As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

Actually how big is the vale in terms of size and how much population do we have?
There are a LOT of figures floating around. George is... well, he isn't Tolkien. Geography isn't something he has a hard on in regard to and he isn't even willing to say whether or not the planet is the same size as earth.

Still, something like this makes some degree of sense. At least from a climatic point of view.

But go anywhere and start a debate on it and you will see knives drawn while people start frothing bloody foam at the mouth.
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There are a LOT of figures floating around. George is... well, he isn't Tolkien. Geography isn't something he has a hard on in regard to and he isn't even willing to say whether or not the planet is the same size as earth.

Still, something like this makes some degree of sense.
GRRM's scale is... very confusing. Some of the people say the Vale is the size of France, others say it's the size of the England... others say its the size of Iberia.

Truthfully I'm just going to be sticking to things that make sense to me, and what makes sense to me, may not make sense to you.

The only thing that I'm 100% concrete on is the Vale. Vale= Mountains with size being a smaller Germany... like say all of the East of Germany with a rocky coastline.
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I've noticed this in some of the other installments and just assumed it was a typo and you'd self correct it after awhile.

Her name is spelt like this: Rhaella Targaryen.
Actually it's my spell checker that always changes it and I always try to go back and fix them when I can when I have the time.

It is annoying and I'm trying to fix that, and I'm sorry if it irks you.
Actually it's my spell checker that always changes it and I always try to go back and fix them when I can when I have the time.

It is annoying and I'm trying to fix that, and I'm sorry if it irks you.
Nah, it's okay. What really sparked that post was when I saw the quote below which had me thinking you were doing it intentionally.
"Prove it." Rae whispered as she then looked at you with a hungry grin. You saw lust in her eyes.

Oh. "Uh Rae." Your face turned scarlet. "I thought we were going to wait until-"

The H is missing.
War: Part 1
War: Part 1

You were on the Flag Ship of the Valien fleet, The Soaring Falcon before another moon passed. The last time you had to sail was when you were a small child. That time was far behind you, and since much of your life was spent on dry land… so you were unaccustomed to the rigors of sailing.

Emptying the contents of your stomach over the side was something you found yourself doing quite a few times.

Fortunately, you were not alone. Your father didn't enjoy sea travel as well.

"You know, I was expecting it to be easier after a few weeks… instead, I'm here next to you son." He said with a smile as he wiped the bile from his mouth.

"Yeah… I still don't know how I survived the first time traveling south by boat." You replied with a cough.

There was a small chuckle. "You have to move with the ship, and focus on the horizon every now and then while your legs adjust, then moving around should be like second nature." You saw the old man in leather armor as Lord Garlan Grafton, Lord of Gulltown and the man with more sailing experience than almost all the lord's here combined.

Save Lord Tion Sunderland and his son Triton. Both men were on another ship, flying the Sunderland Colors.

"Easy for you to say Gar, your not the one who only sails two times in his life, the second time going to the fucking Steptsones." Your father stated.

"Just trying to make the journey easier for you and your son sir." He replied. "Where the hells is Marq. MARQ!" The older Grafton bellowed.

As if he were flying, the young Grafton flew across the ship, holding onto a rope that was rigged. He then flew across the ship with a skill that only a sailor of decades could have, and one who was light enough to not stress the mast, rigging, and ropes.

He then let go and rolled on the deck. "Yes, father?" He said with a smile, whipping his long brown hair that was wet from seawater.

You could only imagine what was going through your father's mind, but Lord Grafton was laughing. "Everything clear on the horizon Marq?"

"Yes father, though I must say, if our travel times and charts are indeed correct, we'll be at the Stepstones in a few week's time," Marq replied. "I hope Lord Ormmund has a plan."

Lord Grafton frowned. "He does have a plan." he hit his son in the back of the head. "And it would be wise to stick to your duties."

Marq quietly nodded. "Yes, father." The boy than quietly sulked away to the other side of the ship.

