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[X] Confident Approach (Base Success 45+, 2 rolls, less time consuming, lower cost.)
While I appreciate @Black Noise's breakdown of the numbers and percentages involved, I disagree with the conclusion. There seem to be precious few things that this dreaming Fungus could want other than sustenance, and it seems to gain its sustenance from the consumption of memories and emotions. I have little desire to peddle our memories and emotions, and even if that is not the case, I have little desire to pay more for something that could be gotten for cheaper if approached slightly differently.
The time and cost saved by going with a Confident approach just seem to be worth the little extra risk.
I also see another problem with the Sympathetic approach. Making friendly overtures towards it will likely reduce its fear of us, and yet that fear of us is our most potent tool in negotiating safe passage. We want it to be cautious of us, we don't want it thinking that it could, or even should, take a stab at dragging us into the dream. So in addition to the sympathetic approach taking more time and costing more, I feel that it removes a tool in our negotiating arsenal that is vital to everyone getting through this without pulling out the more destructive techs.
While I appreciate @Black Noise's breakdown of the numbers and percentages involved, I disagree with the conclusion. There seem to be precious few things that this dreaming Fungus could want other than sustenance, and it seems to gain its sustenance from the consumption of memories and emotions. I have little desire to peddle our memories and emotions, and even if that is not the case, I have little desire to pay more for something that could be gotten for cheaper if approached slightly differently.
The time and cost saved by going with a Confident approach just seem to be worth the little extra risk.
I also see another problem with the Sympathetic approach. Making friendly overtures towards it will likely reduce its fear of us, and yet that fear of us is our most potent tool in negotiating safe passage. We want it to be cautious of us, we don't want it thinking that it could, or even should, take a stab at dragging us into the dream. So in addition to the sympathetic approach taking more time and costing more, I feel that it removes a tool in our negotiating arsenal that is vital to everyone getting through this without pulling out the more destructive techs.