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Albion's Seed is not a perfect book, but understanding its thesis is important to understanding American history. Despite the North American colonies along the Atlantic mostly being settled by "the English," it's critical to recognize that the "England" of the 1600s was not a uniform, homogeneous country. It had its own very sharp class, religious, and ethnic conflicts, to the extent that it spent a large chunk of the century engaged in civil war. And groups from various classes, religions, and ethnicities, even from within England itself, formed different kinds of societies when they sent colony expeditions to the New World... and those types of society are in many ways recognizable ancestors of the different kinds of social trends we associate with America today.
Ambiguously Canon Omake: Vietnam and Victoria
I'll put a double-bonus bounty out on a post specifically dissecting why Vietnam is a terrible basis for Lind's theories. :D

Same goes for a Victorian-perspective omake satirizing their viewpoint in the topic. Bounty goes to the first posted!

4th generation warfare was a weird mixture of German mobile warfare with assymetrical warfare, where the centre of gravity was not material, but mental. Namely the will to fight.

Vietnam is held as the exemplar of this.North Vietnam didn't lose the will to fight, North America did. While true, all this ignores WHY America lost the will to fight and ignore how Vietnam itself was tired of the war and Lind theories.

The first is to remember that American support of the war faltered only after the politicians did

The Tet offensive was never timed to concise with the American elections, despite propaganda saying otherwise. It is come at a time when Johnson was claiming victory was around the corner . At a key stage in the electoral campaign, the Tet offensive multiplied electoral challenges to Johnson. Nixon later sabotaged the peace talk and destroyed government credibility to win the election.

None of this was revolutionary. Sun Tzu, Confucius, Machiavelli, Caesar has all pointed how moral support for the war would lead to victory or defeat. Caesar stunning speech that shamed his legions into following him was a stunning case of how leadership win wars. However, Lind 4th generation war requires ACTUAL malice and propaganda to win this war. This is again, not revolutionary as the 36 strategies beauty trap shows.But the Vietnamese didn't do this.

They did not entice chennault or Nixon. There was the normal propaganda effort but no Russia bribed or convinced Conkrite. Jane Fonda and the messy propaganda shot was not successful in convincing Americans to withdraw. That was the Tet Offensive and it happened 4 years earlier. Post hoc examples is not proof that Vietnam tried this and no data exists to suggest Fonda and co was a turning point. Conkrite yes, but that was after American propaganda efforts got exposed in the Tet offensive. To put it simply, Vietnam shows that failing to maintain moral support loses one the war. It does not support Lind assertion that one can actively win the moral war via media, assymetric actions or etc.

The second is how insurgents could easily pop up and would cripple "maneuver" 3G armies. In reality, Vietnamese forces were always crippled after fights with American forces. Westmoreland strategy of attritional warfare however was offset by the fact that Russian and Chinese arms sustained Vietnam, while America never had the numbers needed to fight both the insurgency and defend the border AND defend Europe. With more and more troops committed to the Vietnam war, America would always notice that her strategic requirements in Korea, Europe and CONUS was being threatened, her armed forces worn down by the attritional war fought in Vietnam.

So yes, Westmoreland adopted a losing strategy. However tactically and operationally, the NVA and VietCong was always defeated and crippled by American advantages in firepower. They just didn't lose the war while America fighting would. So, light infantry and etc from Vietnam ? Pure bullshit. The issue was strategic problems, how America simply couldn't pour in enough troops and thus attritional warfare was a stupid strategy to adopt. Holding territory, heart and minds would had won and they did win the insurgency war in 72... Only for the NVA to invade and defeat the unpopular AVN. Proving that ultimately, Confucius was right. The three elements of a successful government was arms, food and support. If you had to sacrifice something, first arms, then food, cause without support, a government will lose any war. But Lind. Is wrong.

OOC: i know this is VERY late in the scheme of thing. Still, some ideas about Vietnam, 4th Generation Warfare and etc clicked and I present to you the ideologue counterargument and how a true reformer will fight against a counter reformist. ,politics in the 3rd Reich led to Guderian reforms being ignored by the SS after all, the Victorian state facing the stress of defeat would fracture into different political factions aimed to remedy defeat. Just as what happened in Vietnam, the Goldwater reforms and then Sprey and Lind "reformer" assault on the Pentagon, history can repeat itself in Victoria.

