Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

This would definitely be an advanced spell, probably on the WTF tier branching off Temporal Sludge, and I don't know if 10 seconds is short enough for essentially an absolute defense. That might get some tweaking.
Perhaps make it so the user can't do anything while the spell is up? So it's 10 seconds of absolute defense, but comes at the cost of anything and everything else.
Now it's time to pick out next week's chaos, whenever I get around to writing it. Vote for 2 main activities…
  • Final Frontier, part 3 – The Triumvirate Dynamic Duo is interested in what resources Earth Bet would have access to with convenient interdimensional transport. Go back and check on Earth Vav. As an Iron Age world, most of its resources are untouched.
  • Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
  • Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
  • Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
…and 2 social activities.
  • Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
  • Build a template for somebody. Specify which character and which template.
  • FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
  • Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
  • Go on patrol. You can bring 1-3 other characters with you if you want.
  • Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
  • Explore somewhere on Earth Bet. A location must be included. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
  • Explore another world. If you do not select a world where Taylor has been or already knows about, one will be selected randomly. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
  • Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
  • Write-in (subject to my approval)

I gotta agree with Wyrd, Mal-3 and Kamkong about Danny. One way or another, there should be closure there, and he's been shoved to the back burner quite a lot. Best to rip off that bandage as soon as we can, before we discover that whatever's underneath has festered into something excruciatingly unpleasant and/or painful, if not outright horrific. After all, last I remember (and please correct me if I'm wrong) the guy woke up out of a coma believing that every day was June 1st of 2005, and was left believing that the player avatar was pulling a fucked up joke on him 'claiming' to be his daughter. That was, in story time, back in late May, roughly two and a half months ago. That's a pretty long time, especially in a world full of parahuman (and now magic) bullshit. It could be that he's slowly but steadily recovering from his retrograde amnesia, making it 'temporally graded retrograde amnesia' instead. Or, he could be getting worse.

Either way, better to find out now, then end up getting a message out of the blue later down the road of "Your father's dead." Or, you know, worse. If I can come up with worse, I know Silently Watches can, if we leave that plot hook dangling for too long.
My opinion is that we can't do everything. We have to choose something to fail and prepare for the consequences of that failure, because we simply don't have time for everything. And Dady's Little Girl is the one option that has the least dangerous potential consequences out of a list full of murderers, rapists and other monsters. So at least I personally chose that as my chosen point of failure.
There's at least one thing left; whether it's bad guys trying to get him or a miracle cure or simply just closure, Silently has an option in mind for us to take.
The miracle cure option is not very likely. For bad guys trying to get him, who, why and how? His run as Captain wasn't that long so not a lot of time to build up enemies. And the closure thing has remained somewhat vaguely explained. We've had some form of closure already, but it wasn't enough for some?
And the closure thing has remained somewhat vaguely explained. We've had some form of closure already, but it wasn't enough for some?
We really haven't. Taylor's hopes were raised, and then dashed in a way she wan't prepared for. Her own father doesn't remember her, and his repeated memory loss means she can't even build a new relationship with him. All Taylor has done is run away from the situation and not think about it. That's denial, not closure.
The problem is that there is no way of getting closure because he has no memory retention. Thus, abandoning the fight as a lost cause is a valid tactic, especially as we have bigger fish to fry.
But, as Mal-3 said, Silently must have some resolution in mind or it wouldn't be a main vote option. Ignoring this vote could result in ramifications I shudder to think about.
We really haven't. Taylor's hopes were raised, and then dashed in a way she wan't prepared for. Her own father doesn't remember her, and his repeated memory loss means she can't even build a new relationship with him. All Taylor has done is run away from the situation and not think about it. That's denial, not closure.
So, what do you expect then? The miracle cure likely doesn't exist, and you yourself say a new relationship can't be made, so what is there to be done?
I expect an interesting story. Nothing more. And nothing else is needed to make the choice worthwhile.
Exactly. Sometimes you can't get a good ending. But you can prevent a worse ending. And if there is even the faintest chance of a positive resolution? Well, we certainly won't see it if we don't vote for it, now will we.
Exactly. Sometimes you can't get a good ending. But you can prevent a worse ending. And if there is even the faintest chance of a positive resolution? Well, we certainly won't see it if we don't vote for it, now will we.
Proof needed on "preventing a worse ending". But since it finally seems to have reached critical mass on the voting front, we'll see what happens. *sighs*
Proof needed on "preventing a worse ending". But since it finally seems to have reached critical mass on the voting front, we'll see what happens. *sighs*
Proof by extrapolition. Every single story line that SW offered us and we ignored had worse consequences than if we had at least started them. Ergo this story line will have a bad ending if we never start it. That you (or me) can't imagine how those consequences look like is a failure of imagination on our part.
Proof by extrapolition. Every single story line that SW offered us and we ignored had worse consequences than if we had at least started them. Ergo this story line will have a bad ending if we never start it. That you (or me) can't imagine how those consequences look like is a failure of imagination on our part.
Yes, the Danny situation could go bad, but you know what? So can everything we ignore, and like @DestinyPlayer I think leaving Nazis alone to go chasing after shadows wrt Danny is worse.
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Yes, the Danny situation could go bad, but you know what? So can everything we ignore, and like @DestinyPlayer I think leaving Nazis alone to go chasing after shadows wrt Danny is worse.
That story line was started and therefor won't go absolutely bad. This one still can. And, much more importantly: Nazis are boring. Everybody fights Nazis. Only Taylor can interact meaningfully with the Danny situation. Danny is interesting.
Danny is interesting.
Counter argument.
Danny is the most boring thing in pretty much every piece of Worm literature, ever, including the actual original work.

  • Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
  • Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
Are the most important ones i think.
The resource one as a social activity might be good, it's not a major priority, but might be fun and would be useful.
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Vote 14.15

This seems like the perfect note on which to open the vote. Please keep in mind that we have a yellow option on the field.

Vote for 2 main activities…

[ ] Final Frontier, part 3 – The Triumvirate Dynamic Duo is interested in what resources Earth Bet would have access to with convenient interdimensional transport. Go back and check on Earth Vav. As an Iron Age world, most of its resources are untouched.
[ ] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[ ] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[ ] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?

…and 2 social activities.

[ ] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[ ] Build a template for somebody. Specify which character and which template.
[ ] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[ ] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
[ ] Go on patrol. You can bring 1-3 other characters with you if you want.
[ ] Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
[ ] Explore somewhere on Earth Bet. A location must be included. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
[ ] Explore another world. If you do not select a world where Taylor has been or already knows about, one will be selected randomly. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
[ ] Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
[ ] Write-in (subject to my approval)
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana