Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Wheres the "I have questions" reaction button?

Do go on ^__^ Laura smothering him in his sleep, because long term hostages are a classic but dangerous gamble? K's papa and his wealth/business ties? Mysterious backstory to explore further in social events?!? (Silly parents haven't had dialogue either at birthday party or first day of trip, or even to the cape who rescued their daughter. I assumed they're boring)
Nah, I think I'm going to keep this one to myself for a little while longer. It'll come out eventually, I'm sure. I have dropped a few hints here and there, but they're spread over many an arc and are subtle even for me (because apparently I bury my normal hints under piles of obscurity).
Spell Counter:
Aerial Combat​
Barrier Jacket​
12 x Spatial Translocation​
3 x Telekinesis​
1 x Loom of Lachesis​
5 x Flare Shooter​
1 x Temporal Sludge​
3 x Blitz Action​
2 x Ring Bind​
3 x Flare Blade​
1 x Multishot​
1 x Solar Wrath​

So I was quite surprised when in the most recent update Taylor was running on fumes but having gone over the updates and compiled the above list it suddenly makes a lot more sense. 32 spells cast with over a third of them being teleportations along with Multishot and Solar Wrath do neatly explain the levels of mana drain Taylor has been dealing with.
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Nah, I think I'm going to keep this one to myself for a little while longer. It'll come out eventually, I'm sure. I have dropped a few hints here and there, but they're spread over many an arc and are subtle even for me (because apparently I bury my normal hints under piles of obscurity).
You still haven't actually told us what any of these supposed hints you were dropping are. For all you know we spotted them but just dismissed them as irrelevant due to bad information.

So far as I'm concerned though, you simply cannot objectively measure how hard to understand your own hints are, and vastly overestimate their clarity as a result.

Just as a for instance, I feel like what you did to Oriax at the end of that last segment was supposed to be some kinda 'see see you coulda done this!' when it came to our earlier engagement what with having Cassiel overwhelm his precog. Except for the part where you did not give any indication that such a thing was possible in the original post, and even implied that such a thing would be impossible because you kept going into specifics of how Oriax' precog was simpler and thus worked on different rules in some respects.
Nah, I think I'm going to keep this one to myself for a little while longer. It'll come out eventually, I'm sure. I have dropped a few hints here and there, but they're spread over many an arc and are subtle even for me (because apparently I bury my normal hints under piles of obscurity).
Do we know how Kayleigh knows Laura? From what I remember they supposedly meet young which implies they meet through their parents and isn't Kayleigh's father is an accountant? Perhaps that's the problem, angering your accountant is a bad idea they tend to know where a lot of the (metaphorical) bodies are buried.
You still haven't actually told us what any of these supposed hints you were dropping are. For all you know we spotted them but just dismissed them as irrelevant due to bad information.
Kayleigh's father is an accountant and there has been some hints and suggestions that he works for Winter Hill. Given that the comment was about the most damaging not dangerous and the amount of money he is implied to make I'd say he is probably the head accountant.

Just imagine what would happen if he took Winter Hill's books to the PRT in response to them threatening his daughter.
specifics of how Oriax' precog was simpler and thus worked on different rules in some respects.
What I got out of all of that was that we, alone, couldn't bypass his precog. But that Cassiel and Oriax broke each other's precog completely; which is a fairly common idea. Precogs interacting with each other creates a lot of junk information, rendering them effectively future-blind.
We wouldn't have had the advantage of foresight if we'd gone in still unisoned (which we couldn't immediately due to Loom knocking Cassiel out for... I think it was under five minutes?) but neither would Oriax.
And we knew the composition of their forces and that they would know our approach vector anyway, be it teleport or flight, so even without Unison we were pretty much in information parity. We couldn't ambush them, but blasting people with Superior Firepower is kind of our thing to begin with.
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I feel like there's a REASON we are getting a chance to grab a skill for Lacy.

It's like that Simpson's episode...

"You win! - You can take option A: A Brand New Luxury Cruise boat (Skill for Lacy) or option B: The Mystery Box!"

Homer: "I'll take the mystery box!"

*opens box, box is empty*

Cuz honestly, we're going to get more points to spend on Taylor pretty quickly. We're going after the Fallen we missed as soon as we wake up.

Lacey the pacifist hermit? Not so much. Get her flying around a bit, and maybe she'll get more points to spend.
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Found it... sorta?

Family guy:

Boat or Mystery box...