"Ah, Arstan! Lord Arryn" Ser Gerold appeared from below deck, and his sword dangling on his side. "There you are, I thought there was another meeting."

"There is going to be one shortly Lord Commander, we chose not to disturb you so you may deal with your sickness." your father replied.

"Aye, but I should be there, to bring another opinion to the table." He replied.

"It would be best if you rested, and allowed the fever to subside." your father stated. "Take it from the Warden of the East."

The Lord Commander nodded. "Arstan, keep me informed."

"Yes, sir." You replied.

Your father looked at the sun slowly dipping past noon. "Ah… It's time." He whispered. "Arstan, come." Your father said. "We're stopping by the cabins, bring the cape."

"But I hate the cape." You replied. "I always trip."

"Than you will not be allowed entry." Your father replied.

You sighed. "Than can I least trim it so I don't trip over myself."

"You'll grow into it." Your father started with a griff smile.

"Not everyone is as tall as you." You shot back.

"Your right, you'll probably be even taller." your father laughed.

The meeting was filled with rank, nobility and fresh wine.

If it were a palatial party, with guests, notables and envoys, drinking away as they fantasized who they would sleep with, and were so drunk they could fall for everything, you would have been in your element.

However, this was not your element… quite the opposite in fact.

Steffon and Lord Rickard Stark were enjoying a nice arm wrestle, while Lord's Royce and Lord Stark were… well grimacing the prospect of the table breaking from the boy's pure strength and need to win.

Aerys was quietly making bets with Tywin, who looked quite… intrigued by both his friend and new acquaintance… and perplexed that Aerys actually brought money with him.

Lord Baratheon, however, was amused by the boyish contest… at least when your father walked in. "I believe it is time to begin." Lord Ormmund stated as the boys both stopped their contest, falling in behind their father's.

"Yes… Quiet." the Baratheon lord then pulled out a small wrapped piece of paper.

Intelligence Roll:1D100 => 63

"Our spies within the enemy camp were unable to locate any of the commanders, however, we do have a window to make landfall and set up a base of operations to continue this campaign without being constricted to the fleet." Lord Ormmund stated.

"A question, why would we need a base, when being on the move would be more enticing, both to disguise our movements, and to be at full strength?" Aerys asked.

"Quite simply, if the fleet is attacked, and we lose ships, we not only lose the ship, but our focus will be damaged in ways we will not be able to recoup until the Ironborn arrive with the Reinforcements from them, the Reach and Dorne." Lord Royce stated. "That will cost us time, equipment, supplies, men, things we can ill afford to lose when on the offensive."

Your father then spoke. "And this will be a naval war Prince Aerys, where much of the fighting will be at sea. That does not mean, however, our army will be lacking in tasks and objectives... our forces will need to be on land, raiding or destroying the enemy bases of operations on the stepstones, force them into making riskier plays to either take our supplies or face us in open battle."

"The enemy lacks superior cavalry forces, something we have a distinct advantage in." Lord Stark stated though he seemed a bit off.

"But the enemy fleet is still superior to our own without the Arbor fleet, the Lannisport Fleet and the Ironborn" Lord Baratheon stated. "So we must remain cautious until the time they arrive."

"But we can't wait too long. Sunspear is not a viable supply route, not until the Broken Arm is cleared of the enemy fleet." Your father stated. "So that means supplies would have to come from Storms End."

"Quite, but even then there is a lot of water between us and the Stepstones," Ormmund stated. "Our plan will need a measure of speed if it were to be successful."

You felt like an idea came to your mind, an idea that seemed… Quite interesting.

Do you speak up:
[]No (If you do not speak, Lord Baratheon will make his own plan)

If you do what do you say:

[]Secure a Base on Bloodstone: Lord Baratheon said that the fleet would need a base, not on Westeros, so why not choose the closest island to the Broken Arm, to Spotswood.