" Well Gunner, your letter was interesting. 3rd generation , reformers... you got my attention. Spit it " At the last sentence, the Commandant voice took on a sudden silky tone of menace, lashing what looked like a gross act of insubordination by a warrant officer. Did blood fail? Was he a orc ?

Alexander took a final sip of vodka. The die was cast. As Rumford had said, action, not words matter.

" Sir. Our entire way of life is threatened. I know I shouldn't know the details. But I do sir. And the reason why is the same as why Lind, Boyd and Sprey did. Because we were smart enough to see that we going the way the Marxists did.

Sir. Remember the Numero Uno? Don't you see the similarity between their plans and the 8th Division? A single charge that overextended and was chopped to pieces? The large number of transports needed, the pillaging and foraging done that turned Toledo against us? If Blackburn had been taught by Rumford, he would not need the artillery that the Marxists infected the old Army with. mobile defence in depth? That was 4th generation warfare. That tank charge? Replace it with T-34, a better tank and that's what Rumford did to those orcs sir.

Sir, Note that no special operations were used. Burns turned Toledo by throwing his entire army at us. When Rumford was in command, we dropped the bridges and seized the initiative, getting the Southerners to take out corrupt Washington. We didn't simply fight on one front. Sir, 4G warfare is fought on multiple fronts, multiple timeline with multiple forces. Burns tried to copy us through the use of machines. He took out our transports, our bridges so as to speak. he used defence in depth. But that is why he will fail. Because we are not machines sir. We are men.

Sir. The campaign shows two things. One. Our regular army, has now fallen into the same trap of being a statist based force. It's used 3rd generation tactic, in an attempt to inflict attritional losses on the enemy by simply charging them. Oh sure, we reach enough Lind to our basic troopers that they had initiative, relied heavily on maneuver to try and force a decision, but our generals has fossilised.
Two, our enemy is trying to learn 4th generation warfare. Sir, we are facing the first opponent to TRY 4th generation warfare on us. Their actions on the field not only show an attempt to apt Rumford, their strategic actions show an attempt to copy assymetrical warfare against us. One that we are failing to learn .

Sir. I know we are too inclined to dismiss the United States military. Infected by the Cultural war, it was a diseased animal that we, the Christian Marines put out of its misery. But sir. The army was first defeated by 4th generation warfare a century ago. We were not the first. In Vietnam....

Yes sir. Mention Vietnam to the army and they won't know it. Colonel Boyd developed his theories there by watching what the enemy did. The reformers used it to showcase what the new generation of war will look like. Non state forces in Vietnam. They tried to kill all the soldiers in a war of annihilation . More emerged, as our Army learnt at Detroit when it tried to kill the Commonwealth on the battlefield. Bombing was too expensive, wasting planes on ground targets at a cost 1000 times to 1, creating a massive supply chain that was vulnerable to enemy attack. The enemy air defence artillery chewed up lives and material, costing support due to casualties for no gains. As our airforce learnt in Detroit.

And the Navy... Sir. White Russia showed us the only way to defend against an enemy warship... Was a submarine. We instead tried to copy the old Americans by using our airforce to sink them. I have scoured the archives . Submarines were the assymetrical force that the Reich used to fend off the overwhelming navy. While Rumford had little to say about the Navy, his book archives kept mentioning how submarines are cheap and asymmetrical when deployed, how you either a submarine or a target. The Army has forgotten everything Rumford has taught us sir.


P.S OOC: It was fun writing this. Still, the fate of Alexander , who as a Christian Marine is obviously superior than that of a Army General is in Poptart hands. He can be executed. He a mere warrant officer , he should not have known the highly secret briefings that General Blackwell has discussed or the disastrous defeat at Detroit. Speaking before the commandant of the CMC was an execution of local initiative.... But Alexander skin colour is a problem. See. He might be an orc... A Black. Raised to power due to his loyalty and his family loyalty during the Collapse.

