We should spread the knowledge so if someone gets there brain eaten the thing eating it might become a rebel
Bad idea, it would just gain the ire of the rebels who are mostly getting away with what they're doing by staying under the Elder Brain's radar, and it wouldn't convince any Illithid because they are totally subsumed by the Elder Brain's will. It would just make Brainy Boi more cautious and definitely prioritize us above any and all other foes it currently has since there are ways for us to propagate that understanding among the Deep Ones that even its total dominion of the mind cannot overcome.
@Crake, your analysis is quite thorough and I agree with all your assessments. The reason why I said it's understandable that nobody guesses right is that the idea is pretty far out there and until recently, he didn't even believe it to be possible.

Seeing the capabilities of Gogossos, he has begun to believe he might be able to actually do it.

And to show them all. Can't forget to show them all and make the Citadel tremble before his terrifying glory.
I can't think of too many things that it might be that recent revelations has lead him toward. Dream magic, maybe? It has to be something that is within the capabilities of his divine casting.

I also posit that it would have been far more notable to us if we had stumbled across the "Holy Grail" of fleshcraft that the old Valyrians were scrambling after eternally, and the Forge Spirits would definitely have been SUPER EXCITED to the point that Qyburn could never have hoped to have hidden it.

I am curious... but it's probably not highly relevant to what we're doing right now so not that important we get answers anytime soon.
I can't think of too many things that it might be that recent revelations has lead him toward. Dream magic, maybe? It has to be something that is within the capabilities of his divine casting.

I also posit that it would have been far more notable to us if we had stumbled across the "Holy Grail" of fleshcraft that the old Valyrians were scrambling after eternally, and the Forge Spirits would definitely have been SUPER EXCITED to the point that Qyburn could never have hoped to have hidden it.

I am curious... but it's probably not highly relevant to what we're doing right now so not that important we get answers anytime soon.
Come to think of, they might get excited later, but right now he is still doing basic research and is lacking some key materials.
The fleshforge is a fantastic tool. It has likely spiked Qbees efficiency dramatically.

Unfortunately many undead are shaped by what they did when they were alive. I could see that being a hurdle.
To be honest these lich like transformations are pathetic really, with some one with our resource we should be planning on transforming or transferring our soul into something like a Titan, Danava – d20PFSRD
Titan. Look at that beefy boi, if you are abandoning humanity than lets just go whole hog on that. Be the hundreds of feet tall monster.
The fleshforge is a fantastic tool. It has likely spiked Qbees efficiency dramatically.

Unfortunately many undead are shaped by what they did when they were alive. I could see that being a hurdle.
He went from a damp cellar with basic tools and a shoestring budget to an entire research complex with state of the art equipment and essentially unlimited funding. Wouldn't speak well of his skills if that didn't drastically change his capabilities.
To be honest these lich like transformations are pathetic really, with some one with our resource we should be planning on transforming or transferring our soul into something like a Titan, Danava – d20PFSRD
Titan. Look at that beefy boi, if you are abandoning humanity than lets just go whole hog on that. Be the hundreds of feet tall monster.
Now you are thinking with !!SCIENCE!!.
Actually @DragonParadox the entry for the titans said that they helped the gods forge the planes of existence. So they would have the kind of expertise required to know how to fix a broken plane right. So do they exist in this world. Also adding them to our empire should give us some powerful minions as well since they can apparently give birth to gigas.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 12, 2020 at 11:50 AM, finished with 37 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Travel to Oldtown to obtain a meeting with the coordinator of Sunset Shores
    -[X] Arrange a meeting with Torfin as a potential investor in Sunset Shores.
    -[X] While we're in Oldtown, try to set up a meeting with the Lantern Bearers to learn how their efforts have been going these last few months. We can provide them with further resources if they have need of them.
Part MMMCDXLVIII: Of Lanterns and Masks
Of Lanterns and Masks

Twenty-Ninth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

Oldtown looks both like and unlike you remember it in the morning light. The Hightower still looks on upon the mouth of the Honeywine a testament to its nameless builders, the Citadel still broods behind its sphinx guarded gate while on the streets and byways commerce, craft and all the business of folk high and low flows as it had for centuries. Yet there is change too, the most obvious of which is the smaller numbers of septas and septons, the smaller crowds near the Starry Sept with the end of the Conclave, but what strikes you as most unusual are the lanterns. Forged of black iron faced with wavy glass of a sort that would bring a scowl to the face of a Myrish artisan these lanterns are still rarer and more precious than they seem beneath the light of day for each and every one of them is magic.

Beside you Dany whistles. "Someone's been doing more than hunting monsters down back alleys. A faint abjuring aura... Cerulean light?" The last question is spoken almost with disbelief. It would be prohibitively expensive for everyone from the Lantern Bearers to the Citadel to the Faith and Baelor Hightower to have bound the banishing sign to thousands of lanterns. According to rumors a few of the embattled citadels in Nirvana had done something of that sort, but that was with thousands of years of effort in a realm where magic never faded.

Looking more closely at the lanterns you realize their purpose is not to strike at the servants of the Deep Ones directly but empower the Lantern Bearers while they are within the circle of light. Sympathetic magic, it should allow their sorcery and steel alike to strike at creatures that would be otherwise beyond their strength.

