Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I dislike Aimbot because I think it's unfunny and unimaginative. Got nothing to do with cheating. I just look at it and go: "Am... I supposed to laugh?"
Edit: The current count is 33 of 66 votes for Transformation Sequence and 9 of 66 for Aimbot. We reached our goal, folks! 🥳 You can close the vote now, SW. :p
The problem is it isn't supposed to be funny. Funny names are incredibly annlying once they wear out their welcome in 5 minutes.
The problem is it isn't supposed to be funny. Funny names are incredibly annlying once they wear out their welcome in 5 minutes.
First, it's a name by someone who is silly. So a silly name is preferable. Second, I can not discern any other virtue that Aimbot is supposed to have. I think the name boring. And that's worse than silly. Case in point, it's also worse than stealing 40 pies. :p
[X] (Missy) Scarlet Grimoire
[X] (Kayleigh) Sailor Shining Shot
[X] (Device) Transformation Sequence
I would not be quite so vitriolic if people would actually deign to explain the value they see in these choices. However, all I see is an endless parade of people making choices that I dislike immensely and giving absolutely no reasoning or justification for doing so when they do.

I think part of the trouble is that those of us who did explain why we went with specific choices got kindof lost in the five pages of votes I came into this morning after SW said s/he'd most likely not close the prior vote before tonight. I did explain my choices that I felt were unclear, and didn't expect any of them to win, but didn't really like any of the high rated names enough to push us towards picking one over another.

Its not like Rebranding is hard when you can change costume and probably disguise voice on a whim (thats always bugged me about costumes, the voices) and might just leave for Midkeldia before youre old enough to care

It is remarkably easy to change your voice to be completely unrecognizable with little real effort required. Give it a week to practice and don't go the cheesy route of just trying a deeper register, and you'll be well on your way. Altering her voice via Device would most likely require a modification tier spell under the current system, though.

While rebranding is a thing, I really doubt any of our characters are going to be allowed to rebrand once they join the team, if only so SW is juggling fewer details.

People are upset about Aimbot because...... It references cheating? As atinker-lookalike accessory to cape powers, when being Bullshit is sort of the point with those?? Eh whatever, doubling down on transformation sequemce for someone who will use it like a pottable wardrobe is fine too.

I dislike that it is an universally negative connotation. If there were aspects of it that I liked, or I hated the alternative, I might have gone for it anyway. It simply holds zero positive associations for me, and I don't hate the competing name.
Transformation Sequence because it fits with Sailor Shining Shot, and because it's a far, far more entertaining joke than Aimbot to me. Using their Devices literally triggers a transformation sequence as their Hazard/Barrier Jackets/Knight's Armour activates. Also, Kayleigh's been watching anime to learn about magical girls for at least a week.

Sailor Shining Shot: Kayleigh is the cheerful, friendly, not-completely-serious, gun-nut of the group. Faced with overly serious teammates—which, when the leader is named Calamity Witch is kind of a thing - she'd try to lighten the mood. Thus a not entirely serious name. See again watching magical girl anime for at least a week as 'research'.
On the other hand, is having that "not-completely-serious" mindset when she is part of a team that is going to be fighting very serious threats like psychopathic EB cultists, hardened villains, and freaking kaiju really the correct mindset to have?
On the other hand, is having that "not-completely-serious" mindset when she is part of a team that is going to be fighting very serious threats like psychopathic EB cultists, hardened villains, and freaking kaiju really the correct mindset to have?
She acts silly, but on the gun range she was very serious. You can be both. I believe she can identify when the need to be serious arises, just as well as when some levity is required.
On the other hand, is having that "not-completely-serious" mindset when she is part of a team that is going to be fighting very serious threats like psychopathic EB cultists, hardened villains, and freaking kaiju really the correct mindset to have?
Yes, because seriously serious people tend to go insane from pressure when fighting very serious threats unless they can vent in some way. Humor is, incidentally, one of the most effective and safest ways to do so
I voted against "Transformation Sequence" because, under the circumstance, it's not a parody, and it's completely redundant. Nanoha-style magical girls have transformation sequences, though they do tend to skip showing them as the shows progress to avoid filling time with stock footage.

If she said "This is my device, Transformation Sequence," I think any mage would probably look at her funny and say, "I don't think you did that right. Also, what's your device's name?"
I guess I can see where the argument for the Sailor name is coming from.

And I was hoping to make Kayleigh our PR/public face person for purpose of interacting with the general public while Taylor and Dragon would be our face towards officials and cape groups.

So I guess it's not too bad.
[X] (Kayleigh) Sailor Shining Shot
[X] (Device) Transformation Sequence

Not gonna lie, I don't love either of the names for Missy. Scarlet Grimoire because I hear grimoire and think "Oh hey back-line mage with little to no physical stats". Capella, I can't really put it into words, it just doesn't feel right.

I don't hate either, but I'm just not enthused for them. And so I will leave that to everyone else.
Maybe it can be, like a grimoire/book, Missy is full of surprises.
Don't judge her by her cover!
I'll be honest, I thought I was going to open this thread and immediately have to physically pull people off each other. How I'd do that when all our avatars are digital I don't know, but that was my worry.

For Sufficient Velocity, I think this was astonishingly civil.
At least in Worm (and Hollywood) physics. Knocking people out like that without causing serious brain damage isn't so easy in the real world.
Yes, I know it's an old cliche. Even Star Trek (especially the original series) did that.
It really depends on how we're defining "serious". Repeated head blows? Absolutely that will cause brain injury, as professional boxers and football players learned the hard way. A single concussion sufficient to knock someone out, particularly if they are then careful not to get hit in the head again? Far fewer consequences.
there is no way Silently Watches is going to use the full name all the time, because it IS ridiculous and people rolling their eyes at Kayleigh's Labrador like enthusiasm is a staple of everybody's interactions with her
You're right, there's not. Lady Sureshot, Sailor Shining Shot, and Transformation Sequence would all get nicknames. Then again, even Perfect Storm doesn't get its full name said by Taylor most of the time, so that shouldn't be all that surprising.
I was under the impression that the Kayleigh's personality was, from the word go, intended to be at least a little grating. She's so. . . chipper.
She was intended to be super chipper. Whether that's grating or not is very individual.
[X] (Missy) Scarlet Grimoire
[X] (Kayleigh) Sailor Shining Shot
[X] (Device) Transformation Sequence

Man, these last series of votes went by pretty fast.