Jack vile Ripper
The swellest guy in Creation.
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- Indonesia
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- He/Him
It's a specially grown delicacy. A joint so smooth it causes your soul to flew away.
Hence, Ghost Grass

Haven't we pretty much avoided them at every turn?No dude, we're going to clash with them. The Warlocks of Qarth are bad news. They grow Ghost Grass, and they have anti-weirwoods. It's not that we're co-existing with them, we just haven't had the chance to come to blows yet.
Because we don't want war with yet another faction right now, particularly one half a world away.
It's an eldritch grass that's highly poisonous and kills every other type of grass. The Dothraki long since believed that the end of the world is when everything is covered by ghost grass. Semi-recently in the quest, ghost grass started growing outside of the House of the Undying.
Maybe, but they're obviously smart enough to see the writing on the wall, and the fact that the Ghiscari can't do jack shit about their shifting allegiance probably enboldened them whereas before they would have been slapped down for this treachery.In the short wiki entry it sounds like Elyria is very much connected to Slaver's Bay, so they are more likely allies and trading partners to the slavers than victims.
Artemis is right, we have avoided Qarth because that's another plate in the air we don't need to be distracted by right now.Because we don't want war with yet another faction right now, particularly one half a world away.
We couldn't reasonably conquer and hold Quarth (At least not without an overproportional investment in Teleportation Circles), so we let it be.
Once Slaver's Bay is ours or gone we'll have to rethink the situation.
Basically the same reason we're ignoring the fact that there is an Underdark and that Lolth is a thing.
We wouldn't go so far as pretending they don't exist if they're actively raiding the Imperium. For now we're just ignoring them in favor of our other problems."Silly person, there's no such thing as an underground dwelling spirits with black skin, purple robes, and penchant for betrayals and poisons. Talk to the nearest Inquisitor so that your worries could be alleviated."
Actually, our stance with the Drow and their Whore-Goddess is similar to the Empire of Man and the Skavens.
-[X] Proceed with laying the first stone of the Imperial Palace, a richly decorated Adamantine block with Truespeech inscription that commemorates the occasion.
I'm not a fan of diverting screen time here either, I just thought it'd be in our best interest to kill him if he turned out to really be a puppet of the Bloodstone Emperor.While I detest having to invest time and effort into this guy, it seems that there is not really another choice.
Don't worry DP, with how much you write, I'm sure it will be such a routine in 5-10 years, that you will occasionally sleepwrite.I think this is going to have to be a two update day. I thought about doing another update but it's really late for me and I don't want to write half-asleep
Wait. Coronation?
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.Laying Foundations
First Day of the First Month 294 AC
"...send someone to Elyria to speak to the Council of Elders," you tell the slightly harried looking diplomat who looks about twenty years too young for his post. If you were to guess, you'd say he got into the diplomatic service on his family's patronage and he was quietly shuffled off to working in Sorcerer's Deep where he could be seasoned for work farther afield in a prestigious position.
Matters further west require a subtler hand. You had personally sent a letter to Driftmark assuring Lord Velaryon that you would look into the rumors about his son and deal with them thoroughly. You trust Brynden to keep an eye on Hoster's doings at court and warn you if there is cause to intervene, of course, but as to the younger Tully brother...
"There are many monsters in the untamed corners of the Mountains of the Moon are there not, Dalla?" The message is carried by sand and sorcery as far as the hidden fastness of the Sons of the Mists.
"Aye, that there are. Thinkin' of sending somethin' to take a bite out of them knights?" comes the reply, sharp as stolen steel.
"Right, I will just need you to give Captain Jorah here an account of his forces, tactics, and positioning."
The captain, newly transferred from the legion to the inquisition after it was discovered he had a gift for languages and an almost perfect recall, still looked a touch uncomfortable about conspiring with the 'wildlings' that had been the stuff of frightful bedside tales in his childhood, but he quickly greets Dalla in the Old Tongue and soon enough they start formulating possible responses.
The hollow hill that would soon house the heart of the palace, from prestigious offices, to the treasury and the even more precious library filled with lore only the most trusted might see, but that is not where the foundation stone must go. Adamantine carved with runes of truespeech sinks into the stone at your command. The writing upon it marks the day and the hour by the conjunction of the heavens that all might know it, upon it etched your hopes for the budding empire as well as a few solemn verses courtesy of the academy of arts.
The block is also very deliberately not connected to any of the planned wards and protections, magical only in the tongue of its inscriptions at Teana's suggestion. "I have lost count of how many otherwise daunting old protections I was able to take apart in Volantis because the ward-smith conveniently built one enormous centrally located keystone into them," she had explained when you first brought the plans for the palace's magical protections to her attention.
Of course the other half of the reason Teana was so adept at taking apart old wardings is because most of the mages of Old Valyria had little knowledge of shadow magic, not something you would have to worry about considering you have Melisandre to call upon. Speaking of Shadowbinders, though... You catch the priestess' eye. "Any news of our missing visitor from Lorath?" you ask silently, though Varys.
"He is what he appeared to be, interested in sharing his lore, but on his own terms. There are many in Asshai who think as he did, thinking their arts too perilous to master for the greater portion of humankind." There is an edge of old frustration almost worn smooth by the years in her mind-voice that leads you to suspect her own studies had not been free of overly-exacting instructors.
You thank her for looking into the matter, then dismiss it from your thoughts. You have many more pressing concerns than one mage too mired in the secrecy of the past to be a part of the future dawning.
What next?
[] Another perspective on Empire Day
-[] Joran of Dragonstone
-[] Yssla Royce
-[] 'Fair' Walda Frey
-[] Renly Storm (the Changeling)
-[] Thoros of Myr
-[] Write in
[] More reports on the doings of the last month (Rumor post)
[] Continue with Viserys
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: I was not sure if you guys wanted to give a speech at the foundation laying too so I stopped where I could still insert one. Also if you just want to wander around and take in the sights of Empire Day like you did in the tourney that's fine. the only thing that is fixed is the coronation. Not yet edited.
I also really really really want those Serpentstone Recorders for our coronation. It'd be a huge disappointment if we failed to record that of all events.On another note, I'm strictly against having any coronations without having a proper throne room. To say nothing about no Serpentstone machines to record the occasion for posterities sake.