By the Blood of Man Undone, reads one inscription in an odd attempt to write the Common Tongue with First Man runes. Now you really are looking forward to meeting the Lantern Bearers and curious to know what the other party you came to Oldtown to meet thinks of this development.


Tobyn is as cheerful as you have ever seem him, which is to say only faintly scowling at the brickwork behind you as he looks around for eavesdroppers or foes. "So you've seen the lanterns have you?"

"They are rather numerous to miss," you point out dryly. "What exactly do they do?"

"They give us that little bit of extra power against deep things, blood signs burn brighter and longer, steel sinks deeper, even those poisons and vials you give us are stronger in their light. Easier to work exorcisms too for those that know the old rites." He goes on to explain that this had been a joint project to protect Oldtown over the past few months including the Lantern bearers themselves, Lord Hightower and the Faith. A few maesters had been involved too but not the Citadel as a whole, apparently over an argument with the Faith that Tobyn had not paid much attention to.

During a week long dedication ritual Lantern Bearers can choose one of the following benefits while under the light of a Guardian Lantern:

  1. +4 Sacred Bonus to attacks against Aberrations and Undead
  2. Double Crit range on weapons against Aberrations and Undead. Does not stack with keen edge or other magical effects that improve the same.
  3. +3 Sacred bonus to will saves against Aberrations and Undead
  1. +4 Caster Level to Hex and Spell level against Aberrations and Undead
  2. +2 Spell DC of all Hexes and spells against Aberrations and Undead
  3. +3 Sacred bonus to Fortitude saves against Aberrations and Undead
  1. +2d6 Precision against Aberrations (must be able to inflict precision damage)
  2. One luck re-roll per encounter against Undead or Aberrations that can be applied to any attack or save. The Lantern Bearer must take the second roll even if it is lower than the first
  3. +25% damage from all alchemical sources against Aberrations and Undead

Of course the obvious weakness of lanterns is that they can be put out, but the artisans involved in their making had seen the danger. When one of these lanterns is destroyed all the power poured into its making flashes in a single instant, bright enough to kill many Far Realm Touched beings and alert the city's protectors all at once.

"It won't hold up if an army of them come in force," the grizzled Lantern Bearer explains grimly, but at least it makes it easier to deal with skulkers and madmen. Even then it doesn't grant any power to let the guard take heart in knowing its there, that Oldtown ain't as black as a miser's heart anymore. "What of you, Yer Grace? Heard about more monsters and fiends to hunt or are you having septon troubles like last time?"

I want to see if I can negotiate with potential illithid rebels, is not an answer you can give here and now, perhaps later if the meeting should prove worth your time. "I have found information that is worth investigating, but I can't be sure if it's a fox hunt in the dark or not," you borrow the Reacher saying to lend your words just that touch more familiarity that would make him less inclined to question them.

"Good hunting then, or best hunting, which is to say none at all," the Lantern Bearer wishes you in parting.


The headquarters of Sunset Shores Investing is as discrete as you had imagined it would be, a greystone building that may have started life as a noble's townhouse, but has since been surrounded by merchants' homes and even warehouses, the docks near enough to hear the bustle upon which the hoped for fortunes of those who enter here are to be made.

As you and Dany enter, wearing not only glamours but enchantments that those glamours might device even a fury's sight, a small brass bell rings overhead and a clerk promptly appears asking about your business. After only the usual amount of waiting to establish your host's importance you are greeted by a man who can count perhaps fifty, hair and beard already turning white, though he moves with the brisk stride of a much younger man. His quickly smiles that does not quite reach his eyes. "What can Sunset Shores to for you good Ser?"

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: So yeah, some very good rolls this time around. Turns out the Lantern Bearers could do quite a lot with access to Interplanar trade, the resources of House Hightower on their side and the Faith eager to demonstrate the wider use of its mages.
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Oh, that's a very nice ritual. Widespread, mechanically significant (+4 definitely isn't nothing, and +25% damage is great if it comboes with things like Sneak Attack splash bullshit), and yet far from OP or setting-breaking.
I like it.
Perhaps we could try to bargain for the Lore, to set up something similar in our own cities?
OOC: So yeah, some very good rolls this time around. Turns out the Lantern Bearers could do quite a lot with access to Interplanar trade,
I'm sure the Crown is very happy to hear about that. :eyeroll:

Oh, that's a very nice ritual. Widespread, mechanically significant (+4 definitely isn't nothing, and +25% damage is great if it comboes with things like Sneak Attack splash bullshit), and yet far from OP or setting-breaking.
I like it.
Perhaps we could try to bargain for the Lore, to set up something similar in our own cities?
We do already have Defense Trees, but this would STACK with that!
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That first part gave me Bloodborne vibes, the Lantern Bearers are the hunters, the aberrations and their plagues are moving through the city, and those eerie lanters keeping the horrible monsters away.
That first part gave me Bloodborne vibes, the Lantern Bearers are the hunters, the aberrations and their plagues are moving through the city, and those eerie lanters keeping the horrible monsters away.
Bloodborne even has its own menagerie of Elder Gods.

Quite nasty critters in there, and what not.
What did we give to Latern Bearers the last time we were here, again?
Sacred and untyped? Re-rolls? Would truly love the design for these things, such would perfectly stack with the empire's trees. Could we negotiate, once traitor Illithid shenanigans are over and done?