Ah, have we?
I was under the impression that Anti-Magic was but an unintended side-effect of the Plinth - seeing as it was broken.
I remember there being an assumption that the main function is something else..?
It is broken, but we can literally just ask Saenena what it was supposed to do. It used to be hers, and we have every right to that information IC.
From the top of my head, a list of things we've collected for further research and on the pile doing nothing:
Blue Ice Frost Dragon Bones
Aspect of Tiamat's Corpse
An Astral Dreadnaught
The Reaper's Scythe
A Landwyrm Egg
The Rakshasas's Weapon
That Anti-Magic thingy from Lyceos
A Damaged Dragon Horn
The Fiery Cow?
And this list will just grow once we assault Tiamat's forces... Sigh! Whatever!

It's honestly starting to get draining to deal with this.
1. The Blue Ice Frost Dragon bones were never anything special, you're mistaken on that end. It's just Blue Ice. It's a rare material, but nothing more. We used some to craft Rina a set of Reinforced Segmented Blue Ice Fullplate.
2. Tiamat's Aspect is going to be used as part of the focal point to trap a
second Aspect for the Well of Souls. Once that's done, Dany gets either a cloak out of it or a new set of armor.
3. The Astral Dreadnaught has been explained to death
4. The Reaper's Scythe will likely be consumed as part of upgrading Dark Sister
5. The Landwyrms were explicitly a pain to deal with, even for Valyria in its prime. We were never in a true hurry to hatch this thing.
6. The Rakshasa's weapon will also likely be consumed as part of upgrading Dark Sister.
7. The Anti-Magic thing is a strategic asset that will eventually be reverse-engineered.
8. The damaged dragonhorn isn't a priority, because we don't have that many dragons. Even if we had problems with the current dragons, it's trivial to dominate them.
9. The Hadhayosh happens to be rather easy to free in terms of research thanks to the new Flesh Forge, and I was going to push for Saenena and Alyneah to get to it either this turn or next turn depending on where things stand. With that done all of a sudden that's a CR 18 Fire Bull that's very friendly to us.