Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Well if we're talking the 90 degree scythe that say Ruby from RWBY is running around with then yes, it's stupid and a crap weapon. Or well, ineffiecient at least since the edge is facing you.

Now, if we're talking actual War Scythes then we're fine as they're just a curved blade on a pole like this which is normal as a weapon.

I know! But last time I brought up real world war scythe I had people getting pissy because they didn't believe it was a real thing.

if I ever write a RWBY fic I'm going to crush all their poor little expectations remaking weapons into something sane and useful. Probably earn the unending hate of the fandom but mechashift is just so painfully inherently flawed
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Calamity Witch wouldn't even be in his top 3 concerns if he messed with Kayleigh. She might be his most powerful enemy at that point, but she wouldn't be the most damaging.
You still haven't actually told us what any of these supposed hints you were dropping are. For all you know we spotted them but just dismissed them as irrelevant due to bad information.

Don't mess with your accountant's daughter. He knows where all the bodies were buried, and kept the receipts for the shovels =)

Didn't she already say she wouldn't want to be a parahuman if given the choice after seeing how it is in part from Laura? Why would she view being a mage any different?

There are so many differences between parahumans and mages in this story that she doesn't know about that any such decision can't be based on her prior statements.

Those voting for getting Lacey Aerial Combat should note that she can't actually use it yet. Her core isn't strong enough, or wasn't the last time I checked. Maybe it's grown enough.
[X] Reforge Armor

We keep teasing at getting it without actually getting it. Let's fix that.
On the other hand, it's already been pointed that that Lacey's acquisition rate of new spells is much slower than ours. And besides the temptation of the second cross class tree, unless someone is willing work up a couple training points Reforge Armor in its current state is kinda useless to us.

I know! But last time I brought up real world war scythe I had people getting pissy because they didn't believe it was a real thing.

if I ever write a RWBY fic I'm going to crush all their poor little expectations remaking weapons into something sane and useful. Probably earn the unending hate of the fandom but mechashift is just so painfully inherently flawed
What's the point then, if you dislike a core part of the setting and acknowledge the intended audience is likely to hate the fic?
You still haven't actually told us what any of these supposed hints you were dropping are. For all you know we spotted them but just dismissed them as irrelevant due to bad information.
These hints are comments that could point you towards who would be a worse enemy for Jotunn than Calamity Witch if he decided to hold Kayleigh hostage. If you can't figure out what they are from that, don't worry about it. It was a conversation I was having with Racoras.
Do we know how Kayleigh knows Laura? From what I remember they supposedly meet young
Kayleigh mentioned to Taylor in this arc that their mothers arranged playdates for them when they were little.
which suggests that Reforge can be used while in combat but that doesn't really fit with the whole meditate bit of the skill description unless we're talking about some shonen battle meditation nonsense.
You have to duck out of combat to use Reforge Armor, but it only takes a few minutes rather than the hours passively restoring it would take.
Honestly I know they look cool but I just want to shake whoever first popularized the farm tool as a close combat tool. I mean people should know better and yet it still persists.
Well if we're talking the 90 degree scythe that say Ruby from RWBY is running around with then yes, it's stupid and a crap weapon. Or well, ineffiecient at least since the edge is facing you.
Taylor's scythe I imagine as coming out at a 45 degree angle and then curving back down. So better but still not realistic. Of course, with it being an energy blade it doesn't have the restrictions a physical blade would have, namely that its entire surface is the "edge".
Those voting for getting Lacey Aerial Combat should note that she can't actually use it yet. Her core isn't strong enough, or wasn't the last time I checked. Maybe it's grown enough.
Lace's Linker Core hit B rank during the Leviathan fight.
What's the point then, if you dislike a core part of the setting and acknowledge the intended audience is likely to hate the fic?
There are fics like that, and they can be quite succesful. For example "A Demon Lord's Hero", a crossover between F/SN and DxD High School. I like it, but generally the more you like DxD High School the more you'll hate A Demon Lord's Hero. There were certain aspects about the original setting the author disliked and so he changed them more to his liking.
There are fics like that, and they can be quite succesful. For example "A Demon Lord's Hero", a crossover between F/SN and DxD High School. I like it, but generally the more you like DxD High School the more you'll hate A Demon Lord's Hero. There were certain aspects about the original setting the author disliked and so he changed them more to his liking.
I don't see the point, but whatever. *shrug*
On the other hand, it's already been pointed that that Lacey's acquisition rate of new spells is much slower than ours. And besides the temptation of the second cross class tree, unless someone is willing work up a couple training points Reforge Armor in its current state is kinda useless to us.