[]Strike at the Heartland: The Enemy would never expect you to strike at Tyrosh. There was a chance there were Archon Loyalists in the city that would help you, and winning that would destroy the enemy's main supply base, treasury, and key manufacture. Perhaps draw their attention away from the western shores and turn back to the East.

[]Hunt them Down: You think you should hunt down the enemy's fleet, destroy their ability to dictate battle on their terms. Destroy enough, it may leave entire army groups clustered on other islands, alone and unable to communicate.

[]The Disputed Lands: The Disputed Lands are perfect lands for an army of your size, lots of provisions, terrain that is very suitable for mounted knightly combat, and with their calvary disadvantage, will be a clear edge, however, nothing is there, save for trading caravans, large farms that grow cash crops, and it would be a hostile land where you would be seen as the invaders.

[]Write in

What would you like to do after the meeting:

(Choose 2)
[]Train with Ser Gerold: The Lord Commander is so close to allowing you to fight on your own or with the other boys if a battle were to come.

[]Spend time with Your Father: your father and you haven't talked in years… it would be nice to change that.

[]Spend time with Uncle Yohn: You always wanted to hear the stories about the rune blade and rune armor that his family claim to craft.

[]Spend time with the Graftons: Perhaps Marq will be interesting to be with… if you can keep up with his acrobatics.

[]Calm Winds and Pale Skies: You sit on the deck and breath, and hear the falcon cry.

[]Dream: You dream a dream, of flying, of fighting… of holding your father in your arms as he lay dying.

AN: Enjoy. And please:

Plan: Son's Gonna Rise
[X]Strike at the Heartland: The Enemy would never expect you to strike at Tyrosh. There was a chance there were Archon Loyalists in the city that would help you, and winning that would destroy the enemy's main supply base, treasury, and key manufacture. Perhaps draw their attention away from the western shores and turn back to the East.
[X]Train with Ser Gerold: The Lord Commander is so close to allowing you to fight on your own or with the other boys if a battle were to come.
[X]Spend time with Your Father: your father and you haven't talked in years… it would be nice to change that.
Plan: Divide et Impera

[X]Write in: Propose to combine two of the given strategies, first landing a detachment of Light and Heavy Cavalry numbering 5-8 thousand men with support of a Skirmish force of 1-2 thousand near Tyrosh to raid and cause havoc in general, should a response army be send by the enemy attempt to draw them to our landing zone where hopefully the rest of our army will have joined us, if not engage in guerilla tactics by laying traps with our skirmishers and cavalry to inflict as many loses as possible.

While that's going on have the fleet drop of the remaining forces on Bloodstone to secure a base for our fleet.
-If possible have one or two squadrons of our fastest ships harass the enemies ships and draw them away in another direction.

Lastly ask if it's possible to have our spies in the enemy camp attempt to sabotage their supplies, perhaps utilising poison on the officers of their armies.

[X]Train with Ser Gerold: The Lord Commander is so close to allowing you to fight on your own or with the other boys if a battle were to come.

[X]Spend time with Uncle Yohn: You always wanted to hear the stories about the rune blade and rune armor that his family claim to craft.
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[X] Plan Base
-[X]Secure a Base on Bloodstone: Lord Baratheon said that the fleet would need a base, not on Westeros, so why not choose the closest island to the Broken Arm, to Spotswood.
-[X]Train with Ser Gerold: The Lord Commander is so close to allowing you to fight on your own or with the other boys if a battle were to come.
-[X]Spend time with Your Father: your father and you haven't talked in years… it would be nice to change that.

Going with the simple plan. Feel like the other plans will fail if we get unlucky.
[X] Plan Base
-[X]Secure a Base on Bloodstone: Lord Baratheon said that the fleet would need a base, not on Westeros, so why not choose the closest island to the Broken Arm, to Spotswood.
-[X]Train with Ser Gerold: The Lord Commander is so close to allowing you to fight on your own or with the other boys if a battle were to come.
-[X]Spend time with Your Father: your father and you haven't talked in years… it would be nice to change that.

