Alternatively, something like [Consumption, Inevitability] to actively devour and get empowered by attempts to disrupt our arts, possibly directing the energy into extra regen or buffs to the supported arts.
I really like this idea and was going to make a post suggesting something similar before I saw your post. I really like the combination of Darkness and Wood, which I think would be a decent combo of elements to support this.
This combination works really well in helping us explore our domain conflict. Darkness represents Ling Qi's ambition while Wood, at least as I understand it, relates more to her connection to her family and friends. Our conflict involves our SCS, FVM, and Advanced insights. It brings into focus the question of how we connect our ambitions to our desire for family. How can we carry them along with us when they have their own needs and characteristics? Our FVM insight said that a hard and lonely path would be worthwhile. This Darkness/Wood art could potentially provide us with another perspective.
When using this art, we would not be satisfied with just simply resisting. We would be using resists to empower ourselves in some way. This fits very well with "Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end".
There are a number of downsides to this idea. I don't think it's really about renewal, which seems to be one of the priorities of most posters. Wood and growth from consumption are its only connections to Zhengui. If we want it to incorporate family, we should not be the only ones who benefit from absorption. We might need a keyword specifically related to family or group buffs.
In my opinion, the most concerning aspect is that if we have an art focusing on consumption, the actual resistance capabilities of the art may have to be weaker than other options. This doesn't necessarily have to be the case though. For example, the benefits we obtain from consumption might include being able to more easily absorb later techniques (conceptually, learning from the technique that you consumed?). We might also possibly be able to expend the benefits from consumption in a much stronger resist than normal.
[X][Role] Personal Resist
[X][Role] Resist Support
[X][Role] Group Sustain
[X] Consumption
[X] Growth
[X] Darkness
Renewal seems to have gotten increasingly popular as I've been typing this. Having our field effects dispelled and renewed doesn't really match what I was going for with this, but I think switching out Growth for Renewal might still work, although I'm not entirely sure.