What's the point then, if you dislike a core part of the setting and acknowledge the intended audience is likely to hate the fic?
*Blinks* I mean for one it's a detail. If I ever write a RWBY fic there will be a hell of a lot more to it than just reworking the weapons to not be insane. That would be boring. Remaking the weapons would just be something I'd do as I went because it would annoy me otherwise.
Taylor's scythe I imagine as coming out at a 45 degree angle and then curving back down. So better but still not realistic. Of course, with it being an energy blade it doesn't have the restrictions a physical blade would have, namely that its entire surface is the "edge".
Yeah, which is better don't get me wrong just. Ugh don't mind me it only really bothers me when it first comes up. I've learned to just sort of live with it.
You have to duck out of combat to use Reforge Armor, but it only takes a few minutes rather than the hours passively restoring it would take.
In that case I'm not sure how helpful it would be for engaging mega-monsters at close range. Disengaging from close range combat is hard and dangerous against a peer foe let alone something that would classify as a "mega-monster". Attempting to do with shattered/damaged armor would only be worse.

If there was a team of Knights engaging it, like a boss fight in SAO for example, then being able to rotate Knights in and out of combat to restore their HP barrier jackets would be useful. So good for Immortal Assimilation Engine armies not so great for a mostly solo/small team cape like Calamity Witch.

Well barring the bit about (probably) being able to instantly refresh Knight Armor with cartridges which does make it actually useful. Restoring life saving armor is basically the best use case for cartridges and the associated Mana Poisoning.,
Honestly I know they look cool but I just want to shake whoever first popularized the farm tool as a close combat tool. I mean people should know better and yet it still persists.
Yeah... Scythes like those tend to be horrible weapons and only really show up as the edgy choice because of the whole death->harvest link that came about somewhere.

On the other hand a war scythe in any of its forms is a totally different kettle of fish, with things like the Falx and other similar weapons being renowned for forcing armour tech to advance in order to stop them lopping off arms and the like.

Polearms were the Kings of the battlefield for a long long time for a reason after all.
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Not sure I quite understand the logic of "Reforge Armor might not be immediately so lets not get it" at the same time as voting "It doesn't matter that Lacey has no interest in the actions or plot of the story, I'm suuure she'll change her mind even though she already has a drastically better new job to focus on, so lets throw the main characters points at her just in case" ????

She's not even like Kayleigh, where shes one of Taylors close friends and ties into recruiting /other/ mage-friends to our side, or where she has existing skills and hobbies that might make her interested. And yet some voting for Lacey are keen to plug their ears and throw Kayleigh in a dumpster over one issue and nevermind half a dozen counter points since then.

At least with Kayleigh her opinion seems linked to the (inapplicable) cost of powers, with an implication of not wanting that cost, rather than solely not wanting the life that comes after.
In that case I'm not sure how helpful it would be for engaging mega-monsters at close range. Disengaging from close range combat is hard and dangerous against a peer foe let alone something that would classify as a "mega-monster". Attempting to do with shattered/damaged armor would only be worse.

If there was a team of Knights engaging it, like a boss fight in SAO for example, then being able to rotate Knights in and out of combat to restore their HP barrier jackets would be useful. So good for Immortal Assimilation Engine armies not so great for a mostly solo/small team cape like Calamity Witch.

Well barring the bit about (probably) being able to instantly refresh Knight Armor with cartridges which does make it actually useful. Restoring life saving armor is basically the best use case for cartridges and the associated Mana Poisoning.,
It depends in part on how intelligent the mega-monster is. Belkan knights canonically fought dragons. The thing with dragons, as with all animals, is that when one attacker peels off and they are still being poked by sticks, they will lash out at the sticks and ignore the attacker who left, who now has a minute (or less with cartridges) to restore himself to full armor.