Going with the simple plan. Feel like the other plans will fail if we get unlucky.

Tbf, all of them can fail if our rolls are low enough.
Tbf, all of them can fail if our rolls are low enough.

Adding all these factors seems like more rolls which means more likely to fail. More complicated plans means more likely something goes wrong. Remember we are a young squire giving this long plan without even knowing everything about our enemies movements. They are gonna give us looks like we are stupid.
Guys, Tyrosh is a fortress city. Known to produce the best crossbows you can buy and owner of a large fleet. It was originally built on bleak stony isle as a military outpost of Valyria. The city will not be threatened by a cavalry force nor will the surrounding land have enough resources for the force to sustain itself. The damage cavalry will be able to do to them will be insignificant. Their major export the snail dye comes from the waters not the countryside. The rest is all made in the city. If you want to use cavalry as a raiding for or do a chevauchee, go for the Disputed Lands not a small isle with the biggest and strongest fortification our opponent has.
Adding all these factors seems like more rolls which means more likely to fail. More complicated plans means more likely something goes wrong. Remember we are a young squire giving this long plan without even knowing everything about our enemies movements. They are gonna give us looks like we are stupid.

Of course it's more complicated since the plan would be to pretty much attack from three multiple angles but it would also be worth trying since it could lead to an overall easier campaign.

We may not know what the enemies movements are but if the plan overall is bad I'd expect the other Lords and commanders we are discussing it with would let us know, we are merely proposing a possibly more difficult but also more rewarding approach.

Hell they could even tweak the overall strategy to better fit the situation. We may be a young squire but we are also heir to Vale, friends with most other heirs and the Prince and also have that Legendary Diplomacy to put to use so I wouldn't say it's not possible.

Guys, Tyrosh is a fortress city. Known to produce the best crossbows you can buy and owner of a large fleet. It was originally built on bleak stony isle as a military outpost of Valyria. The city will not be threatened by a cavalry force nor will the surrounding land have enough resources for the force to sustain itself. The damage cavalry will be able to do to them will be insignificant. Their major export the snail dye comes from the waters not the countryside. The rest is all made in the city. If you want to use cavalry as a raiding for or do a chevauchee, go for the Disputed Lands not a small isle with the biggest and strongest fortification our opponent has.

Also our goal there wouldn't be to take the city, it's to pose a threat. A Cavalry force is highly mobile so we can run circles around any forces they send against us who we wouldn't have a chance to win against while laying traps and ambushes to grind down their numbers.

I also added in to send 1-2 thousand skirmishers along with the Cavalry so should a opportunity present itself we could have them sneak into the city to open the gates or just sabotage and burn their supplies. The goal is to keep the enemy disoriented with both our troops near Tyrosh, our ships harassing their fleet an our taking of Bloodstone. Also not to forget that if all goes as planned, the assassination or sabotage by our agents in their camps.
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Of course it's more complicated since the plan would be to pretty much attack from three multiple angles but it would also be worth trying since it could lead to an overall easier campaign.

We may not know what the enemies movements are but if the plan overall is bad I'd expect the other Lords and commanders we are discussing it with would let us know, we are merely proposing a possibly more difficult but also more rewarding approach.

Hell they could even tweak the overall strategy to better fit the situation. We may be a young squire but we are also heir to Vale, friends with most other heirs and the Prince and also have that Legendary Diplomacy to put to use so I wouldn't say it's not possible.

Dude your putting way to faith on this plan going perfectly which is bad.

We are still a kid. The adults might listen but they are making all the major decisions here. If it sounds stupid they'll say it to our face and it will be a reputation hit.

Talking good doesn't change the plan not seeming feasible.
Dude your putting way to faith on this plan going perfectly which is bad.

We are still a kid. The adults might listen but they are making all the major decisions here. If it sounds stupid they'll say it to our face and it will be a reputation hit.

