Hey Azel, given what you've said about how Qyburn was inspired by the flesh forge and how we may be underestimating his plans, I have to ask if you've read the Hell's Rebels pathfinder AP. Because if you have then I have a strong suspicion about what he wants to do, though hopefully in a more...Viserys-approved method.
Of Lanterns and Masks

Twenty-Ninth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

Oldtown looks both like and unlike you remember it in the morning light. The Hightower still looks on upon the mouth of the Honeywine, a testament to its nameless builders, the Citadel still broods behind its sphinx-guarded gate, while on the streets and byways, commerce, craft, and all the business of folk high and low flows as it had for centuries. Yet there is change, too, the most obvious of which is smaller numbers of septas and septons, the smaller crowds near the Starry Sept with the end of the Conclave, but what strikes you as most unusual are the lanterns. Forged of black iron faced with wavy glass of a sort that would bring a scowl to the face of a Myrish artisan, these lanterns are still rarer and more precious than they seem beneath the light of day, for each and every one of them is magic.

Beside you, Dany whistles. "Someone's been doing more than hunting monsters down back alleys. A faint aura of abjuration... Cerulean light?" The last question is spoken almost with disbelief. It would be prohibitively expensive for everyone from the Lantern Bearers to the Citadel to the Faith and Baelor Hightower to have bound the banishing sign to thousands of lanterns. According to rumors, a few of the embattled citadels in Nirvana had done something of that sort, but that was with thousands of years of effort in a realm where magic never faded.

Looking more closely at the lanterns, you realize their purpose is not to strike at the servants of the Deep Ones directly but empower the Lantern Bearers while they are within the circle of light. Sympathetic magic, it should allow their sorcery and steel alike to strike at creatures that would be otherwise beyond their strength.

By the Blood of Man Undone, reads one inscription in an odd attempt to write the Common Tongue with First Man runes. Now you really are looking forward to meeting the Lantern Bearers and curious to know what the other party you came to Old Town to meet thinks of this development.


Tobyn is as cheerful as you have ever seem him, which is to say only faintly scowling at the brickwork behind you as he looks around for eavesdroppers or foes. "So you've seen the lanterns, have you?"

"They are rather too numerous to miss," you point out dryly. "What exactly do they do?"

"They give us that little bit of extra power against deep things, blood signs burn brighter and longer, steel sinks deeper, even those poisons and vials you give us are stronger in their light. Easier to work exorcisms, too, for those that know the old rites." He goes on to explain that this had been a joint project to protect Oldtown over the past few months, including the Lantern bearers themselves, Lord Hightower, and the Faith. A few Maesters had been involved, too, but not the Citadel as whole, apparently over an argument with the Faith that Tobyn had not paid much attention to.

During a week long dedication ritual, Lantern Bearers can choose one of the following benefits while under the light of a Guardian Lantern:

  1. +4 Sacred Bonus to attacks against Aberrations and Undead
  2. Double Crit range on weapons against Aberrations and Undead. Does not stack with Keen Edge or other magical effects that improve the same.
  3. +3 Sacred bonus to will saves against Aberrations and Undead
  1. +4 Caster Level to Hex and Spell level against Aberrations and Undead
  2. +2 Spell DC of all Hexes and spells against Aberrations and Undead
  3. +3 Sacred bonus to Fortitude saves against Aberrations and Undead
  1. +2d6 Precision damage against Aberrations (must be able to inflict Precision damage)
  2. One luck re-roll per encounter against Undead or Aberrations that can be applied to any attack or save. The Lantern Bearer must take the second roll even if it is lower than the first
  3. +25% damage from all alchemical sources against Aberrations and Undead

Of course, the obvious weakness of such lanterns is that they can be put out, but the artisans involved in their making had obviously seen the danger. When one of these lanterns is destroyed all the power poured into its making flashes in a single instant bright enough to kill many Far Realm Touched beings and alert the city's protectors all at once.

"It won't hold up if an army of them comes in force," the grizzled Lantern Bearer explains grimly, but at lest it makes it easier to deal with skulkers and madmen. Even to those it doesn't grant any power to, like the guard, take heart in knowing it is there, that Oldtown ain't as black as a miser's heart anymore. "What of you, Yer Grace? Heard about more monsters and fiends to hunt or are you having septon troubles like last time?"

I want to see if I can negotiate with potential illithid rebels, is not an answer you can give here and now, perhaps later if the meeting should prove worth your time. "I have found information that is worth investigating, but I can't be sure if it's a fox hunt in the dark or not," you borrow the Reacher saying to lend your words just that touch more familiarity which would make him less inclined to question them.

