Which us why I want to figure out what their deal is before deciding anything. If cooperation can be achieved, I would go for it due to the value they can offer and that it would be the seed of integration of more Illithid after the Elder Brain is no more.
So long as nothing we end up planning relies on their having cooperated and even actively takes into account a likely betrayal, I have no serious gripes, just... reservations. Sometimes being "left alone" is enough to be dangerous, and I assume part of any deal we make precludes leaving their operations on Westeros' west coast alone.

This is all assuming we can convince most people who don't have a tenth of our resources or experience that what we're doing isn't a fool's bargain like we just saw with Lord Chester, and more taking a calculated risk. And it would always be a calculated risk, since as you said, we just don't know enough about what they're planning.
*widens eyes*

Wait... we can just do that? Cast a Spell and *whoosh* we're in front of that Eldritch Undead Abomination's store stall?

In Hellven?

With no Wards need to be passed? No Curses born from a million Angel Tears? No passport nor paperwork needed for the Directorate of Custom and Excise?
Viserys bought a Plane Shift key to the trading district, including all necessary paperwork. Issued in the name of Asmodeus by the Office of Taxation.

All fine and above board.
So long as nothing we end up planning relies on their having cooperated and even actively takes into account a likely betrayal, I have no serious gripes, just... reservations. Sometimes being "left alone" is enough to be dangerous, and I assume part of any deal we make precludes leaving their operations on Westeros' west coast alone.

This is all assuming we can convince most people who don't have a tenth of our resources or experience that what we're doing isn't a fool's bargain like we just saw with Lord Chester, and more taking a calculated risk. And it would always be a calculated risk, since as you said, we just don't know enough about what they're planning.
I'm not going to hug them and hand them the jeys to the Imperium, don't worry.

But I want that sweet, sweet knowledge in their squid heads and it's so much more convenient when they give it willingly.
@Azel, it's needlessly complex to have Dany visit Lyan in his dreams when we can simply extract that information now.

[X] Try to discover how to get into contact with the entities behind Sunset Shores
-[X] Use Brain Spider and Probe Thoughts spells to extract all Lyan knows about Sunset Shores after rendering him unconscious, including who owns stakes in the company, which ships are owned directly or used by the company, who the captains of those ships are, etc., as well as any means he knows of to contact those truly behind the operations of Sunset Shores.
--[X] When we return him to Greenshield, explain to Lyan just how much danger he and his family are in now, and that he best keep this meeting secret until we see him again. If he is contacted by his Sunset Shores handlers before we return to speak with him and his father, he should immediately tell them that we learned of his involvement with them and that we would consider meeting with them to establish a dialogue.
--[X] If Danelle or Brandon objects to this, try to explain that we are trying to gather enough information to decide on a course of action, and right now we are far too ignorant. Everything we can learn is potentially helpful, and this route poses the least danger to Lyan and his family, at least in the short-term.
-[X] Viserys, Richard, Lya, and Dany will travel to Heaven's Shore to arrange a meeting with Ishmagnis the Alhoon in hopes of learning all it is willing to share with us about internal Illithid politics, especially those such as itself who no longer pay heed to the power of an Elder Brain. Invite Brandon and Danelle along, if they think they can behave themselves in Heaven's Shore.
-[X] Depending on what we learn from Lyan and Ishmagnis, we will determine our next step, either attempting to arrange a direct meeting with the Sunset Shores faction of Deep Ones or further investigating their dealings in order to discover more about their rebellion.
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@Azel, it's needlessly complex to have Dany visit Lyan in his dreams when we can simply extract that information now.

[X] Try to discover how to get into contact with the entities behind Sunset Shores
-[X] Use Brain Spider and Probe Thoughts spells to extract all Lyan knows about Sunset Shores, including who owns stakes in the company, which ships are owned directly or used by the company, who the captains of those ships are, etc., as well as any means he knows of to contact those truly behind the operations of Sunset Shores.
--[X] Explain to Lyan just how much danger he and his family are in now, and that he best keep this meeting secret until we see him again. If he is contacted by his Sunset Shores handlers before we return to speak with him and his father, he should immediately tell them that we learned of his involvement with them and that we would consider meeting with them to establish a dialogue.
-[X] Viserys, Richard, Lya, and Dany will travel to Heaven's Shore to arrange a meeting with Ishmagnis the Alhoon in hopes of learning all it is willing to share with us about internal Illithid politics, especially those such as itself who no longer pay heed to the power of an Elder Brain.
-[X] Depending on what we learn from Lyan and Ishmagnis, we will determine our next step, either attempting to arrange a direct meeting with the Sunset Shores faction of Deep Ones or further investigating their dealings in order to discover more about their rebellion.
Except we have Danelle sitting next to us and I'm not in the mood of having the "kill her or don't kill her"-debate right now.
Except we have Danelle sitting next to us and I'm not in the mood of having the "kill her or don't kill her"-debate right now.
I don't think either Danelle or Brandon would object even slightly to us magically wringing every bit useful information from Lyan's brain.