So unlike Lind and his reforms, Alexander was actually brave enough to risk his career and life.
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So anyways, when we put the Victorian troops, especially the ones that abused our prisoners, on military trial we should definitely record it. And invite the foreign media folks already present to the proceedings. It's both necessary and would be of good propaganda value to get it out there that we can and will follow the Geneva Conventions whether or not our opponents do. And if our opponents don't follow it then they get hit with the book.

Wait. @PoptartProdigy So presumably we'll be putting the Victorians we captured on trial. Will we have the option of inviting foreign media?

Also when is the vote gonna be open?
So anyways, when we put the Victorian troops, especially the ones that abused our prisoners, on military trial we should definitely record it. And invite the foreign media folks already present to the proceedings. It's both necessary and would be of good propaganda value to get it out there that we can and will follow the Geneva Conventions whether or not our opponents do. And if our opponents don't follow it then they get hit with the book.

Wait. @PoptartProdigy So presumably we'll be putting the Victorians we captured on trial. Will we have the option of inviting foreign media?

Also when is the vote gonna be open?
The Poptart pc fried. So we need to wait, I think.
Note reason why I've held off on posting Part II of my propaganda thing is that I need to know how we are going to be handling the propagand, trials, etc, before I can think of propaganda efforts for it.

That said inviting in the press to witness fair trials would be a good idea. As would building a case for the CMC being a criminal organisation. As, for that matter, would be putting some of the Victorian "aid-workers" on trial, arguing that they too are complicit in criminal activity etc.
Ok. Here's an omake, showing an AU version of Victoria Falls. Because I got inspired by the negaverse omakes.


On the 4th of July, Year of the Lord 2073, the world was blinded by a curtain of light coming from North America. And when the curtain disappeared, the world beheld:

[] The United States of America, the first 13 states and the Province of Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Victoria Gone: Victoria has disappeared, replaced by the 13 states of the United States of America, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
The Founding Fathers: The Founding Fathers are all still alive, available to reunify a shattered nation with their mere existence.
Messiah to the Modern Americans: You are the foundation myth, come from the past into this wretched present and erased Victoria in a flash of light. A literal sign of God. Just tech you up to modern standards...and everything will be ok from now on.
Carbon Neutral: You don't have any industry that would make an environmentally conscious world complain about environmental destruction.
Unbroken Agrarian Tradition: These people we replaced are idiot amateurs. Let us show you how to properly and efficiently farm without modern technology.
Minutemen everywhere: You have a proportionately gigantic amount of eager, patriotic militia for your population size.

Flintlocks: The most advanced firearms available are muzzle loading flintlocks.
18th century technology: You make even the most backward town in the shattered remains of the future United States look like a Sci-Fi utopia.
18th century infrastructure: Your fastest vehicles are sailboats. You are still limited to horse and cart by land. And what is an airport or an airplane?
Hostile Canadians: The Canadians are confused, and accuse the United States of whatever happened to them.
Articles of Confederation: The United States is still using the Articles of Confederation, and Shay's Rebellion still hasn't even started to make the call for change become louder.
Russian Menace: Russia is unhappy with the loss of Victoria. It is more unhappy that a reborn United States has replaced its top vassal.
Standing Army? Bah! Militia rules the day: You have a very small standing army.

[] The United States of America, the Union.

Percussion Caps: You are ready to produce modern cartridges with present technology.
19th century technology: You can comprehend modern technology with one explanation. There are analogues available.
19th century infrastructure: We have roads, railways, steam engines for trains and boats. Airport? Show me some building plans, we can try making one.
Existing industry: You have factories available for mass production.
Experienced Standing Army: You have a large, very experienced standing army.
Messiah to the Modern Americans: You are a myth, come from the past into this wretched present and erased most of Victoria in a flash of light. A literal sign of God. Just tech you up to modern standards...and everything will be ok from now on.


