Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Cassiel
She has young girl brain and this is an important development point, we should check on her.
This honestly might've been a realization that actually leads to her understanding Chevalier's side of things and staying in the Wards. That might not be a bad thing.
On the other hand that might just perpetuate the situation, and all of her current non-cape social ties and activities are running through Calamity Witch...

Sure, she probably understands what's going on in Chevalier's head a bit better now, but that doesn't mean that she agrees with his response.

I'm also pretty sure that understanding isn't going to do anything about her frustration or resentments with him, at least short term, and teenagers did write the book on perpetuating pointless grudges over stupid stuff...
It may be worth keeping in mind that for all Chavalier wants Vista not to be a child soldier, he never said "you should do some stuff as Missy for a change" (because if he had, Vista damn sure would have complained about it). The thought never crossed his mind either.

Natural capes are screwed up in the head, news at 11.
She'll want them, without doubt, but every one of them will give her a mutation. She would be able to claim that, for example, green hair is just a dye, but it will be more difficult to hide, say, a tail or claws.
So, to fully use mutagens, Missy needs to either ditch school and become Vista full-time (which she's already doing) or unmask (thankfully, she doesn't have a family or friends vulnerable to kidnapping).
Or as an alternative, she uses a hologram illusion the way Samantha did on the beach to hide her animal features.
[X] Kayleigh
-[X] She's been surprisingly insightful before, it may be a good idea to make sure she hasn't learned anyone's identities, followed by asking (for a friend) how to normal teen.
[X] Cassiel

For no other reason than that I don't think that leaving the Friendbringer without player attention is a good idea long-term. Kayleigh will be fine, Mini-Ziz might go rocky.
Eh, it'll break the worst possible moment. They always do.
*flashbacks to all Star Trek and X-Men Evolution episodes with exactly that premise*
It's also a security hazard, simply because if someone else wants to slip by they can easily bypass some visual checks, as everyone in the know already expects that person to be covered by a holgram.

Sure you could fix this by adding something to the device to prove its validity, but it is still an additional complication.
Yeesh, thats a hard pick!

On the one hand we have Laura McShippingBait, who i want to see Taylor interact with more because they are adorably obtuse and Kay will squee if she finds out they had a late night rendezvous (even if NOTHING HAPPENED DAMMIT)

On the other, I feel like Missy needs more support and as her only friend (and a significant social investment on our part) we should be there for her.

On the other-other hand, Cass is great and other fics have proven that there is nothing better than shoulder-endbringers. Her potential for Unison is also something that needs more exploring. We also kinda need to get taylor to socialize with her more so she is nicer to Cass.

Argh. You know what?

Purely because i want to see Kayleigh find out and react. Maybe she sees Laura sneak back into their room and spots taylor, draws conclusions? XD

[X] Laura
-[X] Get caught by Kay
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Mmhmm. Oh, and now you see why I said your earlier analysis of Vista's social isolation started off right then veered off. She's been socially isolated since she became Vista in the first place; she only just now realizes it.

In many ways, this social isolation is exactly what groups like the KKK use to keep disaffected members from leaving. When you never even talk to people outside of the KKK, it is really hard to recognize how skewed their rhetoric is. Even when somebody realizes this and attempts to leave, they have to leave everybody they have a more than casual relationship with behind, as Purity can attest.

This is most likely a deliberate thing, to improve the odds of Wards joining the Protectorate.
In many ways, this social isolation is exactly what groups like the KKK use to keep disaffected members from leaving. When you never even talk to people outside of the KKK, it is really hard to recognize how skewed their rhetoric is. Even when somebody realizes this and attempts to leave, they have to leave everybody they have a more than casual relationship with behind, as Purity can attest.

This is most likely a deliberate thing, to improve the odds of Wards joining the Protectorate.
Theres actually regulations against this sort of thing...just that Brockton Bay is a Special Shithole.
Thats why Missy is having such a hard time fitting in here. They're expecting her to have some kind of normal social life and she doesn't know any such thing.
[X] Laura
-[X] Ask how she manages her cape/civvie life balance, and her civilian life generally. Shes been doing this a while, and managed to befriend a social butterfly like Kayleigh among others, after all.

I think Missy needs time to stew in her thoughts, Cassie seems to be having fun doing whatever she's doing, and Kayleigh is easy enough to engineer situations to Socialize back in Boston. Laura is harder to get alone to talk with.

We MIGHT want to advise her about the PRT Mages, but if we do that now her whole vacation will probably be ruined, so we should hold off on that until just before we depart.
[X] Cassiel

It's a really hard choice for me, but I feel whatever she is up to might be a better story to read, even if we get no direct, mechanical game benefit from it.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldenroot on Sep 19, 2019 at 4:57 PM, finished with 62 posts and 48 votes.
[X] Laura
-[X] Ask how she manages her cape/civvie life balance, and her civilian life generally. Shes been doing this a while, and managed to befriend a social butterfly like Kayleigh among others, after all.

Seriously tempted to choose Kayleigh, but my inner shipper curiosity about her won out in the end.
Y'know I've kind of grown curious about Cassiel's shenanigans. On the other hand I also want it to build up until the final chapter in this arc has Taylor and Missy panic about what she is up to. And then they discover that Cassiel was up to normal little girl shenanigans.
If we were to give Missy a mutagen, wouldn't that just isolate her from people more? It may not be a good idea, from a mental health perspective.

[X] Cassiel
If we were to give Missy a mutagen, wouldn't that just isolate her from people more? It may not be a good idea, from a mental health perspective.
Probably not? If I remember the mutagens correctly, most of them were minor and (fairly) easily hide-able, with social moving it towards the 'minor' side (how many social bonuses for Vista?) If you're talking about the 'I'm different', it's likely not going to be more extreme than powers and her arm.