We could bring them with us to Heaven's Shore if ya'll want, and sharing what we learn from Lyan's mind with them doesn't seem like it would be ill-advised, either.
I don't think either Danelle or Brandon would object even slightly to us magically wringing every bit useful information from Lyan's brain.

We could bring them with us to Heaven's Shore if ya'll want, and sharing what we learn from Lyan's mind with them doesn't seem like it would be ill-advised, either.
No. It's precisely doing stuff like this why Danelle and Lucan oppose us.

Just let me have my "convulent" plan as to not have to bother with her any more during this.
...I'm sorely tempted to vote for Goldfish just so that we can finally et ourselves on the path of chilling off Danelle/Lucan. [:V]

But, whatever.
[X] Azel

My reservations about working with the squids, in any capacity, are immeasurable.
But I'm willing to trust ya on this for a while, @Azel.
[X] Azel


If only we could bring her to Heaven's Shore just to see her beautiful face etched with despair and suffering.

Ah well, someday. Someday...
I would really rather just tear all the knowledge you want out of their squirming carcasses instead of wasting time talking to them, TBH...
[X] Azel

Hes quite the loose end at this point. If we dont do a good job of disappearing him he won't likely make it to tomorrow. Is there anywhere in amun kelisk we can stow him?
I would really rather just tear all the knowledge you want out of their squirming carcasses instead of wasting time talking to them, TBH...
We are unlikely to get the best carcasses though. They won't parade around their version of Qyburn on the frontlines.

Let's learn more before categorically rejecting the opportunity.
I imagine they'd be horrified by our lovely books as well.

Pfft, amateurs. After all this time fighting 'evils' and gaining powers they still have yet to accept their Adventurous Nature (Read: Murderhobo).

What an utter waste. How did they manage to stay alive all this time? Ehat levels are they even right now?
Dominating a person to rip all relevant knowledge from their mind is something a Good person would probably have a problem with.

I imagine they'd be horrified by our lovely books as well.

Viserys gets the impression Brandon would not really object too hard to the domination and mind search, Danelle probably yes though especially as this guy can't even be argued to be a cultist really. He just got blackmailed into keeping a secret after doing some trading runs that profited from Deep One involvement. That is a long way from tearing open a portal into the Far Realm or inducing rampant mutations in the population.
Seriously. They have an issue with mind magic now?
I'm assuming @Azel isn't talking about using Brain Spider or Probe Thoughts on Lyan potentially causing issues with Brandon or Danelle in my plan, but telling Lyan to put us in contact with his Sunset Shores handlers if they come for him before we return. Neither spell is painful or damaging, and Lyan need not be conscious for them to be effective.
... @Duesal I don't think I can work with them.
I keep saying the same, but nobody listens.
I'm assuming @Azel isn't talking about using Brain Spider on Lyan potentially causing issues with Brandon or Danelle in my plan, but telling Lyan to put us in contact with his Sunset Shores handlers if they come for him before we return. Neither spell is painful or damaging, and Lyan need not be conscious for them to be effective.
Both. Rummaging through people's brains is one of those lines Danelle would strictly prefer not crossed.
... @Duesal I don't think I can work with them.
Over time the feeling is most likely going to be mutual. We're far too pragmatic for them.
Viserys gets the impression Brandon would not really object too hard to the domination and mind search, Danelle probably yes though especially as this guy can't even be argued to be a cultist really. He just got blackmailed into keeping a secret after doing some trading runs that profited from Deep One involvement. That is a long way from tearing open a portal into the Far Realm or inducing rampant mutations in the population.
It's a useful spell that gets intel on the Deep Ones, which doesn't even harm the recipient. The only reason not to use it would be to spare the recipient's "dignity" or whatever's left of it.

If she has an issue with that then I see a lot of problems down the line.