The Snake still lives: You have not disappeared all of Victoria. The Canadian parts are untouched by the event.
Lincoln is dead: Lincoln was shot only a few days ago.
Russian Menace: Russia is unhappy with the loss of the majority of Victoria. It is more unhappy that a reborn United States has replaced its top vassal.
Victory noped: We won our war! Why are we fighting the Confederacy revived but worse?!

[] The Confederated States of America.

Percussion Caps: You are ready to produce modern cartridges with present technology.
19th century technology: You can comprehend modern technology with one explanation. There are analogues available.
19th century infrastructure: We have roads, railways, steam engines for trains and boats. Airport? Show me some building plans, we can try making one.
Existing industry: You have factories available for mass production.
The monster loves you: Victoria loves you for your slavery of blacks. For being everything they delude themselves as emulating. They love you so much they will protect and uplift you. Even against Russia's will.

National Horror: I just wanted to have slaves! States rights upheld above all! HOW DID THAT TURN INTO THIS?!
Assassins and Saboteurs: Russia does not want any chance of a USA analogue to come alive. So here comes the killers and arsonists.
Black Man's Hatred: Every non-white American and Left and Centrist Americans still alive utterly, utterly hates you from the bottom of their heart, for you are the ancestor and inspiration of Victoria. Had you never existed, Victoria won't.
Slave revolt incoming: Your slaves thought you, white man, can't hurt them worse than you already are doing by enslaving them. Victoria proved them wrong. Now they just want to end it all, and drag you with them into death's embrace.

I did my best, but I just...I just feel I don't have the sense for making a quest, or how to properly do pros and cons for the USA of 1784, the Union and the Confederates in Victoria Falls mechanics.

What do you think of this AU omake @PoptartProdigy?
I love it! Non-canon, of course, but still good.

4th generation warfare was a weird mixture of German mobile warfare with assymetrical warfare, where the centre of gravity was not material, but mental. Namely the will to fight.

Vietnam is held as the exemplar of this.North Vietnam didn't lose the will to fight, North America did. While true, all this ignores WHY America lost the will to fight and ignore how Vietnam itself was tired of the war and Lind theories.

The first is to remember that American support of the war faltered only after the politicians did

The Tet offensive was never timed to concise with the American elections, despite propaganda saying otherwise. It is come at a time when Johnson was claiming victory was around the corner . At a key stage in the electoral campaign, the Tet offensive multiplied electoral challenges to Johnson. Nixon later sabotaged the peace talk and destroyed government credibility to win the election.

None of this was revolutionary. Sun Tzu, Confucius, Machiavelli, Caesar has all pointed how moral support for the war would lead to victory or defeat. Caesar stunning speech that shamed his legions into following him was a stunning case of how leadership win wars. However, Lind 4th generation war requires ACTUAL malice and propaganda to win this war. This is again, not revolutionary as the 36 strategies beauty trap shows.But the Vietnamese didn't do this.

They did not entice chennault or Nixon. There was the normal propaganda effort but no Russia bribed or convinced Conkrite. Jane Fonda and the messy propaganda shot was not successful in convincing Americans to withdraw. That was the Tet Offensive and it happened 4 years earlier. Post hoc examples is not proof that Vietnam tried this and no data exists to suggest Fonda and co was a turning point. Conkrite yes, but that was after American propaganda efforts got exposed in the Tet offensive. To put it simply, Vietnam shows that failing to maintain moral support loses one the war. It does not support Lind assertion that one can actively win the moral war via media, assymetric actions or etc.

The second is how insurgents could easily pop up and would cripple "maneuver" 3G armies. In reality, Vietnamese forces were always crippled after fights with American forces. Westmoreland strategy of attritional warfare however was offset by the fact that Russian and Chinese arms sustained Vietnam, while America never had the numbers needed to fight both the insurgency and defend the border AND defend Europe. With more and more troops committed to the Vietnam war, America would always notice that her strategic requirements in Korea, Europe and CONUS was being threatened, her armed forces worn down by the attritional war fought in Vietnam.

