BTW, thanks to Dragon Mystic, Fire Mastery, and one of Viserys' rings, that Maximized Agonizing Mythic Shadow of the Doom spell is going to inflict 270 Searing Fire damage and 6 STR, DEX, & CON damage to those who succeed on a DC 32 Fortitude saving throw. Those who fail the save will just be Petrified.
BTW, thanks to Dragon Mystic, Fire Mastery, and one of Viserys' rings, that Maximized Agonizing Mythic Shadow of the Doom spell is going to inflict 270 Searing Fire damage and 6 STR, DEX, & CON damage to those who succeed on a DC 32 Fortitude saving throw. Those who fail the save will just be Petrified.
For easy and convenient collection!
BTW, thanks to Dragon Mystic, Fire Mastery, and one of Viserys' rings, that Maximized Agonizing Mythic Shadow of the Doom spell is going to inflict 270 Searing Fire damage and 6 STR, DEX, & CON damage to those who succeed on a DC 32 Fortitude saving throw. Those who fail the save will just be Petrified.
Hello new sacrifices. :)
BTW, thanks to Dragon Mystic, Fire Mastery, and one of Viserys' rings, that Maximized Agonizing Mythic Shadow of the Doom spell is going to inflict 270 Searing Fire damage and 6 STR, DEX, & CON damage to those who succeed on a DC 32 Fortitude saving throw. Those who fail the save will just be Petrified.

Those stat losses will probably hurt. Especially the Con damage. The amount of Hitpoints lost just from that alone sounds devastating.
It's pretty much "botch your save to survive as a prisoner".

There's not a log around that could survive the damage of "succeeding".
BTW, thanks to Dragon Mystic, Fire Mastery, and one of Viserys' rings, that Maximized Agonizing Mythic Shadow of the Doom spell is going to inflict 270 Searing Fire damage and 6 STR, DEX, & CON damage to those who succeed on a DC 32 Fortitude saving throw. Those who fail the save will just be Petrified.
Bloody hell. Just the HP damage alone could kill anyone short of Viserys in his true dragon form (Not accounting for any methods to reduce the damage)
Oops, forgot to include the other side-effects. Survivors will be Shaken and Knocked Prone. Every little bit counts.

Shaken: A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.

Prone: The character is lying on the ground. A prone attacker has a –4 penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use a ranged weapon (except for a crossbow). A prone defender gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a –4 penalty to AC against melee attacks. Standing up is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
So what was the force composition of Tiamat's forces? Other than the chaff I mean.
Here you go.


1 Aegon 'Young Griff', Chosen of Tiamat, Mage of the Eighth Circle -- Probably Mind Blanked
1 Tiamat Cleric of the Seventh Circle ('Lemore', Ashara Dayne) -- Mind Blanked
2 Tiamat Clerics of the Sixth Circle -- Mind Blanked
2 Tiamat Clerics of the Fourth Circle
4 Tiamat Clerics of the Second Circle
13 Tiamat Clerics of the First Circle

Lizzirth (Very Young Red Dragon)/possibly one or two Wizard levels -- Mind Blanked
Mature Adult Female Shadow Dragon
3 Adult Shadow Dragons
2 Ancient Nightmare Dragons
23 Prismatic Drakes

2 Wizards of the Seventh Circle (Volantine Evokers) -- Mind Blanked -- Captured in Trader Town
1 Wizard of the Sixth Circle (Necromancer/Flesh-smith) -- Mind Blanked -- MIA
3 Wizard of the Fifth Circle (2 Diviners; 1 Enchanter) -- Mind Blanked
2 Wizards of the Fourth Circle
4 Wizard of the Third Circle
10 Wizards of the Second Circle
6 Wizards of the First Circle

Mundane Forces:
3 Elephants (Mage Riders)
1,900 Heavy cavalry
2,100 Light cavalry

6,500 Heavy infantry
7,000 Light infantry
Interlude DCCXXV: To Break Death's Door
To Break Death's Door

Thirteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

The Shadow of Old Sarnor, Plane of Shadow

In an ideal world they would have had the chance to enter the fortress through some little used corridor, they would have sent in Qyburn's little flesh puppets first to clear out any traps and then the Brine Dragon for good measure since he seemed fond of glory before those who had more than a passing fondness for keeping all their limbs attached would set foot inside the fortress. Alas, time was not on their side, and Wyla Drekelis no more than Zherys Naethyreon did not fancy explaining to the King how they had managed to let the Cheesemonger of Pentos slip between their fingers in spite of his impressive girth.

Approaching the fortress on silent spell-graced wings, Anu and the High Speaker spoke the same word of sundering in the tongues of Valyria and of Sarnor. For one unpleasant moment it looked as though the black stone would hold, leaving them unveiled and hovering outside the walls of the fortress, but then the wall wavered and like the shadow it had been spun from melted away.

The Brine Dragon was first into the breach, and Wyla was minded to let him. She half-expected him to burn, freeze, and boil at the same time under the power of wards and curses. It was what she would have done. Instead he flinched, a shiver going down from head to tale. "She is here," he hissed urgently.

"We gathered as much, it is the Dragon Queen's temple," Wyla could not quite keep herself from quipping as Garin cautiously shadow-stepped into the room without actually having to pass through the broken wall.

There was rather garish dragon's head dominating the far wall of the echoing cavernous chamber. She supposed it looked quite impressive to the usual sort of fool who stepped into this sort of place—black-scaled with amethyst balefire burning behind its eyes, its 'body' carved into coils that went around and around the room in an impossibly intricate tangle that would doubtlessly pain the eye to follow.

"I... See... You... Little Corpse Girl." The words formed in Wyla's head as though someone were carving them there with a silvered pick. For one panicked instant she felt trapped again as she had that first night in the coffin with Dario holding her fast against his own cold dead form.

"Too bad, bitch, I'm not seeing you here," Wyla spat. "Afraid to come out and play?"

That may not have been the wisest or most cautious course of action,
the sorceress realized a moment later. As the dead things started clambering through the hole, wholly untroubled by the curse of the place for they had no minds to trouble. She felt the death ward around her fail, and she saw the silver bracers around Zherys wrists lose their luster. Wyla Drekelis, a necromancer by skill and inclination, knew what that meant.

She needed no particular insight into sorcery to realize what the three tattered draconic shapes fading into visibility at the far side of the room were.

"Hail, cousins, and well met. Know that I will honor your doom by adding your scales and bones to my hoard," the Brine Dragon said formally in the same tone one would proclaim an invitation to a ball.

Dragons, Wyla concluded in the brief moment before all was fang and claw, steel and sorcery, were insane.

OOC: And here we see our first instance of direct divine intervention, no immunity to death effects because Tiamat says so and this is her place of power. She could have done something more destructive of course, but then her children could not prove themselves worthy of her favor.
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OOC: And here we see our first instance of direct divine intervention, no immunity to death effects, because Tiamat says so and this is her place of power. She could have done something more destructive of course, but then her children could not prove themselves worthy of her favor. Not yet edited.
Wow. She is a glorified metamagic dispenser.

Tiamat does not really care about killing the chaff.
Good thing there are at least three Rings of Spell-Battle in that group and at least two instances of Battlemagic Perception. Not to mention Wyla's Spell Turning. A couple Sorcerers with Wings of Cover doesn't hurt, either, nor do the three Brilliant Barrier charms we gave the group.
Wow. She is a glorified metamagic dispenser.
This is so cold, I love it.

[X] Goldfish

Anyway, the negative energy breath could be disastrous for our spellcasters (it drains spell slots). They'd better all group together and try to stack Wings of Cover, because otherwise they could be crippled even if they won.