Talking good doesn't change the plan not seeming feasible.

I did say we are making a suggestion, none of which I personaly see as something we couldn't accomplish. I'm not saying the plan is perfect it's why I said that the parts that wouldn't work are tweaked or taken out by the actual leaders if the army.

Nor do I think that speaking up will be in any way a reputation hit on us due to our age there. While we are still a squire we are considered adults already so that ain't really it. Wherever the plan works really depends on good rolls and that goes for all of those options, so why not try and squeeze out even more of a advantage then?

I did agree that its risky but ultimately if it works it's going to make the rest of the war easier.
[X] Plan Sea-legs and Security
-[X]Secure a Base on Bloodstone: Lord Baratheon said that the fleet would need a base, not on Westeros, so why not choose the closest island to the Broken Arm, to Spotswood.
-[X]Train with Ser Gerold: The Lord Commander is so close to allowing you to fight on your own or with the other boys if a battle were to come.
-[X]Spend time with the Graftons: Perhaps Marq will be interesting to be with… if you can keep up with his acrobatics.

Going straight to the heart of the enemy when our fleet is still smaller than our enemy's seems like we're asking to get cut off from reinforcements. With us or either of our two fleets being hunted down piecemeal.

As for how we spend our time we should try to prove ourselves worthy to fight without Ser Gerold needing to watch over us. As for the Grafton's, making connections with our bannermen was one of the reasons we went with Vale forces after all. Plus not spending the naval battles throwing up could help our image.
Also our goal there wouldn't be to take the city, it's to pose a threat. A Cavalry force is highly mobile so we can run circles around any forces they send against us who we wouldn't have a chance to win against while laying traps and ambushes to grind down their numbers.

I also added in to send 1-2 thousand skirmishers along with the Cavalry so should a opportunity present itself we could have them sneak into the city to open the gates or just sabotage and burn their supplies. The goal is to keep the enemy disoriented with both our troops near Tyrosh, our ships harassing their fleet an our taking of Bloodstone. Also not to forget that if all goes as planned, the assassination or sabotage by our agents in their camps.
Cavalry does not pose a threat to a fortress city, especially when this city has a massive harbour where most if not all of their food comes from. There is no indication that the city is surrounded by fertile fields or anything like that. The surroundings are described a bleak and stony. Nothing worth threatening or worth defending for Tyrosh. They can simply bunker down in their massive fortress city and use their fleet to cut of our own supplies, stranding one force and robbing us of one of our big advantages in the war, superior cavalry.

You want to lay ambushes on an island we do know nearly nothing about. Which side has a higher chance of pulling something like that off the local one or the foreigners? It is always the locals and never the foreigners. Our side would need to scout for good locations, that are with absolute certainty already known to the locals. Something like that can be done if both sides have little knowledge about the surrounding, but it is near impossible to pull of if a clear discrepancy on the information side exists. We do not know the landscape of the Isle of Tyrosh, they do.

...please tell me you are not serious. Skirmishers are not ninjas or spies. They are lightly armoured troops with weapons like bows, spears, cross bows or slings. They are not naturally skilled at infiltration and using them on masse for something like that would not work. Once more Tyrosh is a fortress city, that is supplied through its harbour. They do not need to open their gates and Westerosi infiltrators would stick out like a sore thumb. Skirmisher are mostly common folk and do not speak the bastard valyrian tongue that is spoken in Tyrosh. Their people are known as being extremely flamboyant, dyeing their hair purple, green or some other strange colour. Our enemies are not idiots and going after the supplies is one of the most common tactics ever. These places are always extremely guarded and protected. You cannot just walk up and burn them down.
Poisoning the officers or higher rank would once more need an infiltration to work against obvious guards, language barrier, passwords and other measure put up against such attempts. Then they need to enter one of the most secured places of the whole enemy camp and find the supplies that will end up in front of the officers. For that to work we would need more than a miracle.