So yes, Westmoreland adopted a losing strategy. However tactically and operationally, the NVA and VietCong was always defeated and crippled by American advantages in firepower. They just didn't lose the war while America fighting would. So, light infantry and etc from Vietnam ? Pure bullshit. The issue was strategic problems, how America simply couldn't pour in enough troops and thus attritional warfare was a stupid strategy to adopt. Holding territory, heart and minds would had won and they did win the insurgency war in 72... Only for the NVA to invade and defeat the unpopular AVN. Proving that ultimately, Confucius was right. The three elements of a successful government was arms, food and support. If you had to sacrifice something, first arms, then food, cause without support, a government will lose any war. But Lind. Is wrong.

OOC: i know this is VERY late in the scheme of thing. Still, some ideas about Vietnam, 4th Generation Warfare and etc clicked and I present to you the ideologue counterargument and how a true reformer will fight against a counter reformist. ,politics in the 3rd Reich led to Guderian reforms being ignored by the SS after all, the Victorian state facing the stress of defeat would fracture into different political factions aimed to remedy defeat. Just as what happened in Vietnam, the Goldwater reforms and then Sprey and Lind "reformer" assault on the Pentagon, history can repeat itself in Victoria.

" Well Gunner, your letter was interesting. 3rd generation , reformers... you got my attention. Spit it " At the last sentence, the Commandant voice took on a sudden silky tone of menace, lashing what looked like a gross act of insubordination by a warrant officer. Did blood fail? Was he a orc ?

Alexander took a final sip of vodka. The die was cast. As Rumford had said, action, not words matter.

" Sir. Our entire way of life is threatened. I know I shouldn't know the details. But I do sir. And the reason why is the same as why Lind, Boyd and Sprey did. Because we were smart enough to see that we going the way the Marxists did.

Sir. Remember the Numero Uno? Don't you see the similarity between their plans and the 8th Division? A single charge that overextended and was chopped to pieces? The large number of transports needed, the pillaging and foraging done that turned Toledo against us? If Blackburn had been taught by Rumford, he could had not needed the artillery that the Marxists infected the old Army with but the mobile defence in depth? That was 4th generation warfare. That tank charge? Replace it with T-34, a better tank and that's what Rumford did to those orcs sir.

Sir, Note that no special operations were used. Burns turned Toledo, albeit, by throwing his entire army at us. When Rumford was in command, we were the ones dropping the bridges and seizing the initiative, getting the Southerners to take out corrupt Washington. We didn't simply fight on one front. Sir, 4G warfare is fought on multiple fronts, multiple timeline with multiple forces. Burns tried to copy us through the use of machines. He took out our transports, our bridges so as to speak. he used defence in depth our But that is why he will fail. Because we are not machines sir. We are men.

Sir. The campaign shows two things. One. Our regular army, has now fallen into the same trap of being a statist based force. It's used 3rd generation tactic, in an attempt to inflict attritional losses on the enemy by simply charging them. Oh sure, we reach enough Lind to our basic troopers that they had initiative, relied heavily on maneuver to try and force a decision, but our generals has fossilised.
Two, our enemy is trying to learn 4th generation warfare. Sir, we are facing the first opponent to TRY 4th generation warfare on us. Their actions on the field not only show an attempt to apt Rumford, their strategic actions show an attempt to copy assymetrical warfare against us. One that we are failing to learn .

Sir. I know we are too inclined to dismiss the United States military. Infected by the Cultural war, it was a diseased animal that we, the Christian Marines put out of its misery. But sir. The army was first defeated by 4th generation warfare a century ago. We were not the first. In Vietnam....

Yes sir. Mention Vietnam to the army and they won't know it. Colonel Boyd developed his theories there by watching what the enemy did. The reformers used it to showcase what the new generation of war will look like. Non state forces in Vietnam. They tried to kill all the soldiers in a war of annihilation . More emerged, as our Army learnt at Detroit when it tried to kill the Commonwealth on the battlefield. Bombing was too expensive, wasting planes on ground targets at a cost 1000 times to 1, creating a massive supply chain that was vulnerable to enemy attack. The enemy air defence artillery chewed up lives and material, costing support due to casualties for no gains. As our airforce learnt in Detroit.

