So, I'm presuming he left the colony because he found the social hierarchy to restricting? That and he probably enjoys his new profession as a trader/inventor/dream peddler?

Again, Capitalism finds a way. Even in a society built on a nearly all powerful Psionic entity.
[X] Crake

Too bad we probably can't loot the Alhoon too... Or can we?
Putting it one way, we have a greater chance of convincing our various allies who would be opposed for two reasons (powerful lich, former illithid) than we would of convincing them to allow us to work with a significant sized portion of the Deep One polity.

And we would still have to convince them.
Definitely not impossible.

For example, the Old Gods haven't lost their shit at us using undead, and they really really hate undead. The prejudices of our allies can be overcome because they trust us to act in their overall best interests, and by now the Merling King should definitely trust us to be the best shot at putting an end to the Deep Ones as a faction. Recruiting an Alhoon who defected from the Deep Ones and is actively counted as their enemy shouldn't be that much to explain.
Not saying impossible, but definitely worth a discussion about the pros and cons.
We examine the pros and cons of every questionable recruit, so it's really just standard procedure. We don't recruit every neat fiend we find, nor do we recruit every undead, every enemy PC, etc. In any case the friendly neighborhood Alhoon is looking pretty enticing as a resource against the Deep Ones. As a start I bet he could sell us a map of Nirvana and the locations of Deep Ones strongholds. We had terrible luck last time we looked. Fingers crossed for this time.
As a start I bet he could sell us a map of Nirvana and the locations of Deep Ones strongholds. We had terrible luck last time we looked. Fingers crossed for this time.
He could possibly do so, from the general flow of information in Hellven.

But I doubt he has any useful intel himself, since his leaving seems to be ages past, long enough for any useful knowledge to decay.
After all they can have lost a dozen holds and build a dozen new ones in that time.
He could possibly do so, from the general flow of information in Hellven.

But I doubt he has any useful intel himself, since his leaving seems to be ages past, long enough for any useful knowledge to decay.
After all they can have lost a dozen holds and build a dozen new ones in that time.
Even that would be better than what we found before -- literally nothing.
I mean, he's already a Master at peering at someone's mind and has a plethora of esoteric skills spawned from stolen Outsiders' memory.

If anything he's just as qualified as a regular Devil in an Inquisitor's retinue.
I just think he might like the change of pace for a decade or two. Even living antiquities need to try something new now and then, you know?
If we ever get to buy some slaves on the Market District or some Mercenary Post on Heaven's Shore, I want to employ some Deimavigga. They'd be some excellent Inquisitorial asset.

...huh, that's the first time I'm actually giving some in-game suggestion. Neat!
If we ever get to buy some slaves on the Market District or some Mercenary Post on Heaven's Shore, I want to employ some Deimavigga. They'd be some excellent Inquisitorial asset.

...huh, that's the first time I'm actually giving some in-game suggestion. Neat!
Those guys are just one step below Pit Fiends.
Not a good idea, not yet, not unless we find an extremly compatible individuals with our views and plans.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 12, 2020 at 5:56 AM, finished with 40 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Share the current political realities of your home, the pacts between Powers of the spheres and battles waged within them, the shadow wars fought right under the noses of those unprepared or unsuspecting of the changing world around them.
    -[X] But also a broadly stroked explanation of the local polities and their relations, how far denizens in your plane have come in just a short span of years and the possibilities for ever greater, more complex and engaged societies of millions of thinking beings.
    -[X] New concepts that even the Powers might not have considered given all of their might and ability to brute force solutions or lack of interest in compromising yields when they have so many great concerns and enemies, from the Abyss to the hosts of Gahenna and worse.
    -[X] You glance meaningfully upwards at that, rather pointedly. All of those things would love to ruin that opportunity by making it more soulfire for their grindstones, wasted potential.
    -[X] Such a shame that you disagree with them, no?
Why is it that most Devils that I recommend tend to be too much for us to chew on?
Generally, the more powerful a Devil is, the more intelligent it becomes and the less able we are to adequately insure its loyalty. It just takes too much time and effort to make sure that any extremely powerful and cunning Devils we recruit aren't working against us of their own initiative to advance themselves or part of a larger scheme engineered by even more powerful Devils.

Also, while all Devils have done terrible things due to their nature, the most powerful of them typically have very specific driving motivations which their existence centers upon. Deimaviggas, for example, are tireless opponents of the Divine, which would make one difficult to manage considering how many deities we are allied with to one extent or another.
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