The Simpsons did it it first, cuz after that, Ned Flanders drove past with his new luxury boat.
I think another user of Recursion Field would be useful.

[X] Lacey - Recursion Field
Why repair something, when we can get a brand new one with just a whisper?
Because it doesn't work like that:
If you dismiss and immediately reactivate your barrier jacket, it would come back in the same state as it was when you dismissed it. Repairs are done automatically when a Device is in standby mode, but it takes time proportionate to the degree of damage. Reforge Armor is for restoring it without giving up your defense for possibly several hours.

There is also this:
What Reforge Armor does is divert both mana and processing time to the restructuring actively, which takes less time than the passive method but at the expense of resources that could be used to take down the opponent(s). Great if you're dealing with mega-monsters at close range, which is exactly what Knights are capable of doing.
which suggests that Reforge can be used while in combat but that doesn't really fit with the whole meditate bit of the skill description unless we're talking about some shonen battle meditation nonsense.

That said the real reason I'm going for Reforge is because it opens up our last cross-training.

Let's get it next week.
This is exactly why Silently's been mentioning us ignoring the cross-training, which requires us getting the last Extinction Knight ability, on and off for months. We could get it at any point, but then we don't. Because why get it now? We can get it later. Meaning never.

And, despite the expectation of charging off after the Fallen, the QM's already said there'll be two social events before the start of the arc-specific quests.
Arc 14 starts with two social events before the arc-specific quests come into play. We'll continue with the 2 quest events and 2 social events per week method we used in arc 9.
So getting another spell isn't going to be immediate anyway. Not sure exactly how long it'll translate into taking in real or game time before we have a combat opportunity and can pick another spell.
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which suggests that Reforge can be used while in combat but that doesn't really fit with the whole meditate bit of the skill description unless we're talking about some shonen battle meditation nonsense.
I think the requirement to meditate is because we are still at novize rank. A master will be able to do it in-fight.
... You know, SW, your recent 'out of character' explanation on IAE's being put in storage/sealed away *explains so much*

It really does synch well with this from First Impact (2.8)
«Do that, then. Focus only on messages that talk about Coil, mercenaries, or lasers, or on messages that look like they might be from his moles. There's no reason to read through all their mail.»
«Plan is suboptimal. Infiltration will better achieve objectives.»
«Probability of success is lower than for active infiltration.»
«Verifying command authorization. Preparing to override.»

You roll your eyes. «I get that, but I really don't want you to risk it. Besides, they're our allies. Let's not make enemies out of them. While you're listening in, poke around the Net some more. See if you can find any new information on him or anything you missed the first time around.»
«Mistress possesses sovereign-level authorization.»
«Whatever Mistress desires.»
«Orders from Mistress are absolute.»

IAE... has *picked* the New Queen of Galatea.

Well, there IS the fandom nickname for Taylor... the Queen of Escalation, so, why are we surprised?

Edit (becasue I keep forgetting, and I *really* want to see what Escalation CW can get into as a Queen...)
[X] Reforge Armor
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[X] Reforge Armor

honestly what I would really like to see is an artillery spell that's somewhere between nuke everything and single target slap down.

but other than that ranged combat skills are really well rounded at this point so shoring up Taylor's relatively weak close combat seems like the smartest play.

even if all that comes from it is better armor/barrier jacket, and dual wielding sickles instead of fighting with a scythe she'll be safer and I'll cringe less whenever she decides to fight up close.

Honestly I know they look cool but I just want to shake whoever first popularized the farm tool as a close combat tool. I mean people should know better and yet it still persists.
[X] Reforge Armor

honestly what I would really like to see is an artillery spell that's somewhere between nuke everything and single target slap down.

but other than that ranged combat skills are really well rounded at this point so shoring up Taylor's relatively weak close combat seems like the smartest play.

even if all that comes from it is better armor/barrier jacket, and dual wielding sickles instead of fighting with a scythe she'll be safer and I'll cringe less whenever she decides to fight up close.

Honestly I know they look cool but I just want to shake whoever first popularized the farm tool as a close combat tool. I mean people should know better and yet it still persists.
Well if we're talking the 90 degree scythe that say Ruby from RWBY is running around with then yes, it's stupid and a crap weapon. Or well, ineffiecient at least since the edge is facing you.

Now, if we're talking actual War Scythes then we're fine as they're just a curved blade on a pole like this which is normal as a weapon.
