So, how about we Summon some Angels and send them down to free them? Maybe have one of them loudly proclaim the execution cruel and a mockery of Justice?

The adults may very well be guilty of something significant enough to warrant execution, we don't know how pervasive the theft was or how badly it affected the community, but executing the children is just fucked up.

Worst case, we can deposit the whole lot of them at the Wall.
I see no real reason to intercede other than Viserys being enlightened enough to realize children aren't cognizant of consequences of their actions at age 8 unless they're like Dany.

Which I guess isn't the worst excuse to spend a high level spellslot on a whim...
So, how about we Summon some Angels and send them down to free them? Maybe have one of them loudly proclaim the execution cruel and a mockery of Justice?

The adults may very well be guilty of something significant enough to warrant execution, we don't know how pervasive the theft was or how badly it affected the community, but executing the children is just fucked up.

Worst case, we can deposit the whole lot of them at the Wall.
That sounds like a good plan, it's not like we can't afford the spell slot, although we should probably summon an Angel we actually know as opposed to a random one, don't want to end up accidentally summoning a Fiend instead.
...alright, I'm a bit conflicted here.

On one hand, they (supposedly) stole grains here. Even if it's in drought, stealing would only cause more people to be bold and stupid with their decision. So a punishment is in due. I could understand that.

*smashes table*

...what I DON'T understand is that is it necessary to kill them like they're rabid dogs needed to be put down? At most, the absolute worst thing that could've fallen for them is to cut their hands. But nooooo, they're full-on going Skyrim's intro bitch Captain with their: "Forget the list, he goes to the block."

I'm SERIOUSLY tempted to just burn them in Hellflame. But we're not daddy dearest. So @Crake, I'm just gonna wait how you're gonna deal with this that is not MIND-FUCKINGLY RETARDED like these backwarded inbreds. But, I believe in you.

Should've let those Mind Flayers lobotomize these overly-rightous fucks.
I'm happy about this. This is a situation literally tailor made for us to fix and get a nice prestige boost and some extra fanaticism in our future citizens. Thank you, @DragonParadox!
[X] Plan Angel Interrupt
-[X] Viserys expends a 9th level spell slot to Summon 1d4+1 Movanic Devas and Rina activates her Bead of Karma then expends her prepared Summon Giants spell to instead Summon 1d3 Movanic Devas.
-[X] The Choir of Angels will descend upon the gathering and land before the gallows. They will quickly bring the execution to a halt, then use their Discern Lies spell-like abilities to determine the guilt of those present. If the crimes were malicious in nature rather than a result of desperation, the Angels will leave the adults to their fate, then rescue the children, flying away with them to meet with our group.
--[X] If they were not malicious, the Angels will signal Viserys who will use a Flashburst spell to blind those present to view the execution, then in the following confusion we will Teleport them all to SD for sorting.
Can we not? It will cause people to come poke around here.

[X] Summon a storm to break up the public execution for now.
Can we not? It will cause people to come poke around here.

[X] Summon a storm to break up the public execution for now.
Aww, okay. :(

The issue with cooking up a storm is that it takes a good bit of time. I guess it will still work, though, since DP presented it as an option.

EDIT: Maybe have Viserys cast a Call Lightning spell, too, in order to strike near the gallows and scare off the executioner?

[X] Crake
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That sounds like a good plan, it's not like we can't afford the spell slot, although we should probably summon an Angel we actually know as opposed to a random one, don't want to end up accidentally summoning a Fiend instead.

Summoning spells, as opposed to calling ones, no not actually summon a real physical being, more the idea of one forged from dream-stuff. Fiends' SLAs are the only exception to this as they are specifically called out to be calling in favors.
[X] Plan Angel Interrupt
-[X] Viserys expends a 9th level spell slot to Summon 1d4+1 Movanic Devas and Rina activates her Bead of Karma then expends her prepared Summon Giants spell to instead Summon 1d3 Movanic Devas.
-[X] The Choir of Angels will descend upon the gathering and land before the gallows. They will quickly bring the execution to a halt, then use their Discern Lies spell-like abilities to determine the guilt of those present. If the crimes were malicious in nature rather than a result of desperation, the Angels will leave the adults to their fate, then rescue the children, flying away with them to meet with our group.
--[X] If they were not malicious, the Angels will signal Viserys who will use a Flashburst spell to blind those present to view the execution, then in the following confusion we will Teleport them all to SD for sorting.
How do you define malicious? They clearly stole food, which is sort of malicious by default, it's mainly a question of how malicious they were, there's a big difference between them stealing food to eat, and them stealing food to sell.

That said I will vote for this plan.

[X] Plan Angel Interrupt
Bah, amatures!

[X] Dywen Intercedes
-[X] Apostate septon appears, decries the mockery of justice
-[X] Declare that the theft was brought by the drought, so it is the drought you will be judging, in the name of the gods of the earth, stone and tree
-[X] Summon a thunderstorm
Just to be contrarian. Arent we gonna deny a guy justice for his son on the basis that it wasnt down in our jurisdiction so our laws do not apply? That said.

[X] Crake
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@Crake - okay, we summon a storm. The prisoners are either killed fastly, or brought back into the prison.
Then we talk to the Lord, or what is the plan?
Just to be contrarian. Arent we gonna deny a guy justice for his son on the basis that it wasnt down in our jurisdiction so our laws do not apply? That said.

[X] Crake
I don't really care much about the adults, it sounds like they are repeat offenders. Its understandable that they might have had to steal to survive given the drought, but that's the danger of breaking the law in something which approximates a civilization.

The children, however, didn't stand a chance. Executing them is just ridiculous.
Well, first we delay the execution. Then we intercede on behalf of the children after some minor quibbling over political affiliation, promising to fix the magical weather and fertility malady (and maybe even managing to investigate the source if it isn't some complex action) and finally intercede on behalf of the children because A) hanging kids is barbaric and unnecessary, B) we're a King personally investigating something that is literally ruining their House and they have no hope of acquiring another expert who will help them since they hoisted themselves by their own petard in regards to the Lannisters, and finally C) I half suspect they're being hung alongside the parents because the nobles carelessly think "well, they would have died without adults to look after them anyway, and they're just small folk, so hanging is a mercy".

And literally no other reason.
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