And the Navy... Sir. White Russia showed us the only way to defend against an enemy warship... Was a submarine. We instead tried to copy the old Americans by using our airforce to sink them. I have scoured the archives . Submarines were the assymetrical force that the Reich used to fend off the overwhelming navy. While Rumford had little to say about the Navy, his book archives kept mentioning how submarines are cheap and asymmetrical when deployed, how you either a submarine or a target. The Army has forgotten everything Rumford has taught us sir.


P.S OOC: It was fun writing this. Still, the fate of Alexander , who as a Christian Marine is obviously superior than that of a Army General is in Poptart hands. He can be executed. He a mere warrant officer , he should not have known the highly secret briefings that General Blackwell has discussed or the disastrous defeat at Detroit. Speaking before the commandant of the CMC was an execution of local initiative.... But Alexander skin colour is a problem. See. He might be an orc... A Black. Raised to power due to his loyalty and his family loyalty during the Collapse.

So unlike Lind and his reforms, Alexander was actually brave enough to risk his career and life.
Hm...ambiguously canon, and quite appreciated.
So anyways, when we put the Victorian troops, especially the ones that abused our prisoners, on military trial we should definitely record it. And invite the foreign media folks already present to the proceedings. It's both necessary and would be of good propaganda value to get it out there that we can and will follow the Geneva Conventions whether or not our opponents do. And if our opponents don't follow it then they get hit with the book.

Wait. @PoptartProdigy So presumably we'll be putting the Victorians we captured on trial. Will we have the option of inviting foreign media?

Also when is the vote gonna be open?
Oh god, computer troubles made me forget the vote. You can invite the press to your trials when they happen, yes.

Vote's Open! Sorry about forgetting!
[x][ISLANDS] Assault. You are not actually sanguine about the possibility of resupply. You fear Victorian-flagged Russian weapons landing on those islands. Sure, Vicks aren't qualified to use those weapons, and rainy with a chance of artillery shells is not the ideal environment under which to learn, but they might get lucky. Of course, you will black out the sky with your artillery shells, but you will do so while landing troops as swiftly as possible.

[x][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
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[X][ISLANDS] Assault. You are not actually sanguine about the possibility of resupply. You fear Victorian-flagged Russian weapons landing on those islands. Sure, Vicks aren't qualified to use those weapons, and rainy with a chance of artillery shells is not the ideal environment under which to learn, but they might get lucky. Of course, you will black out the sky with your artillery shells, but you will do so while landing troops as swiftly as possible.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Assault. You are not actually sanguine about the possibility of resupply. You fear Victorian-flagged Russian weapons landing on those islands. Sure, Vicks aren't qualified to use those weapons, and rainy with a chance of artillery shells is not the ideal environment under which to learn, but they might get lucky. Of course, you will black out the sky with your artillery shells, but you will do so while landing troops as swiftly as possible.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.

A few weeks of bombardment doesn't present an unacceptable risk.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X] [ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X] [NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Assault. You are not actually sanguine about the possibility of resupply. You fear Victorian-flagged Russian weapons landing on those islands. Sure, Vicks aren't qualified to use those weapons, and rainy with a chance of artillery shells is not the ideal environment under which to learn, but they might get lucky. Of course, you will black out the sky with your artillery shells, but you will do so while landing troops as swiftly as possible.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[X][ISLANDS] Siege. Under constant, focused, withering artillery bombardment from naval and shore-based batteries, on soft, level ground, and with no real entrenching gear, the islands will be unable to hold out even if given an untouched supply line by air. Erode them over weeks of artillery bombardment, landing only once all activity has either ceased or been thoroughly suppressed.
[X][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
[x][ISLANDS] Assault. You are not actually sanguine about the possibility of resupply. You fear Victorian-flagged Russian weapons landing on those islands. Sure, Vicks aren't qualified to use those weapons, and rainy with a chance of artillery shells is not the ideal environment under which to learn, but they might get lucky. Of course, you will black out the sky with your artillery shells, but you will do so while landing troops as swiftly as possible.

[x][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
Voting is open