DP never nixed them, I think they just got forgotten.
I've been wanting Gigantean Darkenbeasts for literal OOC years now so it'd be nice to get some finally created.
They're not nearly dragons though
@Crake, a real dragon would tear through them like paper I believe.
Thoughts on the rest of my list? I really think the Flowering Lattice varieties could become a staple of the Empire and they'd be beautifully fluffy.
Genuinely we should make a couple hundred
Children of the Briar, these things can be very effective and Cantrips are no joke.
If anyone tried to advance through woodlands inhabited by these guys they're going to have a bad time.
I want to make a bunch of
Flowering Lattice and also advanced versions that generate more Goodberries, I've also had the idea of statting some out as defenders with a few well chosen Templates, the the other ones hanging off of storefronts etc as well as our general greenery they should blend in perfectly.
A few Advanced
Rampant Bullettes for our breadbaskets if
@DragonParadox will allow us to bump the template to a +2CR and remove or tweak Verdant Genesis so it's not so problematic.
Our farmland will be more productive and Bullettes operate as amazing ambush predators in the right environment, plains are perfect for them.
Most importantly I want to get 2-4 Wings of
Plant Imbued Giant Darkenbeasts, it gives them a better chassis overall and some intelligence too, makes for a perfect Scouting/Elite Strikeforce.
The spell likes give them Freedom of Movement at Will and they can fly at top speed low to the ground and through the forest combined with Woodland stride, Tree Stride lets them budget Teleport and Sunburst will absolutely murder formations and ships.