The other kind of mega-monster is something both powerful and intelligent like, say, the Defense Program of the Book of Darkness. That's the kind of monster that attacking solo is just stupid. You would need a team of knights to take that on.

Finally, Reforge Armor wasn't a common spell among Belkan knights. It was a niche spell that only a few had in their Device because obviously it was better to use that mana to actually kill the thing attacking you. The fact that Extinction Knight has it on its list is because Galeans had a very different idea of appropriate rules of combat than the Belkans did, so yes, it makes more sense for an army-based strategy.
Not sure I quite understand the logic of "Reforge Armor might not be immediately so lets not get it" at the same time as voting "It doesn't matter that Lacey has no interest in the actions or plot of the story, I'm suuure she'll change her mind even though she already has a drastically better new job to focus on, so lets throw the main characters points at her just in case" ????
And this is why I thought and still think that giving Lacey a template was not the wisest choice. *shrug* Oh well. At least it didn't cost you anything but time.
I'm gonna advocate for the armor, guys. Survivability boosts- even if we have to train them up a bit- are hilariously valuable and viable.

[X] Reforge Armor
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Nah, I think I'm going to keep this one to myself for a little while longer. It'll come out eventually, I'm sure. I have dropped a few hints here and there, but they're spread over many an arc and are subtle even for me (because apparently I bury my normal hints under piles of obscurity).
Kayleigh's father is an accountant and there has been some hints and suggestions that he works for Winter Hill. Given that the comment was about the most damaging not dangerous and the amount of money he is implied to make I'd say he is probably the head accountant.

Just imagine what would happen if he took Winter Hill's books to the PRT in response to them threatening his daughter.
I'm imagining that Kayleigh's father works for a mob boss, like an old school Al Cappone boss.

o_O Or... terrifying idea... HE'S NUMBERMAN. I don't remember if it's been confirmed he died, and he might have been a family man before the whole Slaughter House 9 thing, or he married Kayleigh's mother after retiring.

which suggests that Reforge can be used while in combat but that doesn't really fit with the whole meditate bit of the skill description unless we're talking about some shonen battle meditation nonsense.
The clue was given a while ago that we can use cartridges to enhance it and implied to bypass the meditation requirement. It'll up our mana poisoning, but we can do instant refreshes.

I know! But last time I brought up real world war scythe I had people getting pissy because they didn't believe it was a real thing.

if I ever write a RWBY fic I'm going to crush all their poor little expectations remaking weapons into something sane and useful. Probably earn the unending hate of the fandom but mechashift is just so painfully inherently flawed
I mean, the "harvesting scythe as a beam weapon" predates RWBY by quite a bit.

Edit: adding my vote

[X] Reforge Armor

just get it out of the way already!
The other kind of mega-monster is something both powerful and intelligent like, say, the Defense Program of the Book of Darkness. That's the kind of monster that attacking solo is just stupid. You would need a team of knights to take that on.
I get the feeling we should probably certainly have Reforge Armor before fighting Behemoth? And spare cartridges. For a faster reset.
He's the Herokiller after all.
I mean, the "harvesting scythe as a beam weapon" predates RWBY by quite a bit.
And all I can think of when looking at that is 'Why is the blade perpendicular to the handle instead of being projected from the tip!? Even if you added a spike to reach around shields with, the rest should be used to make the reach of the weapon as long as is physically possible given that it isn't going to cause weight and balance issues!'

At least Crescent Rose was designed with such a mode, and a hooked scythe like it is does make a bit more sense when the recoil from the sniper is used to drive the cutting action.
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And all I can think of when looking at that is 'Why is the blade perpendicular to the handle instead of being projected from the tip!? Even if you added a spike to reach around shields with the rest should be used to make the reach of the weapon as long as is physically possible given that it isn't going to cause weight and balance issues!'
So that when he gets the upgraded version it goes from one blade on one side to two blades on the primary side and one on the reverse.

Honestly, when dealing with Gundams suspension of disbelief is required to for their pseudo science reasons for not just missile spamming everything.