Passing Judgement
Fourteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
Waymar raises Purity aloft, as much a beacon of light in dark places as he. Tyene, Vee, and her court of summoned spirits scatter, seeking to establish some order in the doomed town, striking down the mindless dead puppets and voracious monsters alike. Liomond Lashare trails in their wake hoping to secure the aid of those he has raised in death to his side, but for you, Lya, Ser Richard, and Malarys another task awaits, if you are not already too late.
You take draconic form, knowing that wings can carry you swifter than spells, occasionally spitting out a count of flame when you see a gathering of mindless shambling things. Others among the unliving might be reasoned with, but the world can only be better off without more of Silvertongue's puppets, especially if your guess is right.
The house Liomond had spoken of does not look like a prison, or a monster's lair at first sight. There are no bars on the windows nor heavy locks upon the door. Soft curtains whisper in the warm Sothoryosi air. Those within are already prisoners within their own minds, you suspect. The spells of unbinding you utter upon the wards are heavy with anger that burns upon their edges like fire upon silk. "Can you see anything?" You turn to Lya, then Malarys. Perhaps your fears had been for naught, there is no whisper of a ritual, no baleful light in the windows shining.
A shadow passes before a third floor window, a skeletal finger pointing. There is someone on the bed.... a child.
Although you reach for magic, this time Lya is faster, a
line of almost unseen power, enough to shatter adamantine. For all the magic he had gathered and all of the plans he had made, Alequo Adarys falls back to grave dust in an instant, unable to consume so deep a spell.
"He was just... killing them. Why?" Lya asks slowly. This is not the 'why' she so often uses when questioning the undermining of the world or the mysteries of the soul, only horror that has not quite sunk in.
"The children were connected to him somehow," you muse aloud, the worlds like rumbling thunder in your current form. "If he did not kill them all before running, we could have used them to track him." The irony of the fool being killed by the very plot he had enacted to cheat death would have been amusing under other circumstances. Now you just want this whole sordid mess dealt with.
It takes several more hours with no sign of either the Ebon Prince or the restored Spotted Tom to obtain full control of the town, or what is left of it, at least. It counts perhaps two thousand living survivors of all ages, nine and twenty unliving, mostly from among those recruited by the Lord of Battles and looking to be restored to life as he is. Of the hungry dead, only five decided to take their chances surrendering, all newly turned and they claim innocent of indulging their dark impulses. There is no one alive to gainsay them.
You glance towards Malarys. "My Lord High Justice, I realize these are far from ideal circumstances, but these people will have to be given their due, one way or another. There are doubtless traitors and madmen aplenty, but some are blameless also, and I am loath to deliver so many unusual cases upon ordinary judges."
"Of course, Your Grace." You can hear only the slightest trace of a sigh in his voice.
Somewhat to your surprise, Tyene decides to stay and help. "I've had enough fighting for this month, some arguing over points of law sounds restful."
Ser Richard's expression is that of a man who would rather swim to Sorcerer's Deep in full armor. He takes out his own lingering frustrations by decapitating the Ebon Prince, though not before the man delivers a jagged cut along the knight's calf springing from ambush.
Spotted Tom does not even have that much satisfaction. He was the one you were scrying after all. He too is sealed in amber like Maelys, awaiting his fate.
"Wonder how many of the bastards escaped into the jungle?" Vee asks darkly, looking around the pillars of green stretching out around you, the broad leaves greedy drinking in the sun's light. Most undead would find the endless twilight under the trees pleasing.
"I would wager not many of them will see the end of the month," you laugh tiredly, the roar of a painted lizard in the distance seeming to underline your words.
What do you do next?
[] Identify magic items
[] Continue interrogations
-[] Write in
[] Return to Yi Ti to see the aftermath of the battle and speak to Lady Xue, now that the last of Tiamat's plots have been uprooted
[] Write in
OOC: There wasn't really any point in dragging out the fights with Spotted Tom or Xhobar, both of them were little more than elite mooks. XP will be coming up next update regardless of what you guys choose. Not yet edited.