Do you expect the truce to last long enough for us to start poking our way down the Mississippi? Because I have almost no hope of it lasting long enough for us to go down the Mississippi.
That's the whole point of this truce. Mississipi Access is a Diplomacy project first and foremost, and only secondarily an Infrastructure project.
It's going to take at least three years post-war for the Vics to get back in enough shape to eat the economic consequences of breaking some of the treaty's provisions.
That's enough time.
IF we don't give the Vics, and through them the Russians, excuses to interfere.
And if its post truce break, annulment just means they have to spend a bit of diplomatic effort.
No. You are dead wrong.
It took them
forty years of effort to build their current security arrangements. Up and down several thousand miles of the Mississipi, and across the Eastern Seaboard. And that was when they were at their most successful. Those treaties are products of a Victoria that was much more powerful relative to everyone else than it currently is.
In game terms, it was a low DC, low AP effort with free AP from Russian backing.
Then. Not now, after a major defeat and a civil war.
The idea that all they, or any faction, needs is a little bit of diplomatic effort to rebuild a network of treaties after breaking it, and being thoroughly beaten up at war is flat out untrue.
Even factions that like them would demand much more favorable, and more expensive, conditions.
Look at the real world.
Do you see Russia being able to rebuild the Warsaw Pact after it was dissolved in 1991? And it's not because Mr Putin wouldn't want to.
Or you can look at the Kurdish situation. Trump cannot simply unbetray the Kurds.
In this game, the Commonwealth cannot simply rebuild NATO with a little bit of diplomacy, even if it gets Legitimacy 25.
The Non-Proliferation Treaty is not going to come back with a little bit of diplomacy. The Missile Technology Control Regime isn't going to come back with a little bit of diplomacy. Five Eyes cannot be resuscitated with a little diplomacy. The complex web of a century of US treaties are gone.
The Commonwealth would have to start from scratch.
And that's the whole point of forcing the Vics to drop their own security treaties.
Treaties that were in part framed specifically to choke any possible rivals along the riverine superhighway that is the Mississipi. We need them gone, or we will be dealing with the consequences for the next half a decade.
Compared to refugees which directly boosts our population at the cost of their own.
To add to this, since their industry is slave driven, this means a lot of the most productive people are going to flee to us, further undercutting their economy.
These are both digressions. Everyone is taking these.
The problem with Total Industry in particular is that it is doing PoW Return,Delayed instead of PoW Return, Immediate, leaving 10 points of advantage on the table in return for the dubious possibility of extending the civil war, at the same time it is explicitly signing Hostile Neutrality and undercutting the CMC, thus shortening the civil war.