A Meeting of Minds
Twenty-Ninth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
The discussion that follows is tentative to say the least. It is clear the being before you knows more than enough about dragons in general and you in particular to be wary whereas for your part, though you had come here with only Varys for company, you are quite aware that the greatest of doppelgangers can only be judged by the quality of their latest meals, anything from an archmage to a master swordsman.
"And part of you finds that prospect quite intriguing. How many foes had powers you could put to use but you dared not recruit?" your familiar hisses in your mind amused.
She is not wrong, but on the matter of 'Throfin's' meals you have a wider concern than how he might be of service: "I am willing to facilitate trade in raw materials, planar currency as well as select enchantments such as rings of sustenance."
"So that we do not snatch up fishermen in the night to feast upon, yes?" the shapeshifter laughs, the sound disturbingly warm and rich, as though it were designed to project confidence. "Worry not, the Convergence would be fools to draw attention to ourselves thus. All of us who must feed upon mind and flesh have sustainable sources available to us, though it is more complex than simply one of your pretty rings unfortunately." He pauses a moment, one long-fingered stroking his chin in thought before finally deciding. "For those of us who must feast upon memories and thoughts failing to do so risks the fracture of our own mindscapes as the mechanisms of subsumption turn inwards and cannibalize the mind, a terrible fate."
"But you discovered a way to avoid it?" you ask, curious as to how that might relate to the Many and their less destructive feeding. You are planning to share lore after all as long as it has no dangerous application, and knowledge on how illithidae could feed without preying upon other intelligent beings is the very opposite of dangerous. You want them to have it.
"Yes, it is one of our many grand discoveries having been freed from the Great Deceiver's tyranny."
Or it could have been known for centuries or millennia and simply not practiced, you add mentally. Still, you are reasonably certain they have a means to feed unobtrusively. It would be a logical branch of research for any beings so restricted by nature out of simple practicality.
After explaining about the Many, your willingness to share lore in general and the limits thereof you lay out what you would most desire out of the deal; knowledge of psionics and flesh-crafting as well as whatever they are willing to share about their operations and goals. "In exchange I will freely offer the location of defenses against the Deep Ones in general. It would be to the benefit of all if you were to avoid them..."
Because any who do not will be dead. There is no need to add the last aloud.
"The objectives of the Convergence are easy enough to guess I imagine given your own intellect and your investigations, Dragonlord. Firstly, to shatter the Great Liar's dominion over its mortal puppets while preventing the fey or inimical gods from gaining ascendancy. Secondly, to sow that rebellion within the thralls that dwell beneath the waves."
Sahuagin and ultat-kini worship the Drowned God... All at once the cabal's plans take on a much grander scope. It is one thing to change the faith of the Ironborn, to spread it throughout Westeros, quite another to shift the foundation upon which the lives of countless undersea slaves are built. Ambitious seems too small a word for it, yet what choice do any rebels pitted against the crushing will of the Elder Brain have?
"I am also willing to lend deniable assets for attacks upon loyalist forces," you say with more conviction than you thought you would. Depending on what they offer those assets might be more numerous and more valuable than you had initially anticipated.
"I have been authorized to request access to all your knowledge of gods and their shaping in exchange for knowledge of the mind arts," your host replies, a smile in his tone if not on his face. "This lore ranges from simple memory crystals to a teacher to the use of full mental reformation, to be verified by your own mind mages of course. We are not at this point willing to trade in flesh-craft unless you wish an exchange in kind."
What do you reply?
[] Take the psionics trade
-[] Just basic lore (+10 Knwolege Psionics) in exchange for access to all common lore on divinity
-[] Access to mid level psionics teachers for the Scholarum/Inquisition in exchange for information on the interactions between the Dreamlands, the fey and divinity
-[] Use of Psychic Reformation and Psychic Chirurgery on individuals with latent talents in exchange for assigning one of the researchers previously assigned to god-crafting to help the Convergence
[] Take Flesh-Smithing trade
-[] Write in non-military applicable flesh-smithing and what you might wish in exchange
[] You have learned enough for now
[] Write in
OOC: Technically access to the Light of Creation would also count for third tier psionics, but that would be vastly unwise given how livid R'hllor would be that you shared it with illithid, so Viserys dismissed it out of hand in character.