighting with Zhengui tactics-wise
-due to choices, basically got back too late to actually fight with him pushing past his limits
-organize feel-better hangout with Meizhen + Cui for Zhengui | turns into an event focused on Cai Renxiang's cultivation angst
-use Zhengui as premise for approaching Wang Chao | immediately broaden the scope, minimizing his role and attention
-art vote overwhelmingly targets his keywords | mixed results lead to mediocre compromise art
-flubbed roll on adventure results in choosing notable harm to his mood and advancement
It's like a gear that won't stop slipping. A few of these weren't votes, they happened automatically, but they form the backdrop against which further choices are made. There's also been events that he's been
present for, like the Xuan Shi temple adventure and EPC-moon dream vision, but he was really just window dressing for those. Same as Hanyi who was also present, really.
There's been a consistent pattern of Zhengui's engagement being easily derailed by stuff that comes up, and he doesn't have the same narrative safety nets in place that Sixiang and Hanyi have with the way they share significant cultivation touch points with Ling Qi. Zhengui
only has the narratives of the events that keep getting interrupted. It's a serious issue that Zhengui keeps getting stacked up against what are basically Main Questline objectives, where we have to choose to pursue one or the other. Sixiang and Hanyi haven't gotten the same treatment. It's incongruous and especially worrying because, again, we lack the more diverse touchstones for engaging with him.
I'm not sure if there's an actual reason for this, honestly. Like, is there a broader narrative being deliberately pushed relating to Ling Qi and Zhengui's relationship that we're just continually falling prey to, or is it the result of more or less random choice and oversights in planning? I can't really tell. And as a concession to the folks voting for Wang Chao here, I have to confess that because Zhengui's gotten sandwiched in with, and against, these Official Job Goals again, it's
probably right to argue that just smacking the "Zhengui!" button during the event won't improve things. It certainly didn't help underground post-fungus.
But then that leaves us in a place where there is
no option for improvement, because these are the only circumstances in which meaningful engagement with Zhengui actually rears its head at all!
It's a frustrating set of circumstances, for sure.
You characterize it as if she leaves him on the side of the road in the sect with a half a bag of doritos and a juice box every day. LIng Qi only allowed him to speak with others in very specific instances and was mixed feelings about allowing him to visit Hanyi. It's been shown she has had to get over fretting and getting involved when he has childish arguments with Hanyi and had to be talked down by Sixiang. Otherwise he has to stay at home. Ling Qi has been involved with training Zhengui, from getting him to hide and ambush rabbits to snaring worms with his roots to skeet shooting rocks to being invovled when he developed eating the ground and spitting a blob of molten glass. None of these are characteristics of Zhengui being some latch key kid who goes out in the world on his own.
I don't know where you come up with this reasoning it's really out of left field.
Again, we had vote options for poking our nose into his hanging out with Hanyi or his rivalry with Heizui, but we didn't ever pick those. Ling Qi isn't a super helicopter parent. We didn't do those things that one would do. All I'm saying is that any argument that rests on the notion that Ling Qi has historically smothered Zhengui socially is based on a false premise.
What has happened, I think, is Ling Qi saw social engagement as this Scary Thing, that she braved, as she braves most dangers, independently. But that's not the same thing as deliberately shielding her spirits, it's a continuation of her broader aloof tendencies. With a side order of "But don't nobles not respect spirits, so wouldn't it be a liability?" aversion. Which, for the record, I'm happy to see Ling Qi biting her thumb at with including Hanyi at Renxiang's parties.