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- Reno Nv
Are we able to get Spies in the Westerlands? Because knowing what Tywin is up to can save us a lot of grief in the long run.
Doesn't work like that, unfortunately. The remains used to perform a Resurrection must come from the body after death.Idea: Get a sample of Monford's body so that we can resurrect him in case he dies.
We can also straight up cast a True Resurrection as Viserys. We don't even need a body part for that.Doesn't work like that, unfortunately. The remains used to perform a Resurrection must come from the body after death.
Thankfully, however, we can now use Miracle. One of its abilities is to recreate a person's body ex nihilo. It can them be Resurrected as normal.
That, too, of course, but I was mainly talking about the very limited forms of death which destroy the body in such a way as to require a Wish or Miracle to recreate a corpse before it can be restored. I should have been more clear.We can also straight up cast a True Resurrection as Viserys. We don't even need a body part for that.
"Assigned to Lannisters..." you muse. "How is Baratheon taking his wife being able to call on a mage while he is not, and the whispers saying Tywin is king and not he."
"As poorly as you imagine, though he's gotten a bit better since he started fucking one of the sorceresses to spite the queen..."
It takes you a moment to find your voice to answer that one. "He intentionally bedded one of Tywin's mages to prove a point? Presumably one with Lannister looks..."
"Yes, and no I cannot be sure if he has a death wish either," Bloodraven replies dryly. "In somewhat more constructive attempts to rise from under the Lannister boot there has been word of calling some of Manderly's mages to court, or Winterfell's but nothing has come of it yet."
Typical Robert. I can't wait to see how this blows up in his face.
I'm not happy about it either.You know, Westeros is about to enter a full scale civil war because of that and we didn't even have to lift a finger.
I don't like it, I want my civil wars fully orchestrated from the shadows, not a matter of who can keep their underwear on.
Don't count on it... I think we're a little over half way done.Good night guys, see you tomorrow as we wrap up here and get back to the Reach
Umbral Spies/Stalkers?[X] Crake
We should give Bloodraven some of our shadow creatures. Those ones that we have. What are they called again?
This isn't exactly worrisome, but it is somewhat concerning. There is no telling what stories they are telling, what promised they are making, or whom they are dealing with. It's all too easy to imagine them inviting forces into Westeros which they cannot control, let alone banish or put down should they prove uncooperative."Roughly three hundred in all not counting acolytes who have not yet mastered their first spell, a little under a third of them are with the fleet with a further third acting at large in the Crownlands, Riverlands and occasionally beyond. The last third and most senior are technically assigned to the Westerlands as well as to Lannisters of note, though it is an open secret they walk other realms seeking aid mercenaries and trade," Bloodraven explains.
Mind you, we are hiring basically anyone and everyone in Water for our war in the Deep. Why should the Lannisters have better luck than us, considering we are offering lucrative trade and magical contacts through our business there, and everyone hates the Deep Ones more in comparison?This isn't exactly worrisome, but it is somewhat concerning. There is no telling what stories they are telling, what promised they are making, or whom they are dealing with. It's all too easy to imagine them inviting forces into Westeros which they cannot control, let alone banish or put down should they prove uncooperative.
They're most likely to find willing aid from the disparate Dominions of the Plane of Water, I would think, and among those forces are several Brine Dragons. I don't think Lanna and Gerion would condone working with the Efreeti, and the Djinni and Shaitan are our close allies. Hell is just as unlikely as the City of Brass, at least so long as Lanna steers the Golden Shields, and Abaddon and the Abyss just aren't on the table.
Of mercenaries, however, that's a bit harder to predict. They might find willing bands of mercs just about anywhere, though paying them could be an issue. Gold isn't worth nearly as much out in the Planes as it is/was on Planetos, and the easy movement of trade goods through our Planar Terminus' means they don't have the buying power they would have had a year ago.
I think we need to put out the word among our extraplanar contacts and allies that we wish to know of any others from the Plane of Balance making inquiries into hiring mercs or trying to convince the larger powers to aid them.
[X] Crake
We have 6 Umbral Spies and 2 Umbral Stalkers. That's a massive boon for a single operation but it's a drop in the bucket for an information network. I think we can apply them more judiciously than he can, he has to switch his focus too often to apply more than lower-middle tier minions, and the occasional higher tier one, to their best use.They are but I am fairly certain that Bloodraven can maximize the use of those far better than we can.
[X] Crake
We should give Bloodraven some of our shadow creatures. Those ones that we have. What are they called again?
We've got six Umbral Spies that can be assigned as needed once their current work is completed, but the two Umbral Stalkers are going to be occupied for the foreseeable future. There are enough of the Shapechanger remains to make four more Umbral Spies/Stalkers. We could make a couple of the lesser Umbral Spies for Bloodraven if ya'll want.