I just want to make a point that so far the Seven has actively obstructed, hindered or harmed the cause of getting mages to willingly come forward and practice their magic for the good of all, they have done no more than create fear and distrust among their number and even the regular Lords and Ladies of the land because they are running around claiming authority that they have not been granted unilaterally.


you wanna see a god that pays more than lip service to being "lawful" aligned you gotta dig.
[X] Azel

It's kind of funny that his solution to having an immortal and immensely powerful ruler is to give power to an immortal and immensely powerful alien ruler. The difference between Viserys and a god is immense, but Dayne and his entire way of life will fair contact with one about as well as it will the other.

It also frustrates me to no end that the seven get to reap the benefits of being the "good guys" effectively sitting on their asses. Sure they could be doing important stuff off plane, but they aren't doing much here other than tooling around trying to decide what degree of multiple personality disorder they want to have and getting in the way of systems that are actively saving lives and souls. A letter to the nearest inquisition outpost answers more prayers than the seven seem to these days.
We're pretty firmly on the path of Immortal Mythic Dragon Sorcerer Emperor, dude. At this stage that's not changing. It's the goal of the majority of us here, and there have been multiple character moments solidifying this as a goal IC. Hell, Viserys' entire Mythic Path revolves around this.
I honestly find that disappointing but if that is what most people want I guess it doesn't matter what I think as long as others have fun with it.
honestly the only one of the seven i like is the maiden couse her champion actively helped a lot of people and didn't go out of their way to prosecute people
honestly the only one of the seven i like is the maiden couse her champion actively helped a lot of people and didn't go out of their way to prosecute people
Brienne has been somewhat decent, if by virtue of not having had time to fester on the kool-aid and gotten some help early on.
The real problem with the Seven themselves isn't their Chosen, they've picked decent if occasionally very annoying people. It's the whole "Seven Chosen" approach. When you have most of a continent looking to you for help, you don't get to focus all your power on a few people, leave everyone else on their own and be mad when others come in to do the bulk of what is supposed to be your job.

If they actually had the capability to cover Westeros, we wouldn't be so justified in kicking their asses.
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The Warrior has, effectively, decided to sit this conflict out. It makes sense considering this was what his third champion? Fourth?
Imagine going through like 4 champions already. He sure knows how to pick 'em huh? Especially since he chose a literal child as his newest and yet somehow already most effective champion.
Speaking of the chosen I have a theory that the Mother's chosen still hasn't appeared because her artifact was the artifact that Theon used to make that plague curse
I honestly find that disappointing but if that is what most people want I guess it doesn't matter what I think as long as others have fun with it.
Stagnation is one way to look at it, but there's a little more hope to it in my view. A society does need new ideas to continue to grow and thrive, but it also needs a cohesive identity and some basic principles in common to avoid dissolving. finding that balance is difficult, but not impossible. Having a central figure who is aware of this and capable of acting to stop self destructive behaviors could be a boon to that process.

I can easily imagine Viserys slowly becoming more and more of a cultural icon as the Imperium grows, holding immense power but mostly focusing on acting to keep the imperial identity focused in a positive direction rather than being in complete control of the entire apparatus at all times.

That leaves the society plenty of room to grow, and Viserys plenty of time to mess around with whatever he likes, without removing a critical support pillar to the system he's creating.
Bloodraven killed Nine Chosen. Of which, four of them we have the knowledge of the god they were the Chosen of and the method of death.
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While we're on the topic, how do you guys feel about using dedicated Rakasha saboteurs to convert large groups of people to worshiping "the seven who are one family "? They can't stop us, and we'd get to see what happens when you maim the mind of a god without actually losing a useful one.
While we're on the topic, how do you guys feel about using dedicated Rakasha saboteurs to convert large groups of people to worshiping "the seven who are one family "? They can't stop us, and we'd get to see what happens when you maim the mind of a god without actually losing a useful one.
How about no? In fact, how about hell no, using freaking Rakshasa like that and expecting the whole thing to become anything but a shit show is insane. I'd say that they'd go off the reservation and do whatever they wanted, but to actually succeed in that mission they'd need to do enough crazy shit that it wouldn't even count as them deviating from our orders after all the bodies got tallied.
While we're on the topic, how do you guys feel about using dedicated Rakasha saboteurs to convert large groups of people to worshiping "the seven who are one family "? They can't stop us, and we'd get to see what happens when you maim the mind of a god without actually losing a useful one.
I've been looking for a chance to get more Rakshasas. I'll be very excited when the chance for more pops up.

Maybe if someone wasnt smashing them in the nutts with a baseball bat every moment of every day since before magic came back?
They still couldn't do anything. Covering divine intervention needs for all of Westeros south of the Neck (and Whiteharbor) with seven people and no static infrastructure (like heart trees, which can provide beneficial effects without requiring a caster) is a logistical impossibility. They can't be in enough places and don't have enough spell slots to do all the small-cleric work that comprises 90% of the demand. Every damn village in Westeros needs to be covered by someone, they need healing, esoteric knowledge and leadership.

That's why the new tactic is to conscript mages into covering the short fall while taking the credit.
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Quick question, but has the truce that we made with them ended yet? Because killing more chosen is a favored pastime for Bloodraiven.