"Good hunting then, or best hunting, which is to say none at all," the Lantern Bearer wishes you in parting.


The headquarters of Sunset Shores investing is as discrete as you had imagined it would be, a greystone building that may have started life as a noble's townhouse, but has since been surrounded by merchant's homes and even warehouses, the docks near enough to hear the bustle upon which the hoped for fortunes of those who enter here are to be made.

As you and Dany enter, wearing not only glamors but enchantments that those glamors might deceive even a fury's sight, a small brass bell rings overhead and a clerks promptly appears asking about your business. After only the usual amount of waiting to establish your host's importance, you are greeted by a man who can count perhaps fifty, hair and beard already turning white though he moves with the brisk stride of a much younger man. His quick smile that does not quite reach his eyes.

"What can Sunset Shores to for you good Ser?"

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: So yeah, some very good rolls this time around. Turns out the Lantern Bearers could do quite a lot with access to Interplanar trade, the resources of House Hightower on their side and the Faith eager to demonstrate the wider use of its mages. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.
[X] Plan Talking Shop
-[X] Move this talk to a more private setting and by private you mean warded to the point that dust motes can't enter without permission. Add your own magic on top of whatever Psionics are used for said warding.
-[X] Introduce yourself properly and ask the Illithid to do the same. Point out that they can tell this is a friendly visit by how you politely made an appointment instead of burning the house down to the bedrock.
-[X] Explain to them what you found on the Shield Isles and the Iron Isles and that you are here to see if there is some mutual enlightened self-interest possible between your groups.
Hey Azel, given what you've said about how Qyburn was inspired by the flesh forge and how we may be underestimating his plans, I have to ask if you've read the Hell's Rebels pathfinder AP. Because if you have then I have a strong suspicion about what he wants to do, though hopefully in a more...Viserys-approved method.
I'm afraid I haven't. What are you alluding to?
Those are some very effective lanterns for the Lantern Bearers. I assume we won't be departing Oldtown before we purchase the lore necessary to recreate them and the ritual to bind one to them?

We are better positioned to give the Lantern Bearers much more Alchemical aid, along with further materials assistance such as PfE items, Healing Belts, Crystal Masks of Detect Psionics, Spectacles of Detect Aberrations, etc.

[X] Azel
Those are some very effective lanterns for the Lantern Bearers. I assume we won't be departing Oldtown before we purchase the lore necessary to recreate them and the ritual to bind one to them?

We are better positioned to give the Lantern Bearers much more Alchemical aid, along with further materials assistance such as PfE items, Healing Belts, Crystal Masks of Detect Psionics, Spectacles of Detect Aberrations, etc.

[X] Azel
I'd add some Shadow Cats. They are perfect for the work of the Lantern Bearers.
I wonder, why the heck are these Deep Ones based on the anti-Deep One town?

It's the ancient and time-honoured tradition for villains and heroes alike. It is called: 'Hiding in plain sight.'

It's like a Devil trying to hide in a Sept.

Cornugon: "They're definitely not going to suspect I'm here! Hehehehe~."

Sadly, this form of culture is banned in most Interplanar Trading Cities.
I wonder, why the heck are these Deep Ones based on the anti-Deep One town?
Probably because they intend on boosting the efforts of the Lantern Bearers against their mutual enemies all while keep appraised on their efforts so as to better yank them down when they replace their Bad Boss with themselves on top of the Illithid totem pole.

And the old adage that the best place to hide is right under their nose.
I'm afraid I haven't. What are you alluding to?
The main antagonist makes a deal with Mephistopheles to craft a ritual to become a genius loci. His goal in the AP was to become the immortal spirit of the entire country, and I thought Qyburn might be taking a similar path after being inspired by the Gogossi Flesh Forge workers melding with the forge and outliving the Doom that way. The 'Viserys-approved' bit is because obviously we wouldn't want any of our people making deals with archdevils.
"We are the Viserys. Lower your guard and appoint a diplomat. We will add your scientific and military distinctiveness to the Scholarum. Your culture will be incorporated into our system of monarchical federalism. Resistance is unprofitable."

[X] Azel
Last edited:
"We are the Viserys. Lower your guard and appoint a diplomat. We will add your scientific and military distinctiveness to the Scholarum. Your culture will be incorporated into our system of monarchal federalism. Resistance is unprofitable."

[X] Azel
They are not truly absorbed until we lend them a bunch of minions to murder their brethren with.
[X] Azel

I'm totally sure that the guy that went to receive us has absolutely no idea that he is working for the squids, and that all this will be very, very awkward until an Illithid